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2014 Tour de France will start in Yorkshire and come to Sheffield


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It doesn't put any extra money the workers pockets or mine, prestige for Sheffield "Wheres the toilets sir?, oh we closed them all" it will only benefit the people who already have money, not the ordinary man in the street.

So the ordinary man [or woman] does not work in the service industries then!

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Council workers are losing jobs, libraries are closing, public toilets are closed and the council are spending a million pounds on a bike ride, IF it actually puts money in the pockets of the ordinary people of Sheffield, fair enough but it wont.


I've been reading that the cash the council are putting up is coming out of their reserve fund. Would this had been money used by the council to keep public toilets, library's open, council workers in jobs, most likely not.

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Now that the 5 mns of enthusiastic gush has drained away I'll add my more considered 1 mn of truth.


First, turning out to see a flash of colour in a bike procession not a race is akin to watching a bird fly past. Blink and you've missed it.


Secondly, it's all about the money for the money grubbing 'I'll have some of that.'


B & B's can't grab enough, towns are bigging it up. city councils even more as the grating and the goading tell us how good it is for ........... them.


And I'm a cycling fan. Donkey's years of the real thing before Tv came along and spent years telling you how good it was. But no one listened.


Clarkson convinced car driving loonies what to think about cyclists.


Then the Olympics told you all what to think about sport at least for a few months. So now since Wiggins and lesser so Froome because the media [again] didn't tell everyone what to think to the same extent, make everyone a cyclist.


But after all this hype, for that's all it is, cycling will return to the dedicated few and not the fashionsitas, the faddy or the fickle. OK, so a few surf boards will gather dust for a year or two but they'll be back.


Right now we've got to suffer the media enthusiasm and the presenters who try to explain cycling.


But the best place to watch cycling is TV.


The race won't start until the mtns as anyone who actually does race a bike knows and idiot presenters taking about a challenging mole hill in Yorkshire is just ignorant.


It's a non event.


Trust me.


A total money grubbing, money grabbing, media news filling non-event.


Sell the area?


To who?


The simple fact is you are not at all allowed to be negative. It has to be endless enthusiasm. Blind, blinkered un-thinking support. Nothing else is tolerated. Certainly not criticism, apathy, mis-trust, condemnation, dis-approval, dis-like.


Gusing enthusiasm and you're welcome. Have a cup of tea.


But criticism?


Dismissed. Out of the loop. And the gushing moves on praising itself and presenting awards to itself. How long since we pinned an award on harry gration? The harry gration award goes to harry gration.


Media. The voice that tells us what, where, how, we think, move, act.


And ............... don't get me on the Olympics ........... still simmering.

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Now that the 5 mns of enthusiastic gush has drained away I'll add my more considered 1 mn of truth.


First, turning out to see a flash of colour in a bike procession not a race is akin to watching a bird fly past. Blink and you've missed it.


Secondly, it's all about the money for the money grubbing 'I'll have some of that.'


B & B's can't grab enough, towns are bigging it up. city councils even more as the grating and the goading tell us how good it is for ........... them.


And I'm a cycling fan. Donkey's years of the real thing before Tv came along and spent years telling you how good it was. But no one listened.


Clarkson convinced car driving loonies what to think about cyclists.


Then the Olympics told you all what to think about sport at least for a few months. So now since Wiggins and lesser so Froome because the media [again] didn't tell everyone what to think to the same extent, make everyone a cyclist.


But after all this hype, for that's all it is, cycling will return to the dedicated few and not the fashionsitas, the faddy or the fickle. OK, so a few surf boards will gather dust for a year or two but they'll be back.


Right now we've got to suffer the media enthusiasm and the presenters who try to explain cycling.


But the best place to watch cycling is TV.


The race won't start until the mtns as anyone who actually does race a bike knows and idiot presenters taking about a challenging mole hill in Yorkshire is just ignorant.


It's a non event.


Trust me.


A total money grubbing, money grabbing, media news filling non-event.


Sell the area?


To who?


The simple fact is you are not at all allowed to be negative. It has to be endless enthusiasm. Blind, blinkered un-thinking support. Nothing else is tolerated. Certainly not criticism, apathy, mis-trust, condemnation, dis-approval, dis-like.


Gusing enthusiasm and you're welcome. Have a cup of tea.


But criticism?


Dismissed. Out of the loop. And the gushing moves on praising itself and presenting awards to itself. How long since we pinned an award on harry gration? The harry gration award goes to harry gration.


Media. The voice that tells us what, where, how, we think, move, act.


And ............... don't get me on the Olympics ........... still simmering.

What a load of crap.

And I like you have been a cyclist for 60 years in both competition and pleasure .

I cannot wait for next July when I can see the greatest show on Earth on my own door step for FREE!

