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Gay marriage to be made illegal in Churches (?)

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indeed you are right i have been a cameron supporter in the past. However on the subject of gay marriage he has lost the plot. The lord tells us in the bible that homosexuality is a sin and if one engages in such practices they will receieve the wrath of god. Homosexuality is the work of the antichrist. I have to question camerons views

on gay marriage as dubious. Perhaps he is helping to prepare for the imminent new world order where sodomy and homosexuality will be rife.


Don't take this as a go at your religious views on homosexuality because you have every right to hold them but I do have a couple of questions.


Where in the Bible does it say that homosexuality is the work of the antichrist?


and what makes you think there is an imminent new world order and why do you think sodomy and homosexuality will be rife in it?


---------- Post added 18-12-2012 at 17:55 ----------




Where in the Bible does it say that homosexuality is the work of the antichrist?


and what makes you think there is an imminent new world order and why do you think sodomy and homosexuality will be rife in it?


Don't you know the answers or are you simply avoiding the questions?


You know the old 'I'll stay away for a few days when difficult questions are asked until they have forgotton about it' doesn't wash with me, so any chance of an answer?

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Church of England is government run so I guess what they say will happen, it's upto the clergy/vicar to resign if his beliefs are far from same sex marriage. Only Church of England would allow this and can't see any other churches following suit.


Have you read the article?

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Church of England is government run so I guess what they say will happen, it's upto the clergy/vicar to resign if his beliefs are far from same sex marriage. Only Church of England would allow this and can't see any other churches following suit.


In terms of getting the wrong end of the stick, you have done a brilliant job here.

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I wouldn’t say soulvapour was totally wrong, the church and parliament are very intertwined and the church can’t change its laws without the approval of parliament.


The governing structure of the church is based on the traditional parishes which are gathered into dioceses presided over by a bishop.


Appointment of Bishops.

Since the 1970s a new system has been introduced whereby a Church committee forwards two names in order of preference to the Prime Minister, who normally accepts the choice but is not bound to. (It is believed that Margaret Thatcher made her own choice on a few occasions).


The General Synod is the legislative body for the church and comprises bishops, clergy and laity. As it is the established church, its measures must be approved by both Houses of Parliament.


As the Established Church, the Church of England is not a voluntary society with rules made by compact. Instead, its laws are part of the English legal system.

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  • 5 months later...


Ha ha 'aggressive homosexuals' - are those the ones that go about in gangs 'straight bashing', or perhaps Howarth thinks that its gays that riot on football terraces or commit violence on West Street on a Saturday night.


Should also be noted that Howarth was a member of the notorious hard right wing freakoutfit the 'Monday club' and a proud friend of the arms industry.


No wonder senior Tories mutter about 'swivel eyed loons' if Howarth is representative of the Tory rank and file. He's a helmet

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