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2014 Tour de France will start in Yorkshire and come to Sheffield


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Tour the France is the main cycling competition in the world.


It is such a joke to see a place like yorkshire getting all wound up and blow up their EGO's for that tour coming on their turf.


When I was little dutch television properly televised the tour the france, just like world soccer or snooker is televised in UK, full daily episodes.

England never bothered much with reporting of ttf and did not care much about it, just a little bit but only a tiny little bit.

Now the tour is suddenly cycling through Yorkshire all of a sudden local citizens pretend as if they really care about the tour while for all those previous years they could not care less what happened with that tour.


That is hypocrite and a perfect display of what human EGO needs to blow itself up and feed itself.

To not care at all and then suddenly pretend as if it is one of the most important things you care about, only because it will be on your turf is so childish.


If the media in Yorkshire had televised and reported ttf the way dutch television had before the announcement of the tour coming here I could have understood the excitement and it would have been more honest and clean. But people here never really cared and all of a sudden they feel like they are the king of the universe with the tour coming.


To me I just see loads of hypocrites getting excited here. There is a huge support to the tour from holland and I grew up in an environment where the tour the france and its dutch cyclists were very important, I am not against the tour the france, I will enjoy watching it.


Once again all of this shows how your identification with your location becomes again a substitute for the need to suck your thumb to feel emotionally satisfied.

If that tour had not come to England no one here would have really cared about it.

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Tour the France is the main cycling competition in the world.


It is such a joke to see a place like yorkshire getting all wound up and blow up their EGO's for that tour coming on their turf.


When I was little dutch television properly televised the tour the france, just like world soccer or snooker is televised in UK, full daily episodes.

England never bothered much with reporting of ttf and did not care much about it, just a little bit but only a tiny little bit.

Now the tour is suddenly cycling through Yorkshire all of a sudden local citizens pretend as if they really care about the tour while for all those previous years they could not care less what happened with that tour.


That is hypocrite and a perfect display of what human EGO needs to blow itself up and feed itself.

To not care at all and then suddenly pretend as if it is one of the most important things you care about, only because it will be on your turf is so childish.


If the media in Yorkshire had televised and reported ttf the way dutch television had before the announcement of the tour coming here I could have understood the excitement and it would have been more honest and clean. But people here never really cared and all of a sudden they feel like they are the king of the universe with the tour coming.


To me I just see loads of hypocrites getting excited here. There is a huge support to the tour from holland and I grew up in an environment where the tour the france and its dutch cyclists were very important, I am not against the tour the france, I will enjoy watching it.


Once again all of this shows how your identification with your location becomes again a substitute for the need to suck your thumb to feel emotionally satisfied.

If that tour had not come to England no one here would have really cared about it.

but it's so much more than cycling - it's a festival for the day. The Cycling bit will be over in minutes and Joe Public might recognise no more than a Team sky jersey. Friends of mine are taking their kids to a park in Outibridge for the day - there's a day of entertainment planned. None of them know anything about cycling.


The weather will make or break it.

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but it's so much more than cycling - it's a festival for the day. The Cycling bit will be over in minutes and Joe Public might recognise no more than a Team sky jersey. Friends of mine are taking their kids to a park in Outibridge for the day - there's a day of entertainment planned. None of them know anything about cycling.


The weather will make or break it.


Its great to enjoy a good time for any excuse whatsoever.

Tour the france is a cycling competition. It is not something to show off the places it travels through or finishes at.

I grew up in a society where tour the france was televised four hours a day every day during all stages, people followed it passionately.


Sheffield is only bothered in showing themselves off internationally now that tour passes through Sheffield. They would never have spend these milions if they did not have some opportunity to be on TV for fortyfive minutes.

Last time Sheffield was on international TV was 2007 floods.

The tour is there for sports, many many years, thousands of stages have happened just fine without Sheffield, nobody in Sheffield cared about it. Now they come, all of a sudden Sheffield thinks it is the most important thing in the universe.

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Its great to enjoy a good time for any excuse whatsoever.

Tour the france is a cycling competition. It is not something to show off the places it travels through or finishes at.

I grew up in a society where tour the france was televised four hours a day every day during all stages, people followed it passionately.


Sheffield is only bothered in showing themselves off internationally now that tour passes through Sheffield. They would never have spend these milions if they did not have some opportunity to be on TV for fortyfive minutes.

Last time Sheffield was on international TV was 2007 floods.

The tour is there for sports, many many years, thousands of stages have happened just fine without Sheffield, nobody in Sheffield cared about it. Now they come, all of a sudden Sheffield thinks it is the most important thing in the universe.


What are you blathering on about? The TDF has had a large following in the UK for years, Sheffield included. That's why it's on the tele, every year.

Even if it didn't, so what? Perhaps its passing through will attract new fans and encourage more people to cycle.



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Its great to enjoy a good time for any excuse whatsoever.

Tour the france is a cycling competition. It is not something to show off the places it travels through or finishes at.

I grew up in a society where tour the france was televised four hours a day every day during all stages, people followed it passionately.


Sheffield is only bothered in showing themselves off internationally now that tour passes through Sheffield. They would never have spend these milions if they did not have some opportunity to be on TV for fortyfive minutes.

