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Anybody lived on Elm Lane Sheffield Lane Top

bri bloomer

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I remember Doctor Milfords surgery in the 60s/70s, back then you sat on hard wooden chairs in the waiting room and the doctor was just at the other side of the door in the next room. Trouble was he used to shout and you could hear every word though the walls, so if you had anything personal to discuss you knew everyone could hear him. Not good when you bumped into them again in the chemists.

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hiya Val where does your daughter live in High Green ,i live on Worrall Road ,where were you a license ,Bri xx


hi brian my daughter lives on greaves lane in the dip at the bottom of the woods then we have one who lives in deepcar and one who lives in tenerife , we had the dial house for years and the one before we retired was wincobank isnt your brother called george and a sister i think called mavis dont think i ever met her she would be about the same age as maureen val

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hi Val ,does the daughter on Greaves Lane live in one of the semi detatched houses by the stream ,George died about 20yrs ago ,and Mavis about 18months ,i have a younger sister called Ann she lives in Riverlin ,i walk a lot around Greaves Lane , Bri x ,


hi brian yes she does sorry about george and mavis i didnt know you had another sister maureen still lives on shirecliffe didnt you have an aunty that lived on shirecliffe road val x

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Hi Val yes my aunt Lil, lived on Shirecliffe Road just up from the cross roads by the shops where does Maureen live ,there is a post on sheff ,forum about Shirecliffe ,there might be somthing of interesting on it for you ,take care L,Bri x


hi brian maureen lives on penrith that post about shirecliffe was it about the school thats the only one I have seen have you got an email address or facebook val x

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