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Should those who object to the helping of others be punished

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They'll always object to any new development and forget that the suburban homes they live in now will have been designated green belt at one time.


Er, probably not, depending on how old they are. I object to green field developments when there's so many brown field sites waiting to be used.

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I wonder about this. Why is it that some people feel no empathy for others. I know developmentally that empathy begins at about the age of 4, and that to have empathy one must have social imagination. I also know that people who 'Identify with the aggressor' and beat people because they were beaten and 'it didn't do me any harm' are out of touch with how it FELT when they were beaten. And that if you can put them in touch with how it FELT to be beaten/humiliated/ridiculed at a younger age then they don't do it anymore.


But I am still puzzled why people do not feel empathy for people in more difficult/vulnerable situations than themselves. Is it that they are supremely confident that it could never happen to them? That they could never become poor/unemployed/ill?


Or is it that they have total confidence that their family or friends would look after them if they did become poor/unemployed/ill and so they would not have to live on the streets/in poverty/on benefits.


They clearly must have a very strong belief that it will not happen to them. With reference to mental health they clearly believe it could never happen to them. Yet mental illness can happen to anyone at any time as can any illness. People can have a nervous breakdown at any time. Particularly the wealthy, overworked, stressed. High flyers get bipolar too, as well as depression, anxiety, anorexia and all other forms of illness.


Just as someone can be run over in a second, even the winner of Olympic Gold medals.


Within any family children can become ill in a second, all kinds of illness, mental and physical. It could happen to you. And then suddenly you are in the position of being vilified.

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