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Sheffield Markets


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I am in my 70s remember all the old markets and am sure I will be able to change my shopping habits. Yes it will be sad to see the Castle Market close

but it is dying on its feet. Something had to be done to try and revive the markets and its up to us old uns to stop griping about how far it will be etc . when it perfectly easy to get about the city centre for nowt


Well all I can say is good on you, you write as someone much younger (not patronising you either), I do agree we need improvement but feel they could have improved the area round the market, rather than move it lock stock and barrels.


I dread to think what will go in it's place, once it moves, as I said the old rag & tag was great, I remember going with my mum as a nipper and it was always cold.:hihi:

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How right you are . I appreciate that Sheffield is a progressive City ,and a city which all its inhabitants can be justly proud . To subject it to change for changes sake is nothing short of criminal hooliganism .

"Castle Market " , is exactly what it implies . It is built on the sit of the old Sheffield Castle . For some new planner to come into the city with such a proposal is a wish to further their own career prospects , without the slightest regard for the city or its people .

Progress can not be measured in what it is to be, without giving regard to its history and , of how it has achieved its present status . Not to give that consideration is unworthy of the people who profess to show any interest in their so called " commitment" .

Planning in all other communities , towns , and city's encompasses every aspect of what was , what is and what is to be ,without going on the rampage .

The " Castle Market " area is of vital historical interest . It has vital connections with the Manor House -Not only geographical but Physical . Not only local history but national , as well as having a very poignant connection for the people of the city .

I would urge the City Council to give very regard to the the interest of the people and of the history of your great city , for that is what it is and , think very carefully before you take such a grave and irretrievable step of criminal negligence .


But there is no plan as far as I am aware to destroy the site of the castle,

in fact it is hoped that more remains will become accessible to the public.


As far as Castle Market it was originally built in 1928, virtually destroyed in the blitz. Rebuilt after the war opening in 1959, so the present building is hardly historic

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Here's the answer back from the council,


when asked about what the language was in the answer, a council official said we live in LALA land it's natural to us, best spoken with the fingers in the ears.


Such arrogance .

Could I perhaps respond , with less disrespect , that you might command some respect from people whom you are supposed to represent or serve if you did not behave in such a rude manner . However , you obviously enjoy being contemptuous of people with a view which does not correspond with your own . It is a pity that the council should sink to such low depths as to give a response such as you have . SHAME ON YOU.


---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 17:27 ----------


But there is no plan as far as I am aware to destroy the site of the castle,

in fact it is hoped that more remains will become accessible to the public.


As far as Castle Market it was originally built in 1928, virtually destroyed in the blitz. Rebuilt after the war opening in 1959, so the present building is hardly historic


You have missed the point completely . Weather that is deliberate or accidental is academic .What is more to the point is what I stated in my first comment . The historical significance is not only in the site , but in what it represents .


Perhaps you might enlighten us .

Is it your intention to reveal the sight to the public and ,to avail the sight to the archaeological excavation which, might give some solace to those ,who's opinion you seem disregard ?


This , I feel ,would give some consolation to the people who feel that they have been ignored .


Further , could I point out that , historically , markets have always been held within the precincts of a castle. This would be synonymous with the old " Rag and Tag " market held at the bottom of Commercial Street - Dixon Lane .


If neither are your intention then , I would suggest that your motives are as

suspected , that you intend to ride rough shod over opinion and views of the people of Sheffield .


---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 17:53 ----------


People are creatures of habit and will have used CM for years, it is an institution I can remember the old "rag & tag" and the Sheaf Market's. I'm afraid that Sheffield is losing it's heritage as well as it's identity.


Unsure how old you are, what I mean by that is younger people are more adept at adapting to major changes :)


Your comments in the first para . I agree with wholeheartedly . However , it is the sentiments therein with which I would wish to take issue with namely - the losing of its heritage and identity . That is the great pity and sadness .


All to often we allow our planners to destroy our history and heritage and subject future generations to learn from historical suppositions and recreations which , are totally recreated by the flowery imaginations of historians .


For the record I am 68. But I try to maintain a realistic view of history and

heritage . Some of which I am proud and some not so . However , I do like to keep it in some perspective and not to have it subjected to a distorted fairy tale supposition .

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Such arrogance .

Could I perhaps respond , with less disrespect , that you might command some respect from people whom you are supposed to represent or serve if you did not behave in such a rude manner . However , you obviously enjoy being contemptuous of people with a view which does not correspond with your own . It is a pity that the council should sink to such low depths as to give a response such as you have . SHAME ON YOU.


---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 17:27 ----------



You have missed the point completely . Weather that is deliberate or accidental is academic .What is more to the point is what I stated in my first comment . The historical significance is not only in the site , but in what it represents .


Perhaps you might enlighten us .

Is it your intention to reveal the sight to the public and ,to avail the sight to the archaeological excavation which, might give some solace to those ,who's opinion you seem disregard ?


This , I feel ,would give some consolation to the people who feel that they have been ignored .


