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JSA, Income Support, ESA and Child benefit all to be CUT

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And is there not supposed to be support for people with mortgages who end up out of work?


I believe that will only last for one year. Not sure if they will pay the whole mortgage or just the interest. Also there may be a problem if you have too many rooms for your needs, like those renting in the private sector which will be extended to council and housing association tenants next year.

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He has not gone far enough. I would scrap income tax for everyone and have different bands of vat that everyone must pay. There should be only child benefit for 1 child not all of them and it should be means tested. All disabled people should be checked by an independent doctor every 6 months and shoul be given a job that matches them, no benefits should be paid to anyone who has not contributed to the system for less than 9 years.


---------- Post added 05-12-2012 at 15:03 ----------


All claimants should be told to turn up to a job club everyday to make sure they are actively looking for work, they must stay

In the building for at least 6 hours a day. Retiner or finger prints scanners to be used. To identify claimants and who is actively look for work. No turn up no pay.


How would you work out how VAT should be paid then, I take it you have no children, or come to think of it any disabilities. I work 3 days a week now and see a doctor every 6 months, I'll never be discharged from hospital care.


My ill health has meant I've gone from 5 to 3 days a week, but you're saying such as me and others that are trying to get on should be penalised.


How do you propose that the unemployed go to a job club EVERY day, bus fares aren't cheap. Who will run them? why use finger print scanners, NINO's are good enough I mean there is one for each person in the country & each one is unique to each person like a finger print.


I'll admit some people don't want work, but some have worked years and find themselves unemployed why penalise them?. What should be changed is being able to come over here and go straight on benefits & getting a home. You advocate 9 years bit silly that; what if someone starts a job from school and has a bad accident & is paralysed so they got to wait 9 years, get real.


The law wants altering around Contributory & Income based benefits, at the moment it is totally against the working man/woman.

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If only!!.. sorry but dont people that work realise actually how bad it is for people on benefits? sorry i mean those on JSA. who only have well not even the bare minimum now to supposedly live on.

i can only speak for myself, but i am single no children, have a little two bed house, i worked right up until three years ago when i was diagnosed with server osteoarthritis in my lower back, which meant i had to give up my job ( that i loved).

i have not worked since. and not for the lack of trying!!. but now its 71 pounds a week to live on.

you just cannot survive on that, all of my life savings have gone now i am constantly in pain, i was on the sick but under new regime they put me on JSA. i welcomed that i thought i would get help to get back into work.

HA what a joke that is. employers just dont want to know.

the only thing i look forward to is eventually being forced into a wheel chair for the rest of my life.

and now i am in debt, facing eviction, i have nowhere to turn to.

and you know what i will just end it. no dramatics.

just when i cant bear no more that will be it.

but in the mean time people spout off about the scroungers, people living the high life on benefits!, god you must all be mad. wake up


That's a horrible situation, monkey69. Are you getting any support from anyone at all? I know it is possible to appeal against the decision to put someone on JSA from IB/ESA but I also know that some people feel so defeated by the system or too ill to go through the appeal. Are you totally on your own or is there anyone who can help you? Where do you live?

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If only!!.. sorry but dont people that work realise actually how bad it is for people on benefits? sorry i mean those on JSA. who only have well not even the bare minimum now to supposedly live on.

i can only speak for myself, but i am single no children, have a little two bed house, i worked right up until three years ago when i was diagnosed with server osteoarthritis in my lower back, which meant i had to give up my job ( that i loved).

i have not worked since. and not for the lack of trying!!. but now its 71 pounds a week to live on.

you just cannot survive on that, all of my life savings have gone now i am constantly in pain, i was on the sick but under new regime they put me on JSA. i welcomed that i thought i would get help to get back into work.

HA what a joke that is. employers just dont want to know.

the only thing i look forward to is eventually being forced into a wheel chair for the rest of my life.

and now i am in debt, facing eviction, i have nowhere to turn to.

and you know what i will just end it. no dramatics.

just when i cant bear no more that will be it.

but in the mean time people spout off about the scroungers, people living the high life on benefits!, god you must all be mad. wake up


You can appeal against being taken off ESA, but it is time bound I sincerely hope you get sorted; that is what's wrong now, its targeting the WRONG people.