Its not only about the bike.

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What a load of crap.

And I like you have been a cyclist for 60 years in both competition and pleasure .

I cannot wait for next July when I can see the greatest show on Earth on my own door step for FREE!

Its not only about the bike.


Its not a load of crap - its a load of crap that people get taken in by the crap the media feed them and cheer like a demented north korean whilst the rich make more money out of them - tue mugs are the ones who are too stupid to see how they are being exploited

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Now that the 5 mns of enthusiastic gush has drained away I'll add my more considered 1 mn of truth.


First, turning out to see a flash of colour in a bike procession not a race is akin to watching a bird fly past. Blink and you've missed it.


Secondly, it's all about the money for the money grubbing 'I'll have some of that.'


B & B's can't grab enough, towns are bigging it up. city councils even more as the grating and the goading tell us how good it is for ........... them.


And I'm a cycling fan. Donkey's years of the real thing before Tv came along and spent years telling you how good it was. But no one listened.


Clarkson convinced car driving loonies what to think about cyclists.


Then the Olympics told you all what to think about sport at least for a few months. So now since Wiggins and lesser so Froome because the media [again] didn't tell everyone what to think to the same extent, make everyone a cyclist.


But after all this hype, for that's all it is, cycling will return to the dedicated few and not the fashionsitas, the faddy or the fickle. OK, so a few surf boards will gather dust for a year or two but they'll be back.


Right now we've got to suffer the media enthusiasm and the presenters who try to explain cycling.


But the best place to watch cycling is TV.


The race won't start until the mtns as anyone who actually does race a bike knows and idiot presenters taking about a challenging mole hill in Yorkshire is just ignorant.


It's a non event.


Trust me.


A total money grubbing, money grabbing, media news filling non-event.


Sell the area?


To who?


The simple fact is you are not at all allowed to be negative. It has to be endless enthusiasm. Blind, blinkered un-thinking support. Nothing else is tolerated. Certainly not criticism, apathy, mis-trust, condemnation, dis-approval, dis-like.


Gusing enthusiasm and you're welcome. Have a cup of tea.


But criticism?


Dismissed. Out of the loop. And the gushing moves on praising itself and presenting awards to itself. How long since we pinned an award on harry gration? The harry gration award goes to harry gration.


Media. The voice that tells us what, where, how, we think, move, act.


And ............... don't get me on the Olympics ........... still simmering.


I've seen the TdF on a couple of occasions, and it's a great day. Yes, the bikes are past you pretty quickly, but the whole experience is tremendous. It's a great atmosphere and a real chance for people to get together for a shared experience.


What is the point of being negative, might I ask? You aren't going to stop the event. All that you're likely to do is to spoil it for the rest of us who do want to enjoy it.


If the people of Yorkshire want to plant mile after mile of yellow flowers along the route, is that going to harm you? Will you be offended by the bunting put up to celebrate the event? Are the relaid road surfaces going to make your cycling worse? Are the people who clean their streets in preparation for the procession wasting their time?


Please stay at home and watch it on TV, and don't bring your cloud of doom over the rest of us who want to enjoy it.


As for the "sell the area" question, the Grand Depart will be guaranteed to promote Yorkshire like nothing else ever has. People outside the UK currently have almost no idea of where Yorkshire is, or that it even exists at all. Certainly they might well have heard of the Brontes, Leeds United, Downton Abbey, Jessica Ennis, Arctic Monkeys, or whatever, but they probably wouldn't dream of making a trip here. If nothing else, this is an opportunity to showcase our scenery, produce and culture. Even if the weather next July is horrendous, we'll get hours and hours of TV coverage leading up to the event on foreign TV stations. Corsica have seen a huge tourism boost from this year's Grand Depart, as do all regions chosen over the years. Kent got a massive increase in visitors for several years.


I have no doubt that rural Yorkshire will benefit far more from the TdF than Sheffield, but that really doesn't mean that the city shouldn't look this particular gift horse in the mouth. We all know that Sheffield is a great place to be based for the Peak District, and this is our chance to let other people know just how green the city is. People in the south think it's an industrial wasteland here, and this is such an opportunity to set the record straight.

Edited by RobWilson
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What a load of crap.

And I like you have been a cyclist for 60 years in both competition and pleasure .

I cannot wait for next July when I can see the greatest show on Earth on my own door step for FREE!

Its not only about the bike.


Really...? In you're opinion maybe but i've never heard it been called the greatest show on earth.

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Its not a load of crap - its a load of crap that people get taken in by the crap the media feed them and cheer like a demented north korean whilst the rich make more money out of them - tue mugs are the ones who are too stupid to see how they are being exploited


Is that so? The event is free to watch so how are the rich exploiting and/or making money out of us?

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