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Time to let unemployed volunteer for workfare for thyself and tax them @50%

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Abolish most of the benefit system, make all the bureaucrats redundant. Give everybody a set amount of benefits, just enough to live on & tax everybody at 50% of what they earn.


Just keep disability & child benefit, replace every other benefit with a single payment that everybody is entitled to.


No benefit traps there, so nobody is penalised for working by losing more in benefits than they earn. Everybody has the same incentive to work. No need to check entitlement rules. No such thing as benefit fraud (only tax evasion). Nobody starves or goes homeless. Flat rate tax system for simplicity, made progressive by the cash payout.



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Abolish most of the benefit system, make all the bureaucrats redundant. Give everybody a set amount of benefits, just enough to live on & tax everybody at 50% of what they earn.


Just keep disability & child benefit, replace every other benefit with a single payment that everybody is entitled to.


No benefit traps there, so nobody is penalised for working by losing more in benefits than they earn. Everybody has the same incentive to work. No need to check entitlement rules. No such thing as benefit fraud (only tax evasion). Nobody starves or goes homeless. Flat rate tax system for simplicity, made progressive by the cash payout.




Yes a guaranteed basic income AKA Citizens Income.


This is what legendary ex-SF Forumer Chem1st has been eloquently publicising on here until the over zealous moderation finally drove him away :-(

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don't insult me just because I value honesty and have a different view to yourself


And politicians, corporations, everybody dont lie? Grow up, It's only the underclass that talk about honesty.


---------- Post added 15-02-2013 at 20:10 ----------


I wasn't and valuing honesty doesn't pay the bills or help the economy like cash in hand does, and was just stating that those who are intellectually challenged grasped it in the end.


Back your stance 100%. It's survival in difficult times caused by people in power, not a time to be a martyr or slave to the state.

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And politicians, corporations, everybody dont lie? Grow up, It's only the underclass that talk about honesty.


---------- Post added 15-02-2013 at 20:10 ----------



Telling someone to grow up just because you disagree that honesty has value is insulting and says more about you than it does about me

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Yes a guaranteed basic income AKA Citizens Income.


This is what legendary ex-SF Forumer Chem1st has been eloquently publicising on here until the over zealous moderation finally drove him away :-(


Russia seems to be doing ok for itself on a flat rate on 13%. Personally I'm against flat rates as it affects the lowest paid the most and this is typically the group of people with which society cannot operate e.g. food manufacturers, shop asisstants and the like.

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And politicians, corporations, everybody dont lie? Grow up, It's only the underclass that talk about honesty.


---------- Post added 15-02-2013 at 20:10 ----------



Telling someone to grow up just because you disagree that honesty has value is insulting and says more about you than it does about me


So we have no honesty and you value honesty? what because you help perpetuate a system that systematically takes from / divides / controls the poor and provides for the wealthy? and then pass judgement on the op who is honest, and says honestly "I claim and work on the black market to survive"

Honesty to me is genuine love and support for friends & family. I don't feel any love towards the state, state mechanisms or fictional corporations.


Do you think bankers were / are honest?

Do you think politicians are honest?

Do you think big Businesses are honest and ethical and pay there way?

Do all these people have your best interests at heart?


Or would they really just see you penniless, homeless and broken if it suits their agenda?

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Originally Posted by Parvo


you can't help yourself can you. lol


Everything we do as individuals contributes to the zeitgeist-A bigger theory, and one I guess you don't subscribe too-I will assume that one with your mighty intellect and ethical standing would understand.


Understanding human conformity and leadership and how this is linked to economics is great, but the zeitgeist movement to me just seems like another student conspiracy theory, and they do need some realism, however i do not dismiss its ethics or ideologies .


---------- Post added 14-02-2013 at 01:40 ----------




Originally Posted by sheff1johnny


Maybe if companies had to pay their workers, this might be a good idea. POUNDLAND should not be allowed to use SLAVES.


Not saying i agree with the WP or Pondlands ethics, however there is still a cost in taking on slaves, and if more people was prepared to boycott these big corps or take them on in the courts like that student bird did then they would have to change their practices.


I think you misunderstand the term 'zeitgeist'. It had meaning long before it was adopted by mindless internet conspiracy theorists. I think the poster you quoted was using it in it's original dictionary definition, not commenting on the conspiracy theory.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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volunteering does give you experience


100% agree with you.


There's nothing wrong with starting at the bottom of the ladder and working yourself up.

Volunteering for a role gives you the chance to prove your worth.


I'd rather work for a boss who has started on the shop floor than one who has just qualified and given a managerial position.

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