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Max Clifford arrested for alleged sexual offences.

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If that's the case then everyone is a victim, not just those victims directly involved. Many will defend abusers not so much because they are in favour of them but because they've somehow been duped for years but just can't get their head around admitting their idol has raped them mentally with lies and deception. Is it surprising the real physical victims are very reluctant to come forward.

Max Clifford has been realeased today,and is denying the allegations as you would expect.

He is no idol of mine,but it would be a sad state indeed if we were to view everyone in the public eye with suspicion or as a potential child abuser.


In general none of us wants to be duped,and allow ourselves to be deceived into believing someone is innocent because we have admired something about them.


If that were to prevent a genuine victim reporting such a terrible crime it would be a great shame.

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Max Clifford is the 6th person arrested since the start of Operation Yewtree and as yet no one has been charged.

He is under the "Others" group, ie. NOT associated with Jimmy Saville.


Stuart Hall has been charged with three counts of indecent assault on girls aged between eight and 17 between 1974 and 1984.

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Stuart Hall has been charged with three counts of indecent assault on girls aged between eight and 17 between 1974 and 1984.


(alledged) dirty barstool.


I couldn't stand his stupid football commentaries but 8 year old kids?


Due process etc but if proved hope he never gets out.

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  • 1 year later...
we still dont know exactly what he was accused of, was it a pat on the bum? was it full blown assault?


Read the story there's one account in there:


one girl who was abused from the age of 15 after she met him while on holiday with her family in Spain.


he asked her to take off her top and bra.


He later forced her to perform oral sex on him and indecently assaulted her.


Another girl, a teenage model, said Clifford groped her when she went to his office for career advice in 1983


She was told to pose in her underwear and told the court how Clifford tried to force her to perform oral sex.


Not just a 'pat on the bum'

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