Further , could I point out that , historically , markets have always been held within the precincts of a castle. This would be synonymous with the old " Rag and Tag " market held at the bottom of Commercial Street - Dixon Lane .


If neither are your intention then , I would suggest that your motives are as

suspected , "that you intend to ride rough shod over opinion and views of the people of Sheffield me .


I have nothing to do with the council or demolition or the Market or indeed the working

of the site after demolition. I am only posting from what I have read in the press releases and from the council plans .etc I am well aware that Markets have been held on the site from possibly the 1200. The oldest part of the building that is being demolished dates back to 1928 the newer part to 1959. The parts of

of the castle which are viewable from inside the present building are to be

preserved and hopefully more excavation and preservation will be carried out.


I am at a complete loss to understand what you are on about me "riding roughshod over opinion and views of the people of Sheffield me"

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Such arrogance .

Could I perhaps respond , with less disrespect , that you might command some respect from people whom you are supposed to represent or serve if you did not behave in such a rude manner . However , you obviously enjoy being contemptuous of people with a view which does not correspond with your own . It is a pity that the council should sink to such low depths as to give a response such as you have . SHAME ON YOU.


---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 17:27 ----------



You have missed the point completely . Weather that is deliberate or accidental is academic .What is more to the point is what I stated in my first comment . The historical significance is not only in the site , but in what it represents .


Perhaps you might enlighten us .

Is it your intention to reveal the sight to the public and ,to avail the sight to the archaeological excavation which, might give some solace to those ,who's opinion you seem disregard ?


This , I feel ,would give some consolation to the people who feel that they have been ignored .


Further , could I point out that , historically , markets have always been held within the precincts of a castle. This would be synonymous with the old " Rag and Tag " market held at the bottom of Commercial Street - Dixon Lane .


If neither are your intention then , I would suggest that your motives are as

suspected , that you intend to ride rough shod over opinion and views of the people of Sheffield .


---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 17:53 ----------



Your comments in the first para . I agree with wholeheartedly . However , it is the sentiments therein with which I would wish to take issue with namely - the losing of its heritage and identity . That is the great pity and sadness .


I am lost as to why you wish to take issue with me over that, as I am stating it is criminal that its happening, I don't agree with it.

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I have nothing to do with the council or demolition or the Market or indeed the working

of the site after demolition. I am only posting from what I have read in the press releases and from the council plans .etc I am well aware that Markets have been held on the site from possibly the 1200. The oldest part of the building that is being demolished dates back to 1928 the newer part to 1959. The parts of

of the castle which are viewable from inside the present building are to be

preserved and hopefully more excavation and preservation will be carried out.


I am at a complete loss to understand what you are on about me "riding roughshod over opinion and views of the people of Sheffield me"


My apologies .

I obviously got hold of the wrong end of the stick .I thought that the LA LA bit had come from some one at the council .

I take your point and am fully aware of the more recent historical significance . What I was responding to was the more historical importance of the site .

Again , I do apologise .


---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 18:22 ----------


Such arrogance .

Could I perhaps respond , with less disrespect , that you might command some respect from people whom you are supposed to represent or serve if you did not behave in such a rude manner . However , you obviously enjoy being contemptuous of people with a view which does not correspond with your own . It is a pity that the council should sink to such low depths as to give a response such as you have . SHAME ON YOU.


---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 17:27 ----------



You have missed the point completely . Weather that is deliberate or accidental is academic .What is more to the point is what I stated in my first comment . The historical significance is not only in the site , but in what it represents .


Perhaps you might enlighten us .

Is it your intention to reveal the sight to the public and ,to avail the sight to the archaeological excavation which, might give some solace to those ,who's opinion you seem disregard ?


This , I feel ,would give some consolation to the people who feel that they have been ignored .


Further , could I point out that , historically , markets have always been held within the precincts of a castle. This would be synonymous with the old " Rag and Tag " market held at the bottom of Commercial Street - Dixon Lane .


If neither are your intention then , I would suggest that your motives are as

suspected , that you intend to ride rough shod over opinion and views of the people of Sheffield .


---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 17:53 ----------



Your comments in the first para . I agree with wholeheartedly . However , it is the sentiments therein with which I would wish to take issue with namely - the losing of its heritage and identity . That is the great pity and sadness .


I am lost as to why you wish to take issue with me over that, as I am stating it is criminal that its happening, I don't agree with it.


We are at cross purposes . See my last response . you are quiteright.

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My apologies .

I obviously got hold of the wrong end of the stick .I thought that the LA LA bit had come from some one at the council .

I take your point and am fully aware of the more recent historical significance . What I was responding to was the more historical importance of the site .

Again , I do apologise .


---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 18:22 ----------



We are at cross purposes . See my last response . you are quiteright.


I thought so :hihi:

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hope you got some great stories


Yes thankyou, so far we have recorded some great memories. There are people who hate the market yet have such fond recollections of it. It has also been fantastic meeting both the traders and shoppers who have all been really friendly and who have shared their stories with us. We will be back there again in February. I'll share the date on here when I know for sure. :)

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