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2014 Tour de France will start in Yorkshire and come to Sheffield


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It is nice to know that the public are all behind the TdF, so much so that it is planned that it could become an annual event.


"Plans for an annual "Tour of Yorkshire" cycle race could see some of the world's top cyclists return to the county.


If approved by UCI, the world governing body for cycling, the inaugural three-day race would be held on 1-3 May 2015."



Don't throw away all that bunting and yellow bikes you may need them next year.


I think the real success of the event and what will ensure there is some sort of legacy is the amount of people who have taken up cycling themselves recently.


Although this happened with the Olympics to a degree with cycling being such an easy activity to take part in many more will do so and if you actually do an activity you are more likely to be interested in the sport.One helps the other.

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Really excited now this really is a once in a lifetime event for Sheffield.


Be nice if the weather obliged too looking a bit dicey at the moment for Sunday.


If this is what you need to live a life and get excited I feel very sorry for you. Ill have a good time today in Sheffield no need for a carnival to get excited to enjoy this moment.

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Morning all...


The Tour kicks off tomorrow, so I thought I'd put up a link to a beginner's guide for those who are new to it to have a look if they're interested. I was going to type up my own version, but it'd take ages...


So this is from a couple of years ago from the Telegraph. A simplified version, but it gives the drift. Enjoy the weekend! :)


Edit. Having some issues with the link. I'll try to fix...


Hmmm. My 'manage attachments' button appears to be missing...

Edited by perplexed
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How can you feel sorry for someone because they're excited at a major sporting event coming to the city.


He didn't say that it's what he needs to get excited, he just said that he was excited. Stop being so negative and trying to put people down.

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If this is what you need to live a life and get excited I feel very sorry for you. Ill have a good time today in Sheffield no need for a carnival to get excited to enjoy this moment.


I don't see anything wrong with people getting out of their usual routine and looking forward to being involved in something different.


I'm quite excited with regards to this event and I'm not into the TdF. I'm looking forward to having a nice walk from High Green to Grenoside on sunday morning and then mingling with the crowds enjoying a 'different' day out.


Major sporting events and good beer festivals excite me......If I can combine the two, even better. :hihi:





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I don't see anything wrong with people getting out of their usual routine and looking forward to being involved in something different.


I'm quite excited with regards to this event and I'm not into the TdF. I'm looking forward to having a nice walk from High Green to Grenoside on sunday morning and then mingling with the crowds enjoying a 'different' day out.


Major sporting events and good beer festivals excite me......If I can combine the two, even better. :hihi:






Apparently according to Dutch the entire population of Sheffield or anyone expressing an interest are massive hyppcrites and detestable people for expressing an interest and supporting the race. Read his posts.


He on the other hand is the only possible genuine fan because he watches 4hrs TDF every day since he was a baby.


He mocks Sheffield for spending money or making efforts to host the event.


Funnily enough hes the first one in line when finding a place to watch it. All bow down people on Jenkin Road when Dutch shows you how to spectate like a true fan becayse of his might heritage. I have the feeling even Chris Froome will stop to tell him how honoured the Tour is.


Dutch was the same when it came to the snooker and numerous other posts which involve slating or trying to belittle sheffield people. If he dislikes sheffield and its residents, then why does he stay?

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How can you feel sorry for someone because they're excited at a major sporting event coming to the city.


He didn't say that it's what he needs to get excited, he just said that he was excited. Stop being so negative and trying to put people down.


Building up an emotional high dependant on a public event will always be attached to an equal emotional low deep within your unconsciousness.


Nothing wrong in enjoying the tour but when you are emotionally dependant on it to get a high you are entering the world of opposites and there will be an equal low attached to it.

I will enjoy the tour but don't think it is a once in a lifetime superthing needed to get some orgasmic emotional high that is artificially induced with your imagination.

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Its got nothing to do with giving an opportunity for thousands to have a good time and a day out then? How about the local tourism opportunity and the extra millions that will generate?

Perhaps they have done it just to annoy you?


To celebrate this once in a lifetime event I've penned a little ditty,


It's coming to sheffield

The tour de France

To cheer us all up

Our lives to enhance

I'm so excited

I want to dance


But wait a minute who's paying for all this

Why the people of sheffield,.............your taking the <REMOVED>

Smile be happy while they block off your roads

Camping or caravanning you'll be paying loads


But wait a minute the legacy of this I may like

It could mean more people to knock off their bike!:hihi::help:

Edited by nikki-red
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