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2014 Tour de France will start in Yorkshire and come to Sheffield


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Watched Country File and it was about the tour in W.Yorkshire. I'd like to apologise to the rest of the country and state that not everyone in Yorkshire talks like that. It seems that everyone is getting on the art bandwagon

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An article about the Tour in Yorkshire although it doesn't mention Sheffield;


No surprise there.


"Drivers moan that they have to share the pristine new stretches of tarmac with "road-tax-dodging hippies" (despite the fact that "road tax" was abolished in 1937)."


'Abolished' in 1937 and renamed oops I mean replaced by Vehicle Exicise Duty.


If it looks like a tax and you pay it to the state and can be prosecuted for not paying it then IMHO it is a tax.


What people call it is what it should be called despite what the state chooses to call it.


I'm still calling council tax poll tax, if you aint on the register you don't pay but you can't vote. Its still Poll TAX as far as I'm concerned.



ANYWAY; Surely they meant to say uninsured-road-tax-dodging-hippies-with no proof of competence to be on a road.



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Here we are, ALLEGEDLY the 4th biggest city in England, 2 weeks away from the arrival of what is billed the greatest free sporting event on earth….the TDF.

Cycling/driving around Sheffield though you wouldn't have guessed it AT ALL!!!


Go to Leeds/Harrogate, and loads of the little villages on/close to the route in North Yorks and they have TOTALLY embraced the race, coloured bikes everywhere, events, posters etc etc…

Contrast the Sheffield effort, and one has to say it is, with typical council ambivalence…WOEFULLY inadequate/embarrassing!!

I rode through Bradfield on Fri afternoon (20/6/14), a village that features VERY prominently on the Sat stage, with some killer hills etc, and to be quite honest, there was ABSOLUTELY no indication of the event very soon to take place!!

I am not advocating the City Council spend public money..HEAVEN FORBID….we have our position as a leading City of Sanctuary to finance!!

But SURELY a city this size, and with the sporting heritage we have…oh hold on, that sporting heritage that has declined so rapidly it is an embarrassment to once think we bestowed that title on ourselves to begin with!!!

And DO NOT get me started on the route into the city!!

We have some beautiful area's ACROSS the city boundaries, and we showcase the city to the world media by going through what has to be visually one of the most depressing finishing sections of any stage in the race!

The French have their lovely villages/mountain top finishes….we give them Sheffield Arena and it's nearby route to it!!!

The helicopter views should look tremendous…a harsh industrial run through what has to be described as uninspiring to say the least.

There is one sure fire thing though….the one thing that the city has in abundance…it's people/spectators will ensure it is an event that is well supported by the public at large, regardless of our council's apparent lack of interest/effort to showcase our city.

Sheffield survives and moves forward DESPITE the clowns in the Town Hall "leading" us, NOT because of them!!!

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I have to say I'm disappointed by the lack of any visual reminders that this fantastic event is coming, apart from the odd yellow bike. Tiny French villages fight for years to be part of this, yet manage so much more in presentation.

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No surprise there.


When you consider that day one of the le Tour doesn't pass through Sheffield, and the article was commenting upon day one, it really isn't a surprise that it doesn't mention Sheffield.




'Abolished' in 1937 and renamed oops I mean replaced by Vehicle Exicise Duty.


If it looks like a tax and you pay it to the state and can be prosecuted for not paying it then IMHO it is a tax.


What people call it is what it should be called despite what the state chooses to call it.


I'm still calling council tax poll tax, if you aint on the register you don't pay but you can't vote. Its still Poll TAX as far as I'm concerned.



ANYWAY; Surely they meant to say uninsured-road-tax-dodging-hippies-with no proof of competence to be on a road.




You missed the point, the tax is a tax on car ownership not a tax to use the roads. I'm guessing that you believe that bikes should be taxed on the same levels as cars, if they were do you know how much they'd have to pay a year? Nothing! So unlucky with that one. :hihi:


Cars that have zero emissions also do not pay road tax. Here's a list of cars for example.

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I have to say I'm disappointed by the lack of any visual reminders that this fantastic event is coming, apart from the odd yellow bike. Tiny French villages fight for years to be part of this, yet manage so much more in presentation.


Why do we need 'reminders'? It's the 'tour de france', anyone interested in it knows when it's on, or can easily google it if they don't.


More publicity=£££, and we live in times when funding is being cut for mental health services, people are being forced to leave their homes due to the 'bedroom tax' and, a whole host of other extremely destructive cuts cos apparently, we're really short of cash.


Yet money is being thrown away for sporting events, several of which have already lost us huge amounts of cash that could have been used to actually help vulnerable people.

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I'm sure it hadn't ... I don't think even SCC would have the technical expertise to divert the river Niagara to allow cyclists safe passage, be they on My Little Pony tricycles or full size pedal bikes. I'm not quite sure where hyper is coming from here in all honesty. :huh:
It appears my example has been lost.


The point was that because you learned to ride a bike in times gone past and now and then manage to wobble yourself along on your bike, you feel that cycling has no skill. My point was that because babies learn to walk early in life, then by your deduction, all forms of walking must also be unskilled. But if you think about it tightroping is a form of walking, so by constraining your your mindset, this may explain why you are unable to see cycling in other contexts and recognise it requires skill at a professional level.

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