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Plans for "crisis house" for people with mental illness


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I dont know of the property, I do know of nether edge though - and as i mentioned it is a good place to have such a facility


Some of S10 would be good too, though most of it is a bit isolated and suburban.


Id definately agree that a Crisis House wants to ve Detached though, the thought of the people there having to deal with the neighbours is too much to contemplate

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I dont know of the property, I do know of nether edge though - and as i mentioned it is a good place to have such a facility


Nether Edge is beautiful in places. Much of it designed by Wostenholme in the late 19th Century. And as mentioned, there are other similar type places in the area. The buildings are different though.


Some of S10 would be good too, though most of it is a bit isolated and suburban.


It is good for many people there. And not many people know about them, and I know it doesn't affect house prices.


Id definately agree that a Crisis House wants to ve Detached though, the thought of the people there having to deal with the neighbours is too much to contemplate


MH issues are, and perhaps always will have stigmas attached to them for some people. I personally think the objections are from people who are worried about their houses values. And I don't think that is something that they should be slagged off for. Everyone, and I mean everyone in that area knows at least one other place very close to them. It doesn't cause any problems, but one (or neither) are semi-detached houses right on the road front.

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I agree with Ash (a couple of posts above). I can also understand opposition to the planning application based on the traffic issues alone. Lets face it, we get plenty of discussion about lack of parking all across Sheffield.


The sad thing is that this house was used as a hostel for homeless women until earlier this year when council funding was withdrawn. Homelessness has been steadily increasing, so on the face of it closing one of the few hostels in Sheffield was a strange decision.


Most of the women who were referred by the Probation and prison services along with the NHS had multiple problems, some of which were related to mental health. http://www.gracetebbutthouse.org/Pages/HistoricInformationAboutGraceTebbuttHouse.aspx

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From personal experience of dealing with my fathers mental illness all of my life I can say we need more of these "crisis houses" in Sheffield!!


I have gone through many hours of sitting in A and E with my Dad to be told "sorry we have no beds in Sheffield" go home and a member of the crisis team will come at some point, not good when someone is unstable. My dad did once go to a crisis house for the night and I was so grateful because this took the pressure off of me he then was admitted to hospital.....in Harrogate!


Why do some people think people who suffer with mental illness are zombies? And Ive definitely visited my dad before at a secure hospital in Netheredge....so what's the deal!


I'm not posting to get involved in some discussion about "snobs" and how Netheredge is far to good to have a crisis house, just wanted to share my 32 years dealing with mental illness, wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy!


On a positive note my dad is doing really well at the moment, he has good and bad days but hey ho dont we all :)

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If it is really about house prices then I've got even less sympathy. Writing things that directly contribute to mental health stigma as a cover for fretting over exactly how many hundreds of thousands of pounds your house is worth is grotesque.


If the objections had been restricted to parking issues, fine. But they're not.

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I think there is valid reasons, such as increased traffic and the fact that it a semi-dettached house. The former use was a homeless center which most likely meant guests stayed for short term but longer than a few days, so not as much coming and going. Ideally you would want a detached property with a drive for parking and drop off, if there is to be a lot of visitors and health professions coming and going at all times.


If the objections had been restricted to parking issues, fine. But they're not.


I think like all planning objections people put personal comments in, even though they are told not to. I have a busy garage near me that used to be very quiet. It does not bother me in the in slightest however to look at the planning applications you would think they are the devil! :hihi: The comments are very personal however I do respect the view of the people that it is affecting negatively and as I'm happy either way it seems malicious to go against them, at the planning stage nothing is decided so there might be better options or adjustments that can be made (such as lowering the numbers staying at any one point) , that is the whole point of the policy.

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