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2014 Tour de France will start in Yorkshire and come to Sheffield


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Thats already been discussed. Park your car away from the route, walk to your car in the morning, drive to work. Or walk to an part of the city that still has buses and catch a bus.




I can see no justification for the inconvenience that will be caused to some people. the route it has been said will be closed to traffic and presumably pedestrians trying to cross the roads for up to 36 hours. All without consultation or consent.


Are you sure you don't have a problem with the Tour itself? The Sheffield Marathon, Half Marathon and Great Yorkshire Run are just as disruptive, but no one seems to complain about them.


I do for the same reasons. All these events could have taken place around the track of the stadium the council could not wait to build and could not affors without borrowing and then demolished.


Besides it being a great chance to see a unique event, then your view that nothing good will come out of it seems completely at odds with what the analysts are saying.


£1m spend for £10m direct economic benefit to the region and £5m worth of marketing benefits. That seems like a great deal to me and good for Sheffield.


financial benefit to who? A few businesses maybe but not the general population.


Lots of things cause inconvienience for lots of people all the time.


This is the worlds biggest free annual sporting event, watched by millions in Europe alone. Thousands will be out to enjoy it. It is one day in Sheffield, and it is very unlikely that this vast, historic race will ever come to the city again in our lifetimes. Yes, it will upset some people, but that's life.


Thankfully and hopefully it won't be back.

Your glib comment about the people it will inconvenience and/or upset seems to refelect a very selfish attitude.



It is one day for crying out loud. How many people who are decrying the Tour would be soiling themselves with excitement if the World Cup came to England and Sheffield was the base of one of the big teams?


On a financial note, it is worth mentioning that several of the teams have banks as significant if not primary sponsors. Banks are not known for their altruism, so why do they invest? To get a return. They know there's money in the sport and events...


I have always objected to banks sponsorship of any sporting event. If they did not waste money on that sort of thing they could reduce their charges.


There are two significant things:


A permanently signed route of the tour route bringing cyclists through worrall.

A permanent large scale sculpture erected at the end of Kirk Edge road.


These two things mean that Worrall will remain a location that people will cycle through and visit. We are also devising some bike and walking routes around the Bradfield area. There are also more "soft" outcomes - stronger community spirit, promoting of cycling, a sense of pride. It is due to general positive thinking and proactive cooperation of the worrall and other communities that these ideas can come to fruition.


Thinking that "nothing will come of this" will assure that nothing will come of it. If you put your mind to it and make something come of it then things may happen. We're not going to change the world but if we stop events like this occurring just because it might cause a bit of disruption then we'll all be worse off.


Has anyone asked how much this statue is going to cost or if anyone wants it? Or indeed who is paying for it and could the money have been better spent?

Has anyone asked the people of worrall and kirk edge rd in particular if they want loads of extra cyclists passing through?


I'm told by a council employee that the people of sheffield are still paying for the world student games. No-one asked sheffield rate payers if they wanted sheffield to host the games.


The rate payers of South Yorkshire are still paying for the Tram and the vast majority don't even live near the city never mind the tram routes.


It is disgraceful that Sheffield council continually forget that they are employed by the rate payers to act on their behalf not indulge every whim and fancy of their own regardless of the consequences(and sometimes the expense) for the people affected.



One minute the council is pleading poverty and closes the public toilets to demonstate how little money is available and deliberately cause hardship to drive the message home, than they go and blow a million on this. The same money would have all been better spent filling in som emore of the pot-holes. The state of many of the roads in sheffield is embarrassing.


Odd with its predominently left wing attitude that the council should allow such a capitalist event as this to take place here.

They say nothing happens for nothing. So it makes me wonder just who is making some profit out of it all, I know it would never be any of our councillors so who else could it be?



Edited by Tommo68
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Guest busdriver1
I hope you've missed a m off that or Penistone999 and others will be out with the pitchforks.


---------- Post added 06-06-2014 at 16:32 ----------



There are none so blind as those who will not see. I hope I never get on one of your buses.


Oh dear, I have the nerve to disagree, how terrible. Best get an insult in quick. :roll:


---------- Post added 07-06-2014 at 01:34 ----------


Lots of things cause inconvienience for lots of people all the time..


So lets create some more then..great.

Plenty people suffer congestion and delays on a daily basis so why do we have to create more? There has to be another way of having this event in the area without the massive disruption it is going to cause.


On a financial note, it is worth mentioning that several of the teams have banks as significant if not primary sponsors. Banks are not known for their altruism, so why do they invest? To get a return. They know there's money in the sport and events...


