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How many more? School shooting, many dead.

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In summary, the various US posters on this thread seem quite happy that over 9000 of their fellow countrymen are shot to death each year, "Because there's NOTHING we can do about it". To have that rate of gun related killings in the UK, around 1800 UK citizens would have to be shot to death by their neighbours. The actual number of UK deaths is around 40.


So there IS something that can be done about this situation, we've done it. We are human beings just like Americans are human beings. Shameful that the USA are to immature to grasp this problem and sort it.

It's sad to note the mount of anti American rant such as this is rampant on this forum without any consideration for the sorrow and anger we who are closest feel about losing our children. we have a problem, we know it, but many of your suggestions are beyond possibility. You are proud of your Country's history on gun violence. Never forget it took a lot of hangings to achieve it
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It's sad to note the mount of anti American rant such as this is rampant on this forum without any consideration for the sorrow and anger we who are closest feel about losing our children. we have a problem, we know it, but many of your suggestions are beyond possibility. You are proud of your Country's history on gun violence. Never forget it took a lot of hangings to achieve it


But we sorted it out hey..... unlike the US.. where mass killings seem the norm... In canada gun ownership is way more restricted eh..

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It's sad to note the mount of anti American rant such as this is rampant on this forum without any consideration for the sorrow and anger we who are closest feel about losing our children. we have a problem, we know it, but many of your suggestions are beyond possibility. You are proud of your Country's history on gun violence. Never forget it took a lot of hangings to achieve it


that's a typical, gun toting yank view buck - you believe you can kill your way out violence, we genuinely don't understand why an ordinary person needs a machine gun or a handgun.


we stopped hanging in the 60s which suggsts that peope in their 50s and older remain deterred by it and no one else.


America smells of out of control violence, both at home and abroad - you accept massacres in schools, cinemas and shopping malls as the price of freedom, we respond to them (dunblane / hungerford) by stopping the ownership of most guns.


following the banning of autos and handguns, we did not have an outbreak of criminal gun gangs running riot- we had less dead people with bullets in them - you have 20,000 or so a year, a 911 death toll every few weeks.


we're right , you're wrong

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Keep it civil please - these shootings were a tragedy on that I think we can all agree. Perhaps instead of slinging criticism and insults around we could refrain from that and discuss the issue of gun control elsewhere and in a more restrained and mature fashion.

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Like Buck I'm saddened by the attitude of people that make a tragic event the reason for American bashing. Many of these post are without any sympathy to those affected by the killings in Connecticut.


My thoughts are with those affected at this time; any talks of legislature etc are better left to another time.

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Hmmm, an odd post from somebody who purports to be living in San Juan Islands, posting on the sheffield Forum!


Why is that? In Canada gun crime is 1/100th of that in the US despite our gun ownership being higher. The murder rate here is far lower than the UK where gun ownership is highly controlled.

I don't know why folk south of the border feel the need to shoot one another, but it is clearly more complex than simply having access to guns.

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