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Gay marriage to be made illegal in Churches (?)

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You must be havin' a laaaaarf, this is Mr.Smith/Maxmaximus we're talking about. "Straight forward" means avoid, ignore, wriggle and squirm in his dictionary


---------- Post added 14-12-2012 at 21:22 ----------


Have you told your wife that? Or are you no longer married?


---------- Post added 14-12-2012 at 21:23 ----------



Eh ?


---------- Post added 14-12-2012 at 21:28 ----------


Had anyone on this thread attempted to stifle debate by calling people homophobic, prior to your comment?


---------- Post added 14-12-2012 at 21:33 ----------


HAH! Hi5 :hihi:

I should read my own links more thoroughly, does this mean that they aren't talking about common law of the land then?


Hmm, I've been to a few C of E weddings and never heard this promise made, under what wordplay is it guised?


so what about people who just don't want to have children, are they refused a wedding?


Maybe they should have something different for couples who don't want kids too


They do say something in the service in the catholic church about welcoming and accepting any children that may come into the union (I was married in a Catholic church as my husband is one). But it was mainly done at our wedding, and I believe in the C of E when it used to happen, in the pre marriage interviews when the priest interviews you about getting married. I know you don't have to promise this in the C of E anymore.


And yes, from what I've read up on it my understanding is that rather than there being a law saying 'Gay marriages are banned in the C of E" it will say, "The C of E will continue to follow canon law" which currently says that gay marriage is banned. So it would be a matter of the church changing it's own canon law to legalise it should they want to.


---------- Post added 14-12-2012 at 23:32 ----------


Sorry Roots Booster. Forgot to add that strictly speaking in the Catholic church if you say you don't want kids they shouldn't marry you. After all you are supposed to consummate the marriage for it to be valid and you are not allowed to use contraception. Not sure if this used to be the case with C of E but certainly is not now.

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I don't think it is anything to do with having a belief in God, one couple that don't believe in God can get married in church because it’s not a sin in the eyes of God and there is always the chance one day they might have faith, but they see same sex sex as a sin so they would be condoning that sin by allowing them to be married and blessed by the church.


So, when I asked


Who do you mean by 'they'?


you answered

Whoever is of the opinion that same sex sex is a sin.


Therefore, by your own admission, they = whoever is of the opinion that same sex sex is a sin.


If that is true and we replace they with whoever is of the opinion that same sex sex is a sin we get the following -


but whoever is of the opinion that same sex sex is a sin sees same sex sex as a sin so whoever is of the opinion that same sex sex is a sin would be condoning that sin by allowing them to be married and blessed by the church.


Are you going to stand by that as what you originally intended? Or did you originally mean the clergy when you wrote they and now don't want to admit it?

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I'm still a little confused as to what this has to do with a) my saying that non religious and people of other faiths are allowed to get married in CofE Churches but not gay people seeming to be hypocritical and b) your statement that people didn't 'used' to have sex before marriage.


Also while we're on the subject do you have any idea how the consumation of marriage ideal came about in the Church? Is it scripturally based or post scriptural doctrine?


I'm sorry but I'm incapable of making it any easier for you to understand.


---------- Post added 15-12-2012 at 08:21 ----------


So, when I asked




you answered



Therefore, by your own admission, they = whoever is of the opinion that same sex sex is a sin.


If that is true and we replace they with whoever is of the opinion that same sex sex is a sin we get the following -


but whoever is of the opinion that same sex sex is a sin sees same sex sex as a sin so whoever is of the opinion that same sex sex is a sin would be condoning that sin by allowing them to be married and blessed by the church.


Sorry but that English lesson went way over my head.:confused:


Are you going to stand by that as what you originally intended? Or did you originally mean the clergy when you wrote they and now don't want to admit it?


It’s not just the clergy that think same sex sex is a sin, many people with faith in God think it’s a sin, but not all, and it’s most likely something they have been taught to think, but as we allow religious freedom they are entitled to hold that belief.

I know several people of faith that believe it is a sin have sex out of wedlock and see marriage as an extension of their faith, they also believe that it would be a sin to have sex with someone of the same sex. I don’t share their belief but I don't let it affect our friendship.

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So you've changed your mind on Cameron then? Not so long ago you thought he was a decent chap doing a sterling job. You clearly didn't get the changes you wanted.


Would you care to elaborate on why you consider homosexual acts to be justifiably forbidden? Do all Christians agree with you on this issue?


Where do you stand on the immorality of intolerance?


indeed you are right i have been a cameron supporter in the past. However on the subject of gay marriage he has lost the plot. The lord tells us in the bible that homosexuality is a sin and if one engages in such practices they will receieve the wrath of god. Homosexuality is the work of the antichrist. I have to question camerons views

on gay marriage as dubious. Perhaps he is helping to prepare for the imminent new world order where sodomy and homosexuality will be rife.

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indeed you are right i have been a cameron supporter in the past. However on the subject of gay marriage he has lost the plot. The lord tells us in the bible that homosexuality is a sin and if one engages in such practices they will receieve the wrath of god. Homosexuality is the work of the antichrist. I have to question camerons views

on gay marriage as dubious. Perhaps he is helping to prepare for the imminent new world order where sodomy and homosexuality will be rife.


Thanks for clearing that up.


Does the bible tell you anything about intolerance?

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Why can't we just let the churches decide who they are willing to offer their services to?


If they won't offer gay couples the service, other places will. It's money on the table, after all.


Treat churches as they should be - private institutions.


The government should not be involved. As usual.

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