The sponsorships of any body of this event will be connected with the TV coverage of the event. The fact it is going through Sheffield or even Yorkshire is probably of little or no interest. Take away the TV coverage and the sponsorship will follow.


---------- Post added 07-06-2014 at 01:36 ----------


Or more worryingly, in front of one on your bike.


Just as well I don't drive them then isn't it.


---------- Post added 07-06-2014 at 01:41 ----------


You also have the fact that a lot if not all of the cost is being funded by central government in a special regional grant.



Theres bound to be a big post mortem, so we will see.

And central government get their money from? You and Me. so like it or not I am paying to have roads closed and delays caused. Thanks for clearing that up, It is so good to see the government looking after my taxes so well.

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Of course the sponsorship will be seen onTV. Not sure why that's a revelation.


The Tour, for the gazillionth time, is a massive international event.


It will cause some inconveinience to some people for a short period of time. Yet many, many thousands will enjoy it locally, not to mention millions on TV.


So lets nor even have any big events in Sheffield.


Ever. Lets hope Leeds and anywhere else gets them.


That way we can slip backwards a bit further and a bit quicker. We're a local city, for local people, and God forbid if anyone ever wants to bring an international event, for one day in probably 100 years.


Lets just say no. We don't want it. After all, we may need to plan a bit and make an effort for one day, and it puts us out too much.


As for my attitude, how do you know I'm not having to do a bit of planning for the day? Because I am. And do you know what, that's ok, because I'm not a serial whinger.


I'm done. If people don't get it now after 43 pages then they won't ever.


Vive le Tour!

Edited by perplexed
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Oh dear, I have the nerve to disagree, how terrible. Best get an insult in quick. :roll:


Just as well I don't drive them then isn't it.


And central government get their money from? You and Me. so like it or not I am paying to have roads closed and delays caused. Thanks for clearing that up, It is so good to see the government looking after my taxes so well.


Your original claims were absurd being based on nothing other than you being a miserable sod.


You're called busdriver1 but you don't drive a bus. OK.


Lots of things come out of general taxation that a lot of people don't use. People without kids pay for schools. People who aren't ill pay for the NHS. The government though is setting up a special service for miserable buggers who feel left out because they don't get every penny back.

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I can see no justification for the inconvenience that will be caused to some people. the route it has been said will be closed to traffic and presumably pedestrians trying to cross the roads for up to 36 hours. All without consultation or consent.




I do for the same reasons. All these events could have taken place around the track of the stadium the council could not wait to build and could not affors without borrowing and then demolished.




financial benefit to who? A few businesses maybe but not the general population.




Thankfully and hopefully it won't be back.

Your glib comment about the people it will inconvenience and/or upset seems to refelect a very selfish attitude.





I have always objected to banks sponsorship of any sporting event. If they did not waste money on that sort of thing they could reduce their charges.




Has anyone asked how much this statue is going to cost or if anyone wants it? Or indeed who is paying for it and could the money have been better spent?

Has anyone asked the people of worrall and kirk edge rd in particular if they want loads of extra cyclists passing through?


I'm told by a council employee that the people of sheffield are still paying for the world student games. No-one asked sheffield rate payers if they wanted sheffield to host the games.


The rate payers of South Yorkshire are still paying for the Tram and the vast majority don't even live near the city never mind the tram routes.


It is disgraceful that Sheffield council continually forget that they are employed by the rate payers to act on their behalf not indulge every whim and fancy of their own regardless of the consequences(and sometimes the expense) for the people affected.



One minute the council is pleading poverty and closes the public toilets to demonstate how little money is available and deliberately cause hardship to drive the message home, than they go and blow a million on this. The same money would have all been better spent filling in som emore of the pot-holes. The state of many of the roads in sheffield is embarrassing.


Odd with its predominently left wing attitude that the council should allow such a capitalist event as this to take place here.

They say nothing happens for nothing. So it makes me wonder just who is making some profit out of it all, I know it would never be any of our councillors so who else could it be?




Your negative attitude is quite astounding. Maybe you should ask yourself why you take this stance? The funding has come from local businesses and grants for the statue. It will be created by the community involving workshops and local schools.

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Looking forward to seeing it actually. I wonder how many of these hissy-fitters will actually go and watch it too?


---------- Post added 07-06-2014 at 08:11 ----------


Oh dear, it seems a few people are upset and jealous that the race is coming to yowkshire and perhaps not other parts of the country. http://web.orange.co.uk/article/quirkies/tour_de_frace_yorkshire_warning_video_400965

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