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JSA, Income Support, ESA and Child benefit all to be CUT

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this is supposed to be one of the richest country's in the world why do you think everyone wants to come here, remember you only get out of life what you put in.

people want to come here as it is easy to scam the benefit system, with free education,health care what more does someone from a poorer country want

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I've never been on benefits of any kind I have never been out of work and always earned a decent living, I cant understand how anyone would want to be on benefits by chose,there are plenty of opportunities out there for work and to earn a few quid look around be prepared to have a go at anything, this is supposed to be one of the richest country's in the world why do you think everyone wants to come here, remember you only get out of life what you put in.


While I accept no-one gets much without trying, I've known plenty of people who've tried hard and still not had much success. People who because of their health haven't been able to carry on working. Others who've been in the wrong place at the wrong time - think the recent failure of Comet? The majority of people on benefits aren't there through choice but circumstance, and secure employment is getting scarcer.

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I've never been on benefits of any kind I have never been out of work and always earned a decent living, I cant understand how anyone would want to be on benefits by chose,there are plenty of opportunities out there for work and to earn a few quid look around be prepared to have a go at anything, this is supposed to be one of the richest country's in the world why do you think everyone wants to come here, remember you only get out of life what you put in.


I would be so scared to talk like you do........just in case fate bit me in the arse! I have witnessed those high up the ladder, fall off it...........and end up with nothing!

It isn't allways about working hard for what you have. Sometimes our plans for life just don't work out the way we wished. Nobody asks to be made too ill to work. Nobody asks to lose their job and as a result their home.

We need to employ common sense and compassion here and each person should be assessed on their personal circumstances and not be automatically classed as a sponger because their lives have taken an unexpected turn for the worst.


I hate what this country is turning into. It's like "dog eat dog"..............but then again, isn't that what the government wants? Divide and conquer!


We need to support those that genuinely need support and we need to deal with those that are idle and feckless............but we must NOT confuse the two.


The problem is that it's much easier and cheaper for the government and it's relevant agencies to lump all benefit claimants together and then throw money at some other useless agency who will ruthlessly tell a quadruple amputee that he's fit to go and work on a production line in a factory!

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When the only viable alternative was the labour party that was systematically running the country into the ground whilst removing civil liberties as fast as they could pass legislation I'd say that the BLOODY BRAINWASHED didn't have many choices.


True. Its the fault of us all who were/are involved in the Trade Union movement and the Labour Party. If more people were active, went to meetings etc at grassroots level it would eventually stop the Parliamentary Labour mob from riding roughshod over their electorate. The Coalition are food at PR and spin, but not at much else. The present Labour front bench is nigh on useless, good 'ol Ed is about as agressive as a cheese sandwich and the rest of em are not much better. Cameron and Clegg leave themselves wide open all the time and all Labour does is sit and doze.

My point is that if the young dont get involved in active politics then we are doomed to Tory spin for ever.

In my youth, students used to take to the streets, demonstrate and make governments 'sit up'. This new generation of students takes to the bars and clubs and drinks to excess on their student loans.

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I would be so scared to talk like you do........just in case fate bit me in the arse! I have witnessed those high up the ladder, fall off it...........and end up with nothing!

It isn't allways about working hard for what you have. Sometimes our plans for life just don't work out the way we wished. Nobody asks to be made too ill to work. Nobody asks to lose their job and as a result their home.

We need to employ common sense and compassion here and each person should be assessed on their personal circumstances and not be automatically classed as a sponger because their lives have taken an unexpected turn for the worst.


I hate what this country is turning into. It's like "dog eat dog"..............but then again, isn't that what the government wants? Divide and conquer!


We need to support those that genuinely need support and we need to deal with those that are idle and feckless............but we must NOT confuse the two.


The problem is that it's much easier and cheaper for the government and it's relevant agencies to lump all benefit claimants together and then throw money at some other useless agency who will ruthlessly tell a quadruple amputee that he's fit to go and work on a production line in a factory!


Very well put. Sadly, as has been proven before, times of financial austerity see an increase in scapegoat politics.

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Are Trades Unions not a bit past it now?

My own particular interest in such matters was killed by the clown that is Bob Crow - A man who has no grasp of, and has never worked in (properly), the Industry he seems set on destroying....He's a nice chap though ;)

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Trade unions are not 'past it'. We need them more than ever, BUT they need bringing up to date. My own union, the GMB seem to be more interested in selling financial services than fighting for better terms and conditions for its members. Its our [the members] fault, we dont push them hard enough. These days I am too knackered [and approaching retirement] to care and the youngsters havent a clue what the purpose of a Union is.

All the youngsters care about is what the latest phone will do.....innit???


---------- Post added 07-12-2012 at 03:04 ----------


I've never been on benefits of any kind I have never been out of work and always earned a decent living, I cant understand how anyone would want to be on benefits by chose,there are plenty of opportunities out there for work and to earn a few quid look around be prepared to have a go at anything, this is supposed to be one of the richest country's in the world why do you think everyone wants to come here, remember you only get out of life what you put in.


Idiot, read the other posts on this thread. When your luck runs out, your health is compromised, you get a critical illness or a terminal condition you need and EXPECT help. Thanks to people not unlike yourself, the help is not forthcoming. With luck you will see the light one day and grow up. :loopy:


---------- Post added 07-12-2012 at 03:08 ----------


I've never been on benefits of any kind I have never been out of work and always earned a decent living, I cant understand how anyone would want to be on benefits by chose,there are plenty of opportunities out there for work and to earn a few quid look around be prepared to have a go at anything, this is supposed to be one of the richest country's in the world why do you think everyone wants to come here, remember you only get out of life what you put in.


Idiot, read the other posts on this thread. When your luck runs out, your health is compromised, you get a critical illness or a terminal condition you need and EXPECT help. Thanks to people not unlike yourself, the help is not forthcoming. With luck you will see the light one day and grow up. :loopy:

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Trade unions are not 'past it'. We need them more than ever, BUT they need bringing up to date. My own union, the GMB seem to be more interested in selling financial services than fighting for better terms and conditions for its members. Its our [the members] fault, we dont push them hard enough. These days I am too knackered [and approaching retirement] to care and the youngsters havent a clue what the purpose of a Union is.

All the youngsters care about is what the latest phone will do.....innit???


---------- Post added 07-12-2012 at 03:04 ----------



Idiot, read the other posts on this thread. When your luck runs out, your health is compromised, you get a critical illness or a terminal condition you need and EXPECT help. Thanks to people not unlike yourself, the help is not forthcoming. With luck you will see the light one day and grow up. :loopy:


---------- Post added 07-12-2012 at 03:08 ----------



Idiot, read the other posts on this thread. When your luck runs out, your health is compromised, you get a critical illness or a terminal condition you need and EXPECT help. Thanks to people not unlike yourself, the help is not forthcoming. With luck you will see the light one day and grow up. :loopy:


I can fully understand why people don't like unions, going on strike for better pay and condition used to work because there was plenty of jobs and a limited supply of labour, but times have changed and there is an endless supply of workers ready and willing to do the limited supply of jobs. Unions are past their sell by date and resort to name calling to get their point across.

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Not all jobs can simply replace skilled people with someone off the street.

And the reason that unions formed originally is still valid, so that the workers collectively have bargaining power with their employer. As individuals they are very weak, as a group they are stronger.

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