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2014 Tour de France will start in Yorkshire and come to Sheffield


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You haven't noticed Ponds Forge and the world class sports facilities we have?


You seem to be mistaking legacy with spending. The idea of the tour de france legacy is the investment it brings, not the money you have to fork out to stage it. So the facilities for the Student Games cost us a fortune and were built to host it and are nothing to do with a spin off. Indeed it seems that most were not really what was needed for after the games. So had half the money been spent building sports facilities for the city we would have far better facilities at much lower cost. The pile of rubble that was Don Valley is testament to that, as is the fact that when I go to watch a rock concert at the Arena all I can see is the ear of the person sat alongside, where as in Leeds you get to see the band.

So if all the legacy we get from the Tour de France is a few miles of new tarmac that we paid for ourselves I'm struggling to see the benefit.


---------- Post added 04-07-2014 at 11:07 ----------



People also seem to be under the impression that this event can attract employers to the city. I will bet now that not one long term employer moves to Sheffield because of this race.



I'm with you on this. If I wanted to impress potential investors I'd be showcasing the good bits of Sheffield and the facilities, not running a bunch of cyclists through the most run down districts. That is likely to give a very bad impression of the city especially after these "investors" have seen the bikes passing through the likes of Leeds Harrogate and the dales. I would imagine the tour putting off more investors than it attracts. I don't see this as the key to Sevenstones.

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I feel sorry for the few genuine fans of the race who are going to possibly have difficulty seeing it properly because of all those who are going along because it is this weeks fad or more to the point because its summat for nowt.


I don't. It's a good thing that people can go and see this if they wish.

And it's hardly surprising that locals who (according to your criteria) aren't 'proper' fans want to go and see it.


I have made sure I will be well away from the area and will be enjoying myself in my chosen pursuit. I hope that all the genuine fans enjoy the race, I hope all the taggers on enjoy the free parade before it, but please try and remember there are a lot out there who do not want to see it and are being inconvenienced for your enjoyment. This does not make them miserable. It makes them innocent victims of your pleasure.


Swings and roundabouts. That's the way society works.


---------- Post added 04-07-2014 at 11:15 ----------


You seem to be mistaking legacy with spending.

No, I was simply pointing out the legacy from the student games being the facilities that were provided. A legacy you were conveniently ignoring.

The idea of the tour de france legacy is the investment it brings, not the money you have to fork out to stage it.

The TDF will bring no investment. Why/How would it?

So the facilities for the Student Games cost us a fortune and were built to host it and are nothing to do with a spin off.

But they are it's legacy. Ie what is left when the games finished (25 years ago or whatever).

Indeed it seems that most were not really what was needed for after the games. So had half the money been spent building sports facilities for the city we would have far better facilities at much lower cost. The pile of rubble that was Don Valley is testament to that,

Yeah, only used for 20 odd years. What a terrible mistake.

as is the fact that when I go to watch a rock concert at the Arena all I can see is the ear of the person sat alongside, where as in Leeds you get to see the band.

So if all the legacy we get from the Tour de France is a few miles of new tarmac that we paid for ourselves I'm struggling to see the benefit.

I haven't claimed any legacy for the TDF though, just pointed out the legacy for the student games you were pretending didn't exist.

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Didn't they promise a massive legacy from the Student Games.


You seem to be mistaking legacy with spending.


Don't cloud the issue. You said there was no legacy from the Student Games. It was proven to you that there is. Then you go on about spending. It was the spending that created the legacy of course.


The miserable sods on here always have to resort to lying, thus refuting their own arguments.


---------- Post added 04-07-2014 at 11:18 ----------


Finding that this event is going to cause you a major disturbance is not always being miserable.


You obviously haven't read most of the posts on here. Most of the "disturbance" won't exist.


---------- Post added 04-07-2014 at 11:20 ----------


I'm struggling with the concept of folk in China seeing bikes being ridden through Burngreave on the TV and thinking that's the place for me.


You seem to struggle with the concept of most reality. Anyone watching the race won't be looking at the environment more than at the riders. It would be like watching a football match and saying that the thing you remember most about it was the advertising hoardings. Burngreave is only a small part of it anyway. Langsett to Bradfield and Oughtibridge will take up a lot more time than Burngreave will.

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But bikes don't go very fast. I watched a bunch (peleton) of them a few days ago riding along in Derbyshire. It was about as exciting as watching a chess match.


Perhaps folk have got it mixed up with motorbikes. They are the ones that go past in the Isle of Man at 200mph. They make a fantastic noise. They overtake one another. They crash. They make your pulse race.


Cycling is where a few dozen folk pedal bikes up Jenkin Hill at 5 mph. The kids come down there 10 times as fast on skate boards. It may well be a once in a lifetimes experience, but so is having a vasectomy.


`Motorsport` is a contradiction in terms imo.


And FYI, the AVERAGE speed to win Le Tour is 24 / 25 mph. Downhill, they can hit 70 mph.


And I love the fact that folk come onto this thread to say how dull it will all be. Sad little lives.

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If this is what you need to live a life and get excited I feel very sorry for you. Ill have a good time today in Sheffield no need for a carnival to get excited to enjoy this moment.


Thanks for your feedback.


Enjoy your day.

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But bikes don't go very fast.


Over the course of the stage they can average over 30mph, faster than the average speed limit of the city. They can fly past at such speed you can't work out who's who. They can glide effortlessly uphill. They'll go up Jenkin Road a lot quicker than most people can walk up it.

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Well we are all packed and ready to go to enjoy "Le Tour" hope you all enjoy the spectacle where ever your watching it from. Me, I'll be at Hawes form the Buttertubs on Saturday, and Sunday I'll hopefully be some where in Bradfield having a beer, and enjoying the ambiance, enjoy it, it won't be round this area for a very very long time.!





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Guest busdriver1
`Motorsport` is a contradiction in terms imo.


And FYI, the AVERAGE speed to win Le Tour is 24 / 25 mph. Downhill, they can hit 70 mph.


And I love the fact that folk come onto this thread to say how dull it will all be. Sad little lives.


What floats your boat does not always float other peoples.

Just because they have different tastes certainly does not make them sad.

You know nothing of them yet tarnish them with insults.

Very mature.

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What floats your boat does not always float other peoples.

Just because they have different tastes certainly does not make them sad.

You know nothing of them yet tarnish them with insults.

Very mature.


This thread is about the TdF coming to Sheffield. A load of miserable buggers have come on it to moan, moan and keep moaning. Everyone knows that not everything is to everyone's taste but not everyone goes on every thread about things they don't like in order to moan about them. The anti-cyclists though just can't keep out of it.

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