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Can you not appeal the decision to put you on JSA if you are genuinely incapable of working?


And is there not supposed to be support for people with mortgages who end up out of work?


Well last week it was revealed that the government have approved that disabled people can be forced to work unpaid for an unlimited time or lose their benefits so I don't think they care if a person is disabled or not.




As for the second question, I think there is some kind of short-term loan that the government will give you that covers interest payments only. I think it's called SMI?

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There's a lot of Is and me me me in your statement isn't there? The fact that the Torys seized power and bribed the Liberals into government is cold comfort for most of us, especially in this region. Don't forget we're supposed to be in this all together, there is no I and me.


Sadly my post does sound selfish, but after over 50 years of Trade Union membership and not being afraid of standing up and arguing the fair way of doing things I am getting tired. My socialist views have affected my working life, if I had been a lackey I would have gotten further up the ladder and earned more income.

The Torys and Liberals didn't sieze power. BLOODY BRAINWASHED mugs elected them. These 'mugs' are the ones who care only about 'me me me'. I think I have become so dissolusioned with mans lack of compassion for his fellow man I think I can say 'Bugger it' and just enjoy my retirement in 18 months time. I will do a bit for an animal charity and a cancer charity, both are close to my heart, BUT, as for the greedy, selfish sods who vote Tory and LibDem then they get all the pain and grief they deserve. I shall then be part of the UK's largest and most powerful lobby, the pensioners. No party can gain power without our vote. It will be down to the younger members then, it will be their turn to fight the selfish Tory robbers. After over 50 years it will be "I'm alright Jack"..........

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When the only viable alternative was the labour party that was systematically running the country into the ground whilst removing civil liberties as fast as they could pass legislation I'd say that the BLOODY BRAINWASHED didn't have many choices.

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Cuts are coming because we have been living beyond our means.


To survive the austerity, its like musical chairs. When the music stops, you have to make sure that you are NOT the one person who doesn't have a chair.


The way to win is to ensure when the music stops, that you have a chair to sit on.


YOu have to approach this impending cuts the same way a 6 year old doe appoach musical chairs

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If only!!.. sorry but dont people that work realise actually how bad it is for people on benefits? sorry i mean those on JSA. who only have well not even the bare minimum now to supposedly live on.

i can only speak for myself, but i am single no children, have a little two bed house, i worked right up until three years ago when i was diagnosed with server osteoarthritis in my lower back, which meant i had to give up my job ( that i loved).

i have not worked since. and not for the lack of trying!!. but now its 71 pounds a week to live on.

you just cannot survive on that, all of my life savings have gone now i am constantly in pain, i was on the sick but under new regime they put me on JSA. i welcomed that i thought i would get help to get back into work.

HA what a joke that is. employers just dont want to know.

the only thing i look forward to is eventually being forced into a wheel chair for the rest of my life.

and now i am in debt, facing eviction, i have nowhere to turn to.

and you know what i will just end it. no dramatics.

just when i cant bear no more that will be it.

but in the mean time people spout off about the scroungers, people living the high life on benefits!, god you must all be mad. wake up


Im in exactly the same boat as you, i was made redundant in april and have found nothing since. I have not been on ESA and i am able to work but the difficulty i have found is that because of my experience im not even getting to interview stage. i cannot afford to eat and pay bills and i am having to add £45 per week from my £71 towards my rent. so in total i have £26 to pay electric gas my debts tv license and toiletries.

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I've never been on benefits of any kind I have never been out of work and always earned a decent living, I cant understand how anyone would want to be on benefits by chose,there are plenty of opportunities out there for work and to earn a few quid look around be prepared to have a go at anything, this is supposed to be one of the richest country's in the world why do you think everyone wants to come here, remember you only get out of life what you put in.

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