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Help with tinnitus

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I'm really struggling today with my tinnitus. I watched the last part of Homeland earlier on and that includes a bomb going off and the following few minutes of footage has a tinnitus tone on the soundtrack which is the same frequency as my own, and it's set it off hugely.


I spend my days studiously ignoring my tinnitus, even down to not thinking about the word tinnitus because that makes it come back into my consciousness, but this took me by surprise damn it. If I'd have known that it was going to happen I'd have watched that part on subtitles with the sound muted, but by the time I knew anything about it I'd already got it back.


Everybody else who struggles with tinnitus on a daily basis has my sympathy because I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

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Medusa you have my sympathies, I'm on medication for Meniere's/vertigo as I had terrible dizziness and sounds in my ears. Its helped the dizziness a lot but I'm stuck with a noise in my ears that sounds like rushing air, or the central heating being on.


My hearing has also deteriorated dramatically and I've just bought 2 hearing aids, I can cope with having the hearing aids but the sounds in my ears & head do my bonce in, I do try to forget about it but not always easy.

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Unfortunately mine was caused by some of my medication and it's now permanent. Mine is a high pitched whistle, exactly like the sound made by an elderly cathode ray tube TV that's on its way out (which is why we changed the TV- my OH got very fed up of me refusing to turn it on) and for much of the time it's much worse in my left ear than my right.


I don't know how I'd cope with my hearing deteriorating really badly, so you have my respect on that one. I'm already protecting my hearing when going anywhere even reasonably loud because of both the pain that is caused with acute tinnitus when loud noises happen and the days afterwards of dreadful tinnitus. I'm the person who puts in ear plugs before going to the cinema, gigs or loud pubs.

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Unfortunately mine was caused by some of my medication and it's now permanent. Mine is a high pitched whistle, exactly like the sound made by an elderly cathode ray tube TV that's on its way out (which is why we changed the TV- my OH got very fed up of me refusing to turn it on) and for much of the time it's much worse in my left ear than my right.


I don't know how I'd cope with my hearing deteriorating really badly, so you have my respect on that one. I'm already protecting my hearing when going anywhere even reasonably loud because of both the pain that is caused with acute tinnitus when loud noises happen and the days afterwards of dreadful tinnitus. I'm the person who puts in ear plugs before going to the cinema, gigs or loud pubs.

Medusa ... been off my comp for a week (Christmas and all that) and read your post. Tried to PM you, but can't. I'm trying to collect information relating to tinnitus ... I'm studying it to the best of my abilities. Without going into any detail, is there any way I can talk to you about this apart from using this thread?


I'm asking this, because I realise some things can't be said on here and knowing you're pretty intellectual, would appreciate some/any input. I'm not as stupid as I like to make myself seem on here.

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How did you find the NHS custom fit white noise generators?


There is a local group who may be able to help, Sheffield Tinnitus Association. There will probably be many people who would talk to you about their Tinnitus. They meet in the afternoon at Saint Matthew's on Carver Street once a month on the 2nd Wednesday.


One of the therapists who talked at the British Tinnitus Assocation conference a couple of years ago said they can't stop the waves but they can teach you to surf! There may be more info on the BTA website.


A lass at Nottingham Uni has been looking to recruit Tinnitus sufferers to carry out MRI scanns. Please PM me if you would like me to dig out the details.


All the best :)

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My dad has been suffering with tinnitus for many years, after working his whole life in engineering factories. He recently had a very bad attack of vertigo. His doctor has recommended several things to try and help manage it, including a course of physiotherapy, which goes through neck movements etc, so far, he says it is helping a little and is hopeful it might reduce the effects of the tinnitus in the long erm (he's only just started with the physio)

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A lass at Nottingham Uni has been looking to recruit Tinnitus sufferers to carry out MRI scanns. Please PM me if you would like me to dig out the details.


All the best :)


Great- MRIs are so noisy that you come out with tinnitus even if you're wearing really good ear plugs in there.

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Sorry, my inbox is closed to incoming messages because of the number of people who try to use it when they should be using the Helpdesk or reporting system.


I can be contacted on my email though- I'm on medusa@s-f.co.uk :)


Tried sending e-mail (at length). Not allowed. I'll try later. :)

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