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How many more? School shooting, many dead.

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The total population of Canada is about the same as the current population of California.

I dont see any sense in averages when population size is involved.


What's the average murder rate in Britain compared to Luxemburg?


Its pretty straight forward unless you want to bury your head in the sand and try to make out Montreal is a place where you are likely to get shot.

The point is that you are much more likely to die from gun shot wounds in the USA than Canada. That has nothing to do with population.


In the average year there are around 13000 murders in the USA compared to under 500 in Canada. You want to compare California. OK. There are 2300 murders a year in California which is around 5 times the number in the whole of Canada.


The USA has around the same number of murders each year as the whole of China.

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Its pretty straight forward unless you want to bury your head in the sand and try to make out Montreal is a place where you are likely to get shot.

The point is that you are much more likely to die from gun shot wounds in the USA than Canada. That has nothing to do with population.


In the average year there are around 13000 murders in the USA compared to under 500 in Canada. You want to compare California. OK. There are 2300 murders a year in California which is around 5 times the number in the whole of Canada.


The USA has around the same number of murders each year as the whole of China.


Differing demographics, history and poverty levels have a lot to do with it but I wont get into that. Touchy subject with some people


Canada's history is much different that that of the US. While the white settlers who moved west across Canada shoved the Indians into reservations and treated them no better than the New Americans there was nowhere near the mass movement of settlers heading across Canada than there was to the south because much of Canada's land mass is hostile to human habitation.


Even today most of the Canadian population is concentrated along the border with the US. A much smaller influx of immigrants to Canada meant that economic and industrial growth and the demands that are placed on such growth was much slower than in the US and the social upheavels and mayhem which resulted none existent by comparison.


Canada up until the end of the 1950s also restricted immigration from none white nations even to the extent of barring potential immigrants from southern Europe in some cases just as the other commonwealth countries, Australia and New Zealand did. In short Canada was never the melting pot that the US was.


The importation of slaves from Africa which started during the the early years of European rule in north America never happened in Canada as the climate was not suitable for farming such high demand commodities as cotton, tobacco and sugar for which Britain and Europe were the prime markets.

Thus the issue of an economy based on slave labour was never an issue in Canada so there was no reason for a civil war or cause for any dsiunity except for Quebec which always seems to have a never ending desire to separate :D


Just a short history on why and how Canada and the US are at such variations today

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Canada, blah, blah, blah.
Very interesting. Doesn't explain why Yanks seem to close their eyes to the mass slaughter that guns cause in their country every year. As opposed to Canada, where the mass slaughter doesn't happen.


There will be another mass shooting soon enough in the US, very sadly. People will express shock and horror. Nothing will be done to stop it happening again. The cycle will repeat. What a crazy situation. How vile that people try to justify gun ownership.

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Very interesting. Doesn't explain why Yanks seem to close their eyes to the mass slaughter that guns cause in their country every year. As opposed to Canada, where the mass slaughter doesn't happen.


There will be another mass shooting soon enough in the US, very sadly. People will express shock and horror. Nothing will be done to stop it happening again. The cycle will repeat. What a crazy situation. How vile that people try to justify gun ownership.


I thought it perfectly explained why there are regular mass shootings in the US and not Canada. It was a perfect example of someone sticking his fingers in his ears because he didn't want to hear the sad truth.


---------- Post added 16-12-2012 at 11:10 ----------


Differing demographics, history and poverty levels have a lot to do with it but I wont get into that. Touchy subject with some people


Canada's history is much different that that of the US. While the white settlers who moved west across Canada shoved the Indians into reservations and treated them no better than the New Americans there was nowhere near the mass movement of settlers heading across Canada than there was to the south because much of Canada's land mass is hostile to human habitation.


Even today most of the Canadian population is concentrated along the border with the US. A much smaller influx of immigrants to Canada meant that economic and industrial growth and the demands that are placed on such growth was much slower than in the US and the social upheavels and mayhem which resulted none existent by comparison.


Canada up until the end of the 1950s also restricted immigration from none white nations even to the extent of barring potential immigrants from southern Europe in some cases just as the other commonwealth countries, Australia and New Zealand did. In short Canada was never the melting pot that the US was.


The importation of slaves from Africa which started during the the early years of European rule in north America never happened in Canada as the climate was not suitable for farming such high demand commodities as cotton, tobacco and sugar for which Britain and Europe were the prime markets.

Thus the issue of an economy based on slave labour was never an issue in Canada so there was no reason for a civil war or cause for any dsiunity except for Quebec which always seems to have a never ending desire to separate :D


Just a short history on why and how Canada and the US are at such variations today



I have read some ill informed guff in my time but I think that this must put you firmly as number one on the list.


Just try checking a few facts..

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Very interesting. Doesn't explain why Yanks seem to close their eyes to the mass slaughter that guns cause in their country every year. As opposed to Canada, where the mass slaughter doesn't happen.


There will be another mass shooting soon enough in the US, very sadly. People will express shock and horror. Nothing will be done to stop it happening again. The cycle will repeat. What a crazy situation. How vile that people try to justify gun ownership.


