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2014 Tour de France will start in Yorkshire and come to Sheffield


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Yes ,but over the next few years , but you can bet the ones involved in the two wheeled warrior`s race will be done before the race because the council wont want the watching TV audience seeing the disgusting state of sheffield`s roads.


Of course the roads will be resurfaced, but plenty of other roads around Sheffield have been resurfaced and even more will be resurfaced by the time the race has arrived; so I fail to see what point your trying to make.

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It finishes at the Arena I believe.


My main concern is SCC are backing this to the tune of £1,000000 and closing the Libraries through lace of cash? what would you rather have, 3 or 4 hours of bike race, or 12 months of Libraries?


The money coming into Sheffield and the surrounding Sheffield area's like Bradfield etc, with the TdF coming to our region will more than make up for the investment that scc are putting into the event.



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How can it be called the Tour de France when it's in England. We used to have a great cycling competition called the Milk Race - what happened to that?


Le Tour has left France many times, coming to this country a few times at that. My parents watched it when a stage was held in Plymouth in 1974.


Also, the Milk race has evolved into the Tour of Britain, this does not carry anywhere near the prestige of Le Tour though. It was held a few weeks ago, with Bradley Wiggins winning it.

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How can it be called the Tour de France when it's in England. We used to have a great cycling competition called the Milk Race - what happened to that?


I agree denlin ... if it's going to be partly staged in the Bradfield area, then it must have to go past 'Our Cow Molly' farm at Dungworth.


I think it should be re-named the 'Pour de Milk'. :)

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There are rumours that The Giro (tour of Italy) will have stages in Ireland. I think it started somewhere like Poland this year.

Eurovison Song Contest with Israel winning it.

The Eurpoean Golf circuit.

The list is long.

Get your head around it.

Please try to avoid the obvious smart alec stuff we have enough of it from 4th rate comics on the telly and in the canteen.


If your original comment stands up leave it at that and don't 'tit for tat' it only gives them the oxygen of publicity, and dilutes the thread.

Rant over.................

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There are rumours that The Giro (tour of Italy) will have stages in Ireland. I think it started somewhere like Poland this year.

Eurovison Song Contest with Israel winning it.

The Eurpoean Golf circuit.

The list is long.

Get your head around it.

Please try to avoid the obvious smart alec stuff we have enough of it from 4th rate comics on the telly and in the canteen.


If your original comment stands up leave it at that and don't 'tit for tat' it only gives them the oxygen of publicity, and dilutes the thread.

Rant over.................


The Tour of Poland started in Italy in honour of the Pope John Paul II this year.

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