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Can we trust William Hague/ US intelligence?

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I thought the post was clearly phrased in such a manner as to not require <sarcasm> tags. Evidently I was wrong, in your case at least. :rolleyes:


You need to make a youtube video explaining your post in excrutiating detail. About 25 minutes of talking should just about cover it.


If you're lucky, RT will broadcast excerpts, then they'll definately believe whatever you say.

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With the build up for UK involvement in the near future invasion of Syria, in the media recently we've been hearing things like-




"William Hague has said he has seen "some evidence" that Bashar al-Assad's regime is preparing to use chemical weapons against Syrian rebels.


The foreign secretary would not give specific details of the intelligence, also seen by the US, but said it was enough to renew warnings to Assad that his regime would face action if they were deployed."


Hmmmmmmm sounds familiar.


Not many will be aware of this scandal mr Hague was mixed up in recently




"it has been disclosed that the UK Government's Foreign Secretary William Hague together with Lord Douglas Hurd who was Foreign Secretary in Sir John Major's Government are believed to have deliberately concealed a shocking litany of compelling criminal evidential Carroll Trust banking and financial files which effectively impulsed this massive ongoing trans-national crime syndicate operation."

I may be wrong but I believe that William Hagues C.V to be made Foreign Secretary includes selling pop from the back of a lorry and apart from that nothing.

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Ok i`ll bite.


There is no such thing as international law.There are treaties and such but no body or organization that can make international law or be authorised to make it.Certain principles are recognised and those who violate them can expect trouble from other countries of course.


Any sovereign nation has the inherent right to change governments at any time by any methods without other nations having the slightest right to interfere no matter how unpalatable it may be for them.

Any interference is really an act of war.


Embassies are not foreign soil.

The reason for the misconception is probably that the Vienna Convention states that the local government foreswears the right to enter an embassy, and diplomatic immunity protects the diplomats working inside.

They just need the Ambassadors permission to enter.


If someone is murdered in the American embassy in Britain they wouldn`t ship him to America the British police would arrest him and try him under British law after he had been delivered to the door.

That`s why an office building can host a bank on one floor and and an embassy on another.


I`m also glad to see you support the very same people who are killing American soldiers in Afghanistan.It`s sectarian.The Alawites will not give up and the rest of the population is turning on the FSA which is going against everything the US,UK and Saudi Arabia want.

Syrians realise they do not want sharia law and an Islamic state.


And if a mob storms a US Embassy the Marine detachment which are assigned to all embassies, even the embassy in London have every right to repel them using all necessary force. There were no Marines at the consulate in Benghazi. Instead they were still at the embassy in Tripoli. There's a big stink over all this and a full enquiry will no doubt be occuring in the not too distant future. So you see.... there's more sovereign rights involved in how an embassy is set up and operated than what you think you know about.


Since when have the Taliban involved themselves in the Syrian revolution? :huh:


Assad and his regime have a long history of supporting Hamas and Hezbollah along with the other middle east trouble maker Iran.

So no loss to anyone when he's gone.... and he will go I can assure you.

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Assad and his regime have a long history of supporting Hamas and Hezbollah along with the other middle east trouble maker Iran.

So no loss to anyone when he's gone.... and he will go I can assure you.


what trouble has Iran Caused ? Iran has not invaded or attacked any of it's neighbours for over 200 years .


Some middle eastern nations ( no need too mention names ) have attacked invaded and occupied every single one of Thier neighbours .


People now days can get Thier news from other sources ,other then say Sky or BBC who portray only one side of the situation .

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what trouble has Iran Caused ? Iran has not invaded or attacked any of it's neighbours for over 200 years .


Some middle eastern nations ( no need too mention names ) have attacked invaded and occupied every single one of Thier neighbours .


People now days can get Thier news from other sources ,other then say Sky or BBC who portray only one side of the situation .


What trouble? Have supported and funded Hezbollah and Hamas for years.

Iran has engaged in a proxy war with Israel through these two groups.

Hamas is a group that advocates no agrement or peace with Israel. They are a "perpetual war' organisation.


Iran has also supported radical Sh'ite factions in Iraq and encouragedwar ebtween them and the Sunnis

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What trouble? Have supported and funded Hezbollah and Hamas for years.

Iran has engaged in a proxy war with Israel through these two groups.

Hamas is a group that advocates no agrement or peace with Israel. They are a "perpetual war' organisation.


Iran has also supported radical Sh'ite factions in Iraq and encouragedwar ebtween them and the Sunnis


Everyone knows Israel want's Iran taken care of, save your breath. :roll:

Link here to Israeli dirty tricks= http://www.salon.com/2012/12/10/israel_suspected_of_leaks_to_incriminate_iran/

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Everyone knows Israel want's Iran taken care of, save your breath. :roll:

Link here to Israeli dirty tricks= http://www.salon.com/2012/12/10/israel_suspected_of_leaks_to_incriminate_iran/


That may be true but Iran actively funds and supports Hamas. What prospects are there for any chance of a peace settlement as long as Hamas exists?

As long as the present regime in Iran exists then it will engage in a proxy war with Israel

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We're cutting basics services in councils etc, minimising the costs of others, people losing jobs because we, as a nation, cannot afford to pay off a debt but will spend countless millions in deploying troops & equipment around the globe to fight someone else's battles for them ?


We could afford to pay, we'd just have to give less wealth to the corporations in return for non-essential things. Pizzas, the x-factor, 4th gen smart-phones with hd cameras... my personal view is that these are less important things to spend money on than, say, saving the lives of millions of decent people from the nasty little regimes and dictatorships we allow to exist because we're too lazy to do anything about.


Ok, so it would take a massive reorganisation of our society, but then we kind of need that anyway.


---------- Post added 13-12-2012 at 22:39 ----------


I thought the post was clearly phrased in such a manner as to not require <sarcasm> tags. Evidently I was wrong, in your case at least. :rolleyes:


lol, had to check. I'm not actually sure how it was possible to miss the sarcasm. :D

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That may be true but Iran actively funds and supports Hamas. What prospects are there for any chance of a peace settlement as long as Hamas exists?

As long as the present regime in Iran exists then it will engage in a proxy war with Israel


Once upon a time we managed peace with the IRA.


Thinking you can obliterate Hamas and this will ensure peace in the Middle East really is pathetic.


Killing people creates more terrorism & martyrs.


Only when you sit round a table and leave the ego's at the door will peace have a hope.

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