Dont be stupid. Nobody's closing their eyes to what happened in Newtown. The whole country is in mourning. Why do people like you keep coming on here with "something should be done to stop it" What's "something" mean"?

Rounding up every legally registered weapon? That shouldn't be monumental as the owners are known but what about the illegal weapons which will still be in circulation. We're not talking about a small insular island here but a country of vast size with a lot of people of different cultures and very different levels of social and economic existence.


There's also borders north and south that stretch for thousands of miles and weapon smuggling isnt that hard to do. The border control cant stop literally thousands of vehicles criss crossing the borders at any given time to carry out individual searches.


You dont have a clue what it's about


---------- Post added 16-12-2012 at 19:22 ----------


I thought it perfectly explained why there are regular mass shootings in the US and not Canada. It was a perfect example of someone sticking his fingers in his ears because he didn't want to hear the sad truth.


---------- Post added 16-12-2012 at 11:10 ----------




I have read some ill informed guff in my time but I think that this must put you firmly as number one on the list.


Just try checking a few facts..


Well just dont come up with a dumb single line statement. Try doing something unusual for a change instead of the personal insults and criitique the post. After all that shouldnt be beyond the capabilities of a graduate of Sheffo University

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Dont be stupid. Nobody's closing their eyes to what happened in Newtown. The whole country is in mourning. Why do people like you keep coming on here with "something should be done to stop it" What's "something" mean"?

Rounding up every legally registered weapon? That shouldn't be monumental as the owners are known but what about the illegal weapons which will still be in circulation. We're not talking about a small insular island here but a country of vast size with a lot of people of different cultures and very different levels of social and economic existence.


There's also borders north and south that stretch for thousands of miles and weapon smuggling isnt that hard to do. The border control cant stop literally thousands of vehicles criss crossing the borders at any given time to carry out individual searches.


You dont have a clue what it's about


---------- Post added 16-12-2012 at 19:22 ----------



Well just dont come up with a dumb single line statement. Try doing something unusual for a change instead of the personal insults and criitique the post. After all that shouldnt be beyond the capabilities of a graduate of Sheffo University



Here's a starter for you. The abolition of that non existent slave trade.




I presume you never troubled the campus of any establishment of higher education.

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Dont be stupid. Nobody's closing their eyes to what happened in Newtown. The whole country is in mourning. Why do people like you keep coming on here with "something should be done to stop it" What's "something" mean"?


To be fair, it's your country and you should be coming up with the ideas about what can be done.


I accept all you say about the historical reason for the plethora of guns in the country and how gun ownership is enshrined in your constitution but even the most ardent gun owner has to admit that there should be an open debate within your country as to how to stop the slaughter.

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Here's a starter for you. The abolition of that non existent slave trade.




I presume you never troubled the campus of any establishment of higher education.


You had to google it of course.:hihi: Nothing original from your noggin that's for sure.

The slavery in Canada was nowhere on the scale of that in the US neverthe less and Duh even I know about the Underground Railroad. I even read Uncle Tom's Cabin a long time ago


I see you work in the US from a previous post. That must be around Seattle somewhere probably. Which part of the city is your Walmart in ? :hihi:

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To be fair, it's your country and you should be coming up with the ideas about what can be done.


I accept all you say about the historical reason for the plethora of guns in the country and how gun ownership is enshrined in your constitution but even the most ardent gun owner has to admit that there should be an open debate within your country as to how to stop the slaughter.


How about a ban on all assault weapons with the FBI aided by all levels of law enforcement to enforce the ban and closely monitor and if necessary prosecute to the fullest extent vendors at gun shows who would sell these kind of weapons under the table. That's one area of the problem. Guns sold without proper registration or the necessary waiting period for a background check have been known to occur at gun shows. Gun shops on the other hand cannot sell these kinds of weapons. Not in California anyway.


That doesnt stop assault weapons being smuggled across the border from Mexico or possibly Canada of course


School campuses and universities having metal detectors installed with at least one armed guard on duty during student hours.

The problem here is that with budget cuts many school districts cant afford to install such things as metal detectors or hire security guards so perhaps the Federal Government need to step in and fund these kind of security measures just as they do at airports.


Malls are a different problem to secure as there are so many entrances but maybe mall guards should have weapons training and be armed which at present they're not.


We're all living in a changing society some of it for the worse unfortunately.

Who would have thought back in the 1960s that today we all have to take our shoes off when going through airport security because a British terrorist tried to use his tennies to blow up a plane


The other solution is to be able to spot every potential loony anywhere and everywhere using specially trained people equipped with face scanners that record unusual eye movements and unusual facial twitches and then require those that do have these characterisitics to wear a monitoring device which could in turn transmit his thought processes to a central data base and if all the dots and dashes come together in a certain pattern send the SWAT team out to arrest him on the spot because it's just known that he's going to go on a shooting rampage sometime in the near or distant future


That last part is obviously a joke of course


---------- Post added 16-12-2012 at 21:07 ----------


If I was president Obama I would hold a national referendum on the issue; if a majority want guns banned or VERY tightly controled, then go for it.


Obama cant ban guns. The Congress and Senate would have to vote to repeal the Second Amendment. That wont happen in our lifetime

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