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Plans for "crisis house" for people with mental illness


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I was horrified, and dismayed, to realise that the premises were formerly Grace Tebbutt House, and even more dismayed to realise that Grace Tebbutt House was closed down, only months after the Secret Millionaire programme on channel 4 acknowledged the good work that it was doing, and the Millionaire who supported it had provided such a large amount of money for said good work.

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The caring professions in S7


Many of these do charitable work for the city too.





Child law


Computer design

Cancer researcher

Head of pensions and employment

Local vintage supplier

Public school teacher

NHS consultant

Cultural historian

PR person who fund raises by holding house parties


Fundraiser through running

Another lecturer

Another NHS consultant

On line sales co

Head teacher

Mental health nurse

Local gallery shop owner

Legal services

Another head teacher

Director engineer

Care services

Legal advisor

Employment judge

Church fundraiser for homeless

Music technologist

Stay at home mum

E tech co

Professor of law


Thank you for this. It gives me a sense of horror and sickness reading it. Would this ever happen to people with other illnesses, for example cancer.

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I wasnt aware that I had to be polite to ill-informed people...is it a general rule in life or does it just apply to you?


It's a general rule in life. If you want to be heard it's far better to be friendly and informative. :)

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If it is really about house prices then I've got even less sympathy. Writing things that directly contribute to mental health stigma as a cover for fretting over exactly how many hundreds of thousands of pounds your house is worth is grotesque.


If the objections had been restricted to parking issues, fine. But they're not.



There is no excuse for 'racism'. Money in particular is no excuse for 'racism'.


@Nagel you may want to re-read your first post, that people have responded to. It is one of the most rude and offensive posts in this thread. Excluding of course the letters written by the residents of Nether Edge, which are as people have said some of the most 'racist' writing I have ever seen in the 21st Century. As others have said they do bring images to mind of night time fires.


One of my favourite songs is from the film 'O Brother Where Art Thou', 'As I went down to the River to Pray' And tho I am not religious, may we all 'pray' for a more tolerant and understanding world. god help us all.

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@Nagel you may want to re-read your first post, that people have responded to. It is one of the most rude and offensive posts in this thread.


I just reread it and I can't see how it's being rude. Who to? I'm not being offensive either, unless someone considers a viewpoint in opposition to their own as offensive.


I did find a spelling mistake though, and corrected it :)


I have mental illness in the family, so please don't lecture me that it's all sweetness and light. It isn't.

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Because I think the house is $h!t.


There are plenty of houses that are non-semis in the same area if that's the area they want, (and that would reduce the number of objections too); and I know that other properties which are detached have larger gardens.


A MH crisis place needs a nice garden. The garden at 29 is small and pokey.


I've read all the objections, and I think they all mask what they really mean, and that is that they feel their house value will reduce - and based on that, I don't think it's fair to name and shame as mentioned on earlier posts. I think that is a fair point - BASED ON THAT PARTICULAR property.


For reasons known to me, I know of most of the locations of similar places all over Sheffield, and perhaps some S10's would be surprised how close they are to them. (edit: not meaning you, I just noticed you are s10 in name - might have been subconscious :) I saw Fulwood mentioned earlier in thread, is why)


I simply think the property is wrong.


Probably comes back to the folding stuff and this governments lack of morals!!

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I would say that the fact that this is a semi-detached property give the people in the attached house grounds for concern, other than that the residents are over-reacting.


I don't know if at a centre like this there would be potential comings and goings at all hours? I'd say that there would be more noise / disturbance coming from something like this than a single-family dwelling, although that depends on the family!


There are so many threads on here from people whose lives are blighted by noise from neighbours. Often it's not even particularly unreasonable behaviour, just that noise travels through walls - music, talking, doors closing. You can put up with a certain amount, but if it goes on at all hours it gets to you.

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I would object if this institution was proposed next to my house. It's the 'crisis' part that's worrying with the threat of violence and disorder. Who would want to live next door to that?


I am sure that threats of violence would be dealt with either by the police or in a hospital secure unit,not in a suburban dwelling.If the next door property is a B&B or hotel with passing clientele the need for tranquility recedes.

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It reminds me of the film Small Island, written by Andrea Levy about her Fathers experience of being black coming to the UK in the 1950's at a time where signs saying 'No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs' were common on Boarding houses, shops and pubs. And it was very difficult for people to get even basic housing. They often lived in sub-standard accomodation in great poverty.


Any 7 bedroom semi-detached family house, fully occupied will make a lot of noise, and have a lot of coming and goings. A large family I know, has lived in one of these for 50 years. There are 40 people in the family, coming and going, daily.


I also lived in a large semi detached shared house as a student. We had a piano in the kitchen and stayed up late every night, talking and playing music. We frequently had 10 people for dinner. We got to know the neighbours and apologised for keeping them awake. They said they never heard us. We were surprised. We asked if they heard our piano and they were amazed we had one. They had never heard our piano. Old big houses are built well. And it is very easy to put a layer of sound proofing on the connecting wall.

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I am sure that threats of violence would be dealt with either by the police or in a hospital secure unit,not in a suburban dwelling.If the next door property is a B&B or hotel with passing clientele the need for tranquility recedes.


I couldn't find the neighbour objections yesterday, but I've found them now and had a read of them. I don't see how the application can be approved in the face of universal opposition from residents. Far better place the hostel/clinic somewhere where there would be minimal objection from neighbours.


I hadn't realised before that the same carity, Rethink, had been involved in Hannah Bonser's care in Doncaster. She's the woman who was recently locked up for randomly stabbing to death a 13 year old girl in a Doncaster park.




The court was told that Ms Bonser described herself as "a complete psychopath" about a month before the attack.


Miss Mallin told the jury the defendant stayed in Rethink's crisis accommodation in Doncaster for a week in January.


She was shown a log entry for the day before she left which recorded that she had asked to see a doctor to get anti-psychotic drugs.


David Fish QC, defending, asked Miss Mallin: "Before leaving, she (Bonser) said she wanted to be seen by a doctor, wanted some anti-psychotic medication and that her thoughts towards others was such that she was saying that she was a complete psychopath?"

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