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Time to let unemployed volunteer for workfare for thyself and tax them @50%

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Time to let the unemployed volunteer for workfare for thyself and tax them @ 50%.


The top rate of tax is on earned income is 45%, NI is 2%. The effective tax rate is 47%, every pound they earn, they keep 53p.


We should let the unemployed make 50p for every £1 they can earn on top of the dole.


If they make £142 in a week, £20.30 a day. Let them keep £71 and take £71 off of them. They would then be off of the 'dole'.


These people are now off of the dole and better off for it. They would still be on benefits, but millions upon millions of workers already are.


We could let workers volunteer for the same scheme, and reduce effective taxes for the poorest workers upon their EARNED income.


A reduction in effective taxes to 50% would probably lead to more revenue being collected.


If it makes sense to cut effective taxes for the richest to 47% upon earned income.


Then surely it makes sense to cut taxes for the poorest to 50% upon earned income.


The poor will continue to be taxed heavily upon earned income above the 'minimum income', but when we guarantee all criminals the right to life with a roof over their head and 3 meals a day, we must ensure such a life for non criminals, hence the need for 'minimum income'. - To be perfectly fair, it is quite apparent that the minimum incomes for some groups of people are already too low.


To pay for this we would have to cut something, for example working tax credit. The people on working tax credit wouldn't lose out as they already suffer taxation above the effective 50% rate, and we could always increase minimum thresholds to ensure the few that do, don't lose.


People on working tax credit would then have incentive to work overtime and take pay rises. Many people avoid overtime because they don't want to mess up their working tax credit claims. That's a crazy symptom of a messed up system.


Effectively taxing workers less would allow for them to spend more and create work for other under-employed workers.


---------- Post added 07-12-2012 at 22:15 ----------


You'd think both the left wingers and right wingers on here would support reducing effective taxes to 50% for the poorest.


Wouldn't that be progressive?


Socialistic, capitalistic?

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I agree and it would work, this is why I claim benefits and just work for cash in hand like many people now do.


What you've described is a kind of Basic Guaranteed / Citizens Income which provides a safety net makes it financially sane to work and rids the system of bureaucracy.

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Maybe one should think slightly differently.


The cuts in all welfare, including housing will make millions desperate.......many of the young will feel forced to commit crimes, to survive in their minds. This underclass, who are slowly being scapegoated anyway, called the undeserving poor, lazy, sky TV watchers, and all sorts of insults, create a new criminal class. That is how the governments with a compliant media will inform the ignorant population, in the not too distant future.


It is a simple matter of dividing a population, and making them fight amongst themselves, while all the time further cuts are made and given to the already wealthy. How come it is not realised this is a construct, not an overnight transformation, but a slow form of economic incarceration, and paves the way for a militarised police, to deal with the dangerous criminal element.


I watch in wonder as the pieces have been put in place, and continue to be put in place, and no one minds.


Austerity is not a 5, 7, 10 year thing, its permanent. How high is student debt to the nation and individuals, which cannot be paid back…why? Not enough proper jobs! We are creating debts, and these are for life. Expecting work?.... manufacturing as in creating wealth, well it is shrinking. When the city implodes, finance industry, that creates nothing but magic money out of thin air, called speculation, or moves, what then? They are not an industry, they are good at one thing, creating fraudulent products, that over time have less if no value.



We cannot just play war games forever, Libya, had to be followed by Syria, and who just might be next? Well its Iran, as if the sleepy did not know. Then there is the problem of China and Russia, they need to realise who runs the world, and its not them. They need to practice our sort of democracy, let our corporations do to them what they have done to us. So life is simple, just a matter of creating the means to get what the western block wants. We rule, and the rest service us, simple economics, they like Iran with all their natural resources just need the democratic form of persuasion. War or threats of war, sanctions, and the rest of our portfolio.


Who runs the world? The USA? UK? Well they have an input, but its the corporate world, the wealth creators of course! Have you not been learning and listening the last few years? Please believe the propaganda, as that is what it is, lies, sold as hope for a better future to a gullible population. Well that game is over for good, and just watch your money devalues faster and faster over the next few years, and maybe a currency devaluation too, to help sell cheaper weapons to client states, who need protection?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Maybe one should think slightly differently.


The cuts in all welfare, including housing will make millions desperate.......many of the young will feel forced to commit crimes, to survive in their minds. This underclass, who are slowly being scapegoated anyway, called the undeserving poor, lazy, sky TV watchers, and all sorts of insults, create a new criminal class. That is how the governments with a compliant media will inform the ignorant population, in the not too distant future.



But this is new since when? 30 years at least (if we ignore the Victorians).

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I agree and it would work, this is why I claim benefits and just work for cash in hand like many people now do.


What you've described is a kind of Basic Guaranteed / Citizens Income which provides a safety net makes it financially sane to work and rids the system of bureaucracy.



Am I, amongst others, paying tax to pay for your benefits???

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Am I, amongst others, paying tax to pay for your benefits???


Yes of course you and others are, I'd have thought even would be able to figure this out.


---------- Post added 20-12-2012 at 19:37 ----------


I agree and it would work, this is why I claim benefits and just work for cash in hand like many people now do.


-this is also known as benefits fraud........


Also known as living....

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