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The High Greave, Ecclesfield


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My grandparents, Ted & Sarah Staves ran the old High Greave pub in the 1940's and early 50's before it was demolished and a newer one built further back from the road. Has anyone got any pictures and other memories please?

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Thanks for the info and the picture. The 'new' pub was built on the orchard & beer garden of the old. Grandad Staves used to tether a fierce goose to the trunk of a pear tree in late summer to stop the customers from helping themselves!

On Boxing Day the remains of the Christmas Day goose and joint of pork were made into sandwiches and given out in the public and snug. Carols were sung round the piano including some local ones like 'A song for the time' and 'Hail Smiling Morn'

I think my grandparents left the High Greave when Tetleys took over the Gilmour brewery and they retired to 96, Church Street in Ecclesfield.

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Thanks for that. I don't know of any swapping -but that's not to say it didn't happen. I seem to remember that the next door family (94 Church St.) may have been called Gregory. As a child I remember that the row didn't have electricity and the rooms were lit by gas mantles. The living room had a black leaded range and the bedrooms had open fireplaces (health & safety?). The radios were battery operated which had to be re-charged up the road at a small off licence/grocers shop opposite the church.

Talking of the church - when I stayed at my grand parents house, it was lovely to slide down the bedroom sash window and hear the glorious bells ringing for the Sunday service.

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