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Crookesmoore School friends in the '60's


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The shop below the school I believe was on the corner of Albion St and Crookesmoor Rd. The guy I knew who lived there was Derek Tingle (I think) Across the road was another shop called Radfords! on the corner of Horam Road.

I obviously was a couple of years in front of you as I moved to Yew Lane School at Parsons Cross in late '58. I lived on Springvale Rd just below Ashberry Rd. and my mate 'Bubbles' lived on Oxford Street. We where christened 'Froth & Bubbles ' by Mr Wild because of our over enthusiasm. We both had the same surname, Hudson. Mr Wild had two canes one called Big David and the other Little Willie.

Do you remember them? I certainly do, I think I still have the marks to prove it.

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Yes you will have moved by the time we came up from St Phillips Road to live in the shop - it was around '62 - we took over from a woman whose name escapes me but I do remember she moved out to Wombwell.


Radfords was just above us on the opposite side with the brilliant hardware shop on the other corner.


Below that was a drapers shop and then the Ashberry pub on the corner.


The only teacher I got the cane from was Mr Breken - I know I had it a few times - and he taped the end with sellotape to give it a little added 'something'


The only kids I remember on Oxford Street were the Unwins and Dealtry.

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The shop below the school I believe was on the corner of Albion St and Crookesmoor Rd. The guy I knew who lived there was Derek Tingle (I think) Across the road was another shop called Radfords! on the corner of Horam Road.

I obviously was a couple of years in front of you as I moved to Yew Lane School at Parsons Cross in late '58. I lived on Springvale Rd just below Ashberry Rd. and my mate 'Bubbles' lived on Oxford Street. We where christened 'Froth & Bubbles ' by Mr Wild because of our over enthusiasm. We both had the same surname, Hudson. Mr Wild had two canes one called Big David and the other Little Willie.

Do you remember them? I certainly do, I think I still have the marks to prove it.


Bit of a long shot this, my dad lived on Springvale Road & his brother, they were Eddie & John Patrickson, ring any bells, I lived on Bannon Street when I went to Crookesmoor. :):)

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Didn't know the Patricksons on Springvale. I lived just below Ashberry Rd, and above Ansons Builders Yard. The people I knew on Bannon Street were David Nicholson, also in my class, and Sonia Cuneo, who's mother had vivid red hair and was a lady of 'renown'. Also I worked on the Ambulance Service with an elderly guy who lived towards the top of Bannon St his name was Jack, can't remember his surname but he used to drive an old black Austin or Ford.

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Didn't know Mr Breken he must have arrived after I left. The teachers I remember are Mr Wild , Mr Waterhouse, Mr Cohen, Mr Waldren. Mr (Pop) Edwards, Mr Woods and Miss Bennett the music teacher. Mr Woods and Miss Bennett (she was a cracker) had a thing going on, as they say in the song.

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  • 1 year later...
Do any of you remember the South Snack cafe and the junk shop next door ? 1969 to 1973 ? Who ran the junk shop. Was there a POlish guy living in Harcourt road who had a prossie as a tenant ?


hi my name is paul grubb and I remember the south snack café very well me and loads of mates hung around in there for about five years from 69 to about 74 and also you mention the junk shop next door the guys name was ian hunter wat owned it then he turned it into a shop selling porn totally illegal back then and he now owns Sheffield window company and is a very wealth man


---------- Post added 16-09-2013 at 09:22 ----------


my name is paul grubb I went to crookesmoor infants and juniors from 1961 t0 1967 or 8 then onto myers grove school and I left in 1971 does anyone no the whereabouts of graham stables and alan Thackeray I went to school with them and we wer good mates they both went into the army I believe in about 1973 I often think about them and would love to get in contact with them both so if anyone could help please message me back thankyou

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  • 1 month later...
Do any of you remember the South Snack cafe and the junk shop next door ? 1969 to 1973 ? Who ran the junk shop. Was there a POlish guy living in Harcourt road who had a prossie as a tenant ?


Hi. i remember the south snack cafe very well....used to play on pinball machine (golden city it was called) with steve armitage, they had highest score of the week prize (10 shillings?) it always seemed to be between me, i am dave poole, and steve. owned by some arabs if i remember. they allways had a card game going in the back.


---------- Post added 19-10-2013 at 14:00 ----------


I lived at crookesmoor and went to crokesmoor school in 1963 to 67. I was born in 1956 so was in the class below yours. I do remember margaret ward and pamela wait. Do the names ann hopkins and pat buntin ring a bell. Also steven bird and peter smith. The class tutor was Mr Burton.


hi. i also was born in 1956 and was at crookesmoor school the same time. (dave poole warrington rd) i remember all the names, i had a crush on pam wait but she seemed a bit quiet. Pete smith, great footballer and general nice guy...ann and pat were inseperable, went everywhere together.

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