Last time Sheffield was on international TV was 2007 floods.

The tour is there for sports, many many years, thousands of stages have happened just fine without Sheffield, nobody in Sheffield cared about it. Now they come, all of a sudden Sheffield thinks it is the most important thing in the universe.


I hardly think that Sheffield is bothered too much about showing themselves

Internationally. Or they would tried to have got the race to go through and finish in a more salubrious area than the East end of the city.


As far as lack of Tv coverage is concerned. Eurosport have shown the TDF daily in the Uk for at least the past 5 years

Edited by bazjea
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Good news for those who like the Tour go and see it on the train:

Northern trains rover covering South and West Yorkshire as well as Skipton, Harrogate and York will be £9 for one day £14 for both days.


Good news for those who hate the Tour avoid it and have a day out on the train:

Northern trains rover covering South and West Yorkshire as well as Skipton, Harrogate and York will be £9 for one day £14 for both days.

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Its great to enjoy a good time for any excuse whatsoever.

Tour the france is a cycling competition. It is not something to show off the places it travels through or finishes at.

I grew up in a society where tour the france was televised four hours a day every day during all stages, people followed it passionately.


Sheffield is only bothered in showing themselves off internationally now that tour passes through Sheffield. They would never have spend these milions if they did not have some opportunity to be on TV for fortyfive minutes.

Last time Sheffield was on international TV was 2007 floods.

The tour is there for sports, many many years, thousands of stages have happened just fine without Sheffield, nobody in Sheffield cared about it. Now they come, all of a sudden Sheffield thinks it is the most important thing in the universe.


So you know everyone personally in Sheffield do you? The Tour has been televised by commercial channels in the UK for over 30 years so there must be some interest. In fact I know a lot of people who have been interested in the Tour for years and have seen it live previously.

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Seeing as you brought all this up Rob




Is that actual numbers or proportionally? There are a lot less cyclists than other motorists on the road at most times. Where did you get your figures please I'd like to see them for myself.




Well at least you are honest enough to admit that much. The cyclists' reason is not really relevant if a motorist was to break the law it for his or her own self-justified reason they would still be prosecuted.




The difference is motorists are prosecuted and with penalties, might get points, may lose their licence and may have to pay increased insurance premiums. None of which happens to cyclists.


It may surprise you but choosing which laws you wish to adhere to is not an option. Nor apparently is ignorance of the law an excuse.


I only mention that because most cyclists have not even taken a cycling proficiency course never mind had to test of competence to prove they both know and are able to follow the law and drive safely.




Again is that actual numbers or proportionally. Again I'd like to see these numbers you keep quoting for myself.




Bicyclists are a menace to other road users and pedestrians alike, more so to pedestrians in a sense because although they are not to ride on the pavements they still do and on pedestrian precincts as well. With no proven ability to ride a bike on a road in most cases and No compulsory 3rd party insurance for when they do cause accidents. No real liablity for either accidents caused or offences committed, their lights especially the ones they wear point in any direction. Often are too bright and sometimes flash. Their pedal cycles do not have to pass an annual test of road worthiness nor are they prosecuted for having an unroadworthy pedal cycle on the road. Nor are there any minumum safety requirements, adherence to which is assessed through stingent and very expensive testing, made upon the manufacturers when making pedal cycles for use on the road. I'll also point out that pedal cyclists have on their vehicle no registration number with which they can be identified in the event thay are observed commiting traffic offences. Not that it matters there are very few prosecutions of pedal cyclists although I will concede there have been some in london.


You say a pedal cyclist will come off worse than a motorist in an accident. As regards physical injuries then more than likely, regardless of fault. Financially the motorist will come off worst in most cases; just a minor body repair and a partial respray can cost more than some bicycles. Not forgetting the motorist has no way of making an insurance ckaim against a pedal cyclist in almost all cases.





Road tax and the tax on fuel does contribute towards the upkeep of the roads, as indeed does all taxation. Pedal cyclist do in effect ride on the road for free becuase they do not make the same extra contributions motorists have to make. So I guess your going over this a dozen times was not enough for you to get the message.




Everyone is.. without ever having passed a test or having 3rd party insurance.




The amount one contributes in income tax does not entitle anyone to anything above what anyone else is entitled to, which I'm sure you know


You are not contributing to the upkeep of the roads when you ride your pedal cycle without needing fuel.


Having two cars or even 10 is irrelevant really you can only use one at a time. Though in fairness I have long believed that road tax in unfair for the same reason.. you can only drive one vehichle at a time so wh y pay tax for them all.




I have little doubt tha tyou will and presumably without proof your competent to be on the road on your pedal cycle and without the benefit of 3rd party insurance.




Not that any of this has anything to do with addressing the concerns, inconvenience and distress that will or potentially may be caused by holding a stage of the TdF in Sheffield.



Wow what a total load of garbage you spout. Now pop off out in your car, but be careful as some 'menace' of a cyclist may come at you the wrong way and damage it with his head.


As for 'inconvenience and distress' because the TDF is coming to Sheffield.....dear god get over yourself and stop bloody whining. Maybe NOTHING that inconveniences people should ever take place, in which case precisely nothing would ever take place and you could live happily ever after.

Edited by Rob_1
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