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Plans for "crisis house" for people with mental illness


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People with Schizophrenia are in every sector of society. They have high flying jobs like barristers, businessman, lecturers. Like all illnesses with the right treatment people are highly functional, work, have friends, family.


Unlike people with other illnesses, people with schizophrenia have to hide their illness from their family, friends and colleagues. Because they risk persecution of it is known.


Many people you have met through your work or social life will have schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, anxiety, OCD or eating difficulties. With good support and medication people with schizophrenia and mental illness are able to work and contribute in society. They have partners, children, friends and jobs.


They will all have a strong fear of being found out, being known to have mental illness, they will all at some point have hidden it in a job application. You cannot see it, or feel it. They will all have experienced discrimination. They have often had some kind of therapeutic input, so are possibly more self aware than the general population. They know the importance of looking after their health and mostly they know they need to keep their illness a secret. People with mental illness often tell as few people as possible and may not even tell their family.


By raising awareness of the discriminatory public letters, I have endangered the safety of this group of people, because more people will know of the house and location, which should be a place of refuge and safety, so that when people feel they need extra support they have somewhere safe to go.


And for this I am very sorry. People with this illness know they have to hide it. And I think perhaps I should have said nothing, because by raising awareness of the discrimination, I have endangered this group, shown them what people write about them, and risked their potential safety by making the location known.


I don't know what the answer to this is.

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I place people in crisis housing and we work with Rethink closely. If you're going to object to a B & B opening up close to where you reside then fair enough, object. But there's no cause for concern because these people are seen as 'mentally ill'.


Firstly, very few people who enter crisis accommodation have a diagnosable mental disorder. True, they will have had contact with mental health services but generally they're often people who are at crisis point in their lives for numerous reasons and require some respite and support - they know people will be around them 24 hrs and it gives them some space and a chance to breathe.


The maximum stay at these places is 7 days. Often they're actually empty or are at minimum occupancy. Lastly, people don't enter crisis accommodation if there is a risk involved. There may be 2 staff members on at night, often female. Services simply won't risk staff safety in those situations.


Lastly, if the individual is at risk to themselves or others, they'll enter a psychiatric ward as an informal patient or the Mental Health Act will be employed to section them. They're not placed in crisis housing.


All this fuss will just draw attention to the place. Really, you won't notice it's there.


Finally a sensible post in support of the planning application that doesn't use inverse snobbery against the residents of one of the nicer roads of Nether Edge. It's a refreshing change.

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The Crisis house isn't for people who are a risk to society, it's for people who need to get away from a home situation for a few days. The alternatives are

a) leaving people at home until their situation becomes so bad that they need admission to an inpatient ward

b) admitting them to an inpatient ward which ends up making them worse.


All this fuss will just draw attention to the place. Really, you won't notice it's there.

Exactly, anyone ever noticed the one on the same road as Rotherham hospital?

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The objecters should try walking a mile in the shoes of mentally ill people then see if they still object


There's a one-in-four chance that the objectors already have been affected by mental illness, or may be affected by it, in the future.


None of us knows what tomorrow may bring. It could be any one of us that might need the assistance of this crisis service tomorrow, or the day after, or next week/ month/ year....

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I heard an interview and feature on this on radio sheffield the other day one of the objectors pointed out tht they had asked the homes owners a number of questions and had asked for a meeting with them but they had - according to the objectors - refused.


In the interview with the rep from the home they didnt answer any of the questions asked just went on about general issues.


It didnt fillme with confidance

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I live 500yds from supported mental health accommodation. I had no idea until i started work for the company who own it. Ironically, i worked at a unit in the S10 area.. that I'm pretty certain most local residents have no idea exists.


I'm just saddened to see that such blatent, and inexcusable bigotry still exists surrounding mental health. God forbid any crisis situation happens to the families of the objectors. Come and move them next door to me, I wouldn't mind one jot.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...
I'm guessing this will not be the last time that complaints are made about this residential support centre!


Don't say I told you so but this place is back in the news again.


RIP to the lady involved and my thoughts and prayers to her family and friends.





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