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Can we trust William Hague/ US intelligence?

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Leaving the politics aside for a moment, do you not think it makes sense for Iran to invest its oil revenue in energy infrastructure, in preparation for when the wells run dry?
This is a fair point but...it also puts Iran's continuous interference with/refusal to allow international (UN) energy inspectors checking things out on the ground to validate Iran's claim that it's all kosher and above-board, in stark contrast.


If it's just energy infrastructure as you claim, what with so many countries (western and not) having civilian nuclear plants, why do all that posturing? Why not just let the inspectors do their round and report that it's all tickety-boo, nothing to worry about?


@Anna B - it's all about the oil & gas...when has it ever not been? :(

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You haven't answered the question - you've just go into another anti-western rant.


Why does Iran need nuclear power?


It has huge reserves of oil and natural gas. It has constructed massive hydro-electric projects. It is hugely wasteful in it's energy consumption - per capita consumption is 10 times that of the EEC.




Simply making itself more energy efficient would produce huge gains.

It will have unlimited electricity supply if it builds nuclear plants, makes sense to get it from there instead and will be cheaper..Oil will run out eventually, they need a long term plan.


I think they will build them anyway regardless of what America say and good on them, they shouldn't let a country like America threaten them, they hardly set a good record when it comes to war..

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It will have unlimited electricity supply if it builds nuclear plants, makes sense to get it from there instead and will be cheaper..Oil will run out eventually, they need a long term plan.


I think they will build them anyway regardless of what America say and good on them, they shouldn't let a country like America threaten them, they hardly set a good record when it comes to war..


Very possible that Isarel's leader Netanyahu will order a sizeable air strike against Iran's nuclear development sites some time this summer. :D


Mossad is known to be one of, if not the best intelligence gathering agencies in the world. The info their agents must be feeding back to Israel isn't fanciful, unfounded non fact based rubbish either. You can be sure of that.

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Fabrics I wouldn't bite if I was you. Might makes right The American way!


You're another one who apparently does not have a clue what the real situation is.


Obama wont attack Iran militarily. He, Cameron and all the other western leaders are dedicated to the idea of continuing sanctions against Iran until the country agrees to open up it's nuclear facilities to UN inspection. Any military action is completely out of the question unless Iran does something rash like suddenly deciding to block the Straits of Hormuz.


It's Netanyahu that Iran needs to watch out for. He is adamant in claiming that the sanctions against Iran are not working and is showing increasing signs of losing patience.


The Iranian leaders had better hope that Obama will do all in his influence to prevent an Isareli air strike against Iran's nuclear facilities.


Personally I would hope that an air strike does happen. You can make a monkey out of a man just so long until the monkey realizes that it doesn't have a tail and walks on two legs

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You're another one who apparently does not have a clue what the real situation is.


Obama wont attack Iran militarily. He, Cameron and all the other western leaders are dedicated to the idea of continuing sanctions against Iran until the country agrees to open up it's nuclear facilities to UN inspection. Any military action is completely out of the question unless Iran does something rash like suddenly deciding to block the Straits of Hormuz.


It's Netanyahu that Iran needs to watch out for. He is adamant in claiming that the sanctions against Iran are not working and is showing increasing signs of losing patience.


The Iranian leaders had better hope that Obama will do all in his influence to prevent an Isareli air strike against Iran's nuclear facilities.


Personally I would hope that an air strike does happen. You can make a monkey out of a man just so long until the monkey realizes that it doesn't have a tail and walks on two legs


UN inspectors eh! hardly going to let them get in the way of a plan now are they?

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UN inspectors eh! hardly going to let them get in the way of a plan now are they?


Just plead guilty to "I'm an opinion poster who just likes to rant complete paranoid nonsense without really having any shame about showing my abject ignorance on the matter" :hihi:

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Yes when you've already made up your mind when you ask the question - as you have done on a number of threads you've started - John Hill, JFK, Hollie Greig, HAARP, Common Purpose to name a few.


The "technique" of JAQing off is well known.




Crikey, who wrote that cack?

Sounds just like you gatekeepers on here.

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