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Max Clifford arrested for alleged sexual offences.

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i think that is a pertinent point


irrespective of whether or not mr clifford is guilty of anything, in most of the recent cases, the alleged offences happened a long time ago


i think the question should be, what is it that stops people coming forward to report it at the time?


i am aware that in some cases people did come forward at the time but were either ignored or their claims were not adequately investigated, but i would hope that, if nothing else, the relevant authorities involved in child care/protection look at the systems and procedures and do whatever they can to encourage any victims of abuse to report it as soon as possible and support them through the process


hopefully the recent spate of cases being reported and investigated will encourage other victims that they will be listened to


I sincerely hope you are right.


The climate of poor victim support still stands today although to a far lesser degree. You only have to read a few posts from other threads that these victims are money grabbers, liars, attention seekers. Weird though how so many from so many different backgrounds and locality all have a few things in common regarding the perp. This is probably why the CPS are confident with proceeding.


If you've found it difficult to talk about abuse by a stranger then I can only assume talking about a family abuser would be amplified 10 fold.


---------- Post added 06-12-2012 at 16:21 ----------


It is odd that folks are also noticing that multi nationals don't pay their share of taxes after ignoring it for a decade or so.


The power of information technology.

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You only have to read a few posts from other threads that these victims are money grabbers

But the problem is that at least some of them may well be.


---------- Post added 06-12-2012 at 17:27 ----------


irrespective of whether or not mr clifford is guilty of anything, in most of the recent cases, the alleged offences happened a long time ago


i think the question should be, what is it that stops people coming forward to report it at the time?

Sad to say, the reason for activating such claims now may be that:

a. an alleged perpetrator is dead (therefore no risk of being sued by him for defamation); and/or

b. some solicitors and "claims management companies" incentivise claimants: disgraceful conduct on their part.

Edited by Jeffrey Shaw
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Sad to say, the reason for activating such claims now may be that:

a. an alleged perpetrator is dead (therefore no risk of being sued by him for defamation); and/or

b. some solicitors and "claims management companies" incentivise claimants: disgraceful conduct on their part.


A) The evidence against the two dead ones is overwhelming

B) Why would a claims management company incentivise anyone without a genuine case to go to the police? Criminal injuries compensation is buttons, and requires a conviction.

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A) The evidence against the two dead ones is overwhelming

B) Why would a claims management company incentivise anyone without a genuine case to go to the police? Criminal injuries compensation is buttons, and requires a conviction.


If you can start a mass action folk will come to you to jump on the band wagon. It can overwhelm a person's ability to defend cases and make an out of court settlement more likely. That being the case the claims company gets hundreds of fees regardless of the merits of the cases.


There have been many industrial cases, particularly industrial deafness where it is easier and cheap to settle than to actually look into the merits of any particular case.

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If you can start a mass action folk will come to you to jump on the band wagon. It can overwhelm a person's ability to defend cases and make an out of court settlement more likely. That being the case the claims company gets hundreds of fees regardless of the merits of the cases.


There have been many industrial cases, particularly industrial deafness where it is easier and cheap to settle than to actually look into the merits of any particular case.


You can have out of court settlements in civil cases. However, sexual attacks come under the criminal law and you cannot contract out of the criminal law with an out of court settlement.

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You can have out of court settlements in civil cases. However, sexual attacks come under the criminal law and you cannot contract out of the criminal law with an out of court settlement.
A criminal conviction simplifies the civil case (by the victim) that follows: the police do all the legwork for evidence and discovery for the criminal case, saving the victim thousands and more in PI fees and other services. That does not preclude a settlement, either.
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He is a man i didn't used to like,until i saw him being interviewed on TV talking about his recovery from prostrate cancer,his wife's death a few years ago and his daughter's disability. During the interview he got quite emotional.


Yes, underneath the hard-nosed exterior there seemed to be a sensitive soul

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i think that is a pertinent point


irrespective of whether or not mr clifford is guilty of anything, in most of the recent cases, the alleged offences happened a long time ago


i think the question should be, what is it that stops people coming forward to report it at the time?


i am aware that in some cases people did come forward at the time but were either ignored or their claims were not adequately investigated, but i would hope that, if nothing else, the relevant authorities involved in child care/protection look at the systems and procedures and do whatever they can to encourage any victims of abuse to report it as soon as possible and support them through the process


hopefully the recent spate of cases being reported and investigated will encourage other victims that they will be listened to


A lot of the cases are about children (at the time), who may not know it was abuse or understand the impact. Then when they do they may not want to impact on the community they are from, such as the perpetrators family, or their own family and friends in turn. By reporting it, it will become knowledge in their community. They may prefer people not to know about it.

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A criminal conviction simplifies the civil case (by the victim) that follows: the police do all the legwork for evidence and discovery for the criminal case, saving the victim thousands and more in PI fees and other services. That does not preclude a settlement, either.


That makes sense where the abuse occurred. However the original point was alluding to those where the allegations are false.


In the case of false allegations there's every chance the false claimant will end up in jail for perverting the course of justice, so why would they risk going to the police?

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