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Should those who object to the helping of others be punished

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NIMBYs are everywhere. They have it good, whilst others do not. These are people who have an advantage over others, mostly those with freehold property.


These people benefit from having security of tenure and a roof over their heads, yet they often object to the same security of tenure and shelter being available to others.


They are alright Jack Jones. And often end up on their own (society naturally punishes them in this respect).


Surely we should we punish them through taxation, to encourage good behaviour and a society where people have equality of opportunity.


People with freehold tenure homes and no mortgages upon them will often object to new housing, they will object to housing for disadvantaged groups, the homeless, the mentally ill, the disabled, the young and immigrants.


They fear that allowing for others to be housed will affect their property prices, which is quite true. Much like hoarding all the food and refusing to share it, will lead to starvation and an increase in food prices.


These people wish to protect and strengthen their position at the expense of others. This is not capitalism. These people are oligopolistic.


They might be trying to ensure they benefit in multiple ways by objecting to projects which benefit others. For example, doctors could oppose housing for the mentally ill (poor housing is a well known cause of both mental and physical illness - those without any housing die very young indeed!). So by opposing housing for the mentally ill, they can ensure their property price remains high, and that mental illness is commonplace, thus guaranteeing themselves employment (they have no real incentive to cure their customers as they would be put out of business!).


In some respects, the desire to better oneself is quite natural, but to do it at another's expense is clearly wrong, however there is nothing to discourage you from bettering yourself at the expense of others.


Suppose we had a tax on property, would NIMBYs object to the housing of others, if they knew it meant property prices increased and they had to pay extra tax, which could hen be used to deal with social problems resulting from a lack of housing...

If we had a property tax, there would be no incentive for the NIMBYs to object to the housing of others, and cause social problems in the first place.


Currently we do not, and so these people campaign against helping others for their own benefit. Surely we should punish people for opposing the helping of others, or change the tax system so that these people do not oppose the helping of others in the first place.


What do you think?

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Why don't you try and cover several subjects in one post?


Oh, you just did


---------- Post added 11-12-2012 at 19:08 ----------


If you thought a little bit more about what you post, and eidited it accordingly you may actually get some people to agree with you......


But dropping the odd nugget of sense in with a mass of lunacy is doing no-one any favours

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Is this in response to the thread about NIMBYS wanting to block the proposal of turning a residential house into a crisis house? http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1094983


No they shouldn't be punished....In the above instance, one of the objectors may need the service in the future, and will be glad they don't have to travel far....

On a more general point I'm sure there are plenty of people in middle class professions who were made unemployed in the recession just gone, who believed that they would be immune from redundancy; and believed that the unemployed were scroungers and living the life of riley.

Of course direct experience is the best antidote to those prejudices - but I wouldn't stop them getting the help they're entitled to.

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I agree with chem1st it is nimbys and fashionable middle class eco -warrior types who are very selfish and so darm hypocrititcal it beggars belief!


They'll always object to any new development and forget that the suburban homes they live in now will have been designated green belt at one time.


Middle class lefties also worship BME's who inadvertently can drive down wages, put more strain of local services and increase the scarcity and housing costs for working class communities, naturally immigration is a concern but MCL's just shun them as racists.


A good example is just recently there was thread objecting a strip of grass been tarmaced when less then 2.7% of the uk is built upon!

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