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2014 Tour de France will start in Yorkshire and come to Sheffield


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So true - Yog Sothoth.

Do moaners get an extra kick out of going on and on whilst diluting the thread and making it unreadable to others.

Please add to the discussion or button it.

I'm sure any town has plenty of reactionaries but , my goodness , some of our's are so vocal.

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So true - Yog Sothoth.

Do moaners get an extra kick out of going on and on whilst diluting the thread and making it unreadable to others.

Please add to the discussion or button it.

I'm sure any town has plenty of reactionaries but , my goodness , some of our's are so vocal.


People can voice their opinions against the TDF.

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It's not a load of crap - it's a load of crap that people get taken in by the crap the media feed them and cheer like a demented North Korean whilst the rich make more money out of them. The mugs are the ones who are too stupid to see how they are being exploited.


I wonder if people will get taken in by Lonely Planet placing Yorkshire as the 3rd in a list of places to visit in the World for 2014?


Lonely Planet says Yorkshire 'one of top global places'


According to a Lonely Planet employee speaking on the the national radio it' was as a direct result of the Tour de France coming here.


---------- Post added 29-10-2013 at 14:32 ----------


People can voice their opinions against the TDF.


Of course they can, but what's the point? It's not going to change anything.


The moaning and grumbling about the TdF is the verbal equivalent of dropping litter or spraying graffiti - it's talking the area down.


The Lonely Planet endorsement of Yorkshire is almost certainly the first of many, many global reports highlighting the region. 2014 is going to be THE golden opportunity to sell Sheffield to the rest of the world. We can either hang onto the coat tails of North and West Yorkshire or stick our heads in the sand and wait until the World's media move on elsewhere.


As always, I'm more than happy to talk Sheffield up to anyone who will listen.

Edited by RobWilson
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Personally, I don't have a problem with the Tour de France coming to Sheffield ... pedalling is a sport, just like Cheese Rolling which I'm sure you can see (judging by the pictures) is another very popular sport indeed. It's even described by the Guardian as a 'world famous event'.


Perhaps if SCC invested another million quid, I'm sure the Dry Ski slope could become the world centre for this particular event (currently held at Coopers Hill in Gloucestershire) which pre-dates the TDF by several hundred years ... the first TDF was 1903, whereas the first Cheese Rolling was mid fifteenth century.


The money made from just the sale of cheese alone would be a massive boost to Sheffield's economy! :thumbsup:

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Personally, I don't have a problem with the Tour de France coming to Sheffield ... pedalling is a sport, just like Cheese Rolling which I'm sure you can see (judging by the pictures) is another very popular sport indeed. It's even described by the Guardian as a 'world famous event'.


Perhaps if SCC invested another million quid, I'm sure the Dry Ski slope could become the world centre for this particular event (currently held at Coopers Hill in Gloucestershire) which pre-dates the TDF by several hundred years ... the first TDF was 1903, whereas the first Cheese Rolling was mid fifteenth century.


The money made from just the sale of cheese alone would be a massive boost to Sheffield's economy! :thumbsup:


Your writing also reminds me about the the world-class real ale pubs that Sheffield has to offer.


It'd be nice to see a promotional push for next year to publicise weekend breaks on the real ale trail. What better than a day's cycling in the stunning scenery to the west of Sheffield followed by a night in some of the finest pubs in England? Truly something to be proud of and to shout about.

Edited by RobWilson
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All of which confirms my view that the gushing sychophants outnumber the rest of us who have the intelligence to question what the media constantly force feeds us from cradle to the grave.


All the non-sense about promoting the area simply puts money into all too few pockets.


Money will be wasted not on re-surfacing busy roads but rather back lane cycling routes chosen for a one day event.


Pure madness.


Being asked not to attend as if my presence would dampen the atmosphere simply illustrates the nonsense some people put up as an argument.


Yorkshire is the third most popular tourist attraction already, we are told. If that is the case we don't need any TdF. And be honest; ask yourself if you've been and toured France as a result of the TdF? Marvel at the TV pictures by all means but don't try to sell the lie that any substantial numbers of visitors will flood in. It took years of 'Heart Beat' to get anyone to Goatland.


What does annoy me is this band wagon jumping. Olympics last week. Next week TdF. People's interests and lives are so empty they clutch at anything new because the reality of everyday life simply disappoints. This need to suck up to celebrity and the famous shows the void in ordinary people's lives.


It has to be instant. New. Exciting. Latest model. And no one is allowed to criticise as the penalty is being ostracised, shunned and never to be employed again. It happens with whistle blowers. It happens with all the couch dwellers who turn out on morning TV to tell us what to think. They never criticise their own because it would cost them their job. Hence, truth is the first casualty.


Lady Gaga looked awful. Joan Collins in wig and cement like make-up is a hag. The One Show is boring. Rich women on Loose Women travelling first class for mid-week breaks in the Med and earning a fat living telling us about the cost of bread.


Do you expect me to accept that lie and not be critical?




Because life has little meaning or satisfaction but I can fantasise for 5 minutes so as to make my own sad life acceptable.


Hence, the TdF will be like feeding pigs cherries and the hunger will remain to be fed by another fad, gimmick, celeb, trend.


Sad lives for sad people.

Edited by Owethemnowt
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All of which confirms my view that the gushing sychophants outnumber the rest of us who have the intelligence to question what the media constantly force feeds us from cradle to the grave.


All the non-sense about promoting the area simply puts money into all too few pockets.


Money will be wasted not on re-surfacing busy roads but rather bacl lane cycling routes chosen for a one day event.

Pure madness.


Being asked not to attend as if my presence would dampen the atmosphere simply illustrates the nonsense some people put up as an argument.


Yorkshire is the third most popular tourist attraction already, we are told. If that is the case we don't need any TdF.


What does annoy me is this band wagon jumping. Olympics last week. Next week TdF. People's interests and lives are so empty they clutch at anything new because the reality of everyday life simply disappoints.


It has to be instant. New. Exciting. Latest model.




Because life has little meaning or satisfaction.


Hence, the TdF will be like feeding pigs cherries and the hunger will remain to be fed by another fad, gimmick, celeb, trend.


Sad lives for sad people.


Do you live in Sheffield? I ask because if you do, you may have noticed all the roads being resurfaced. In fact over the next few years every road will be resurfaced.

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