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How many more? School shooting, many dead.

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The difference between Canada and the USA jumps out at you on this. Both countries have the right to bare arms but Canada has regulation on types of weapons, how they are stored and how you obtain a permit. Nothing that interferes with peoples rights unless you feel that you need a machine gun to hunt deer.


What is striking is the difference in the murder rates particularly if you take 2 communities separated by nothing more than the border.


St Catharine's is on the Canadian end of the Niagara falls Buffalo the US side


Murder rate St Catharine's... 1.6 per 100,000

Murder rate Buffalo ...........26.4 per 100,000


No one needs to give up the right to bare arms, just the right of nutters to buy a dozen 32 shot assault rifles.

I know exactly where St. Catherines is, and I can agree with you that the whole of the Niagara peninsula on the Canadian side is a lot more scenic than is Buffalo. I won't even deny your point about murder rates. But what is your point other than to gloat just because you can't get a green card. My state and its towns are much more attractive than most of those in Canada. I lived in Montreal, the Gaspe Peninsula, and Newfoundland. Apart from Montreal which I'm very fond of, the rest were garbage. My adopted country is hurting, deep with grief, but as always we shall come out of it, as we do every earthquake, hurricane or tornado. This awful event that happened in Newtown is not the norm here, nor is it anywhere, but we have to do whatever we can to prevent it happening, and we will. But it won't be done by some mysterious force like "them" who should stop it. It will be done by us, not SF. By the way, check your map, its St. CathErine's.
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I know exactly where St. Catherines is, and I can agree with you that the whole of the Niagara peninsula on the Canadian side is a lot more scenic than is Buffalo. I won't even deny your point about murder rates. But what is your point other than to gloat just because you can't get a green card. My state and its towns are much more attractive than most of those in Canada. I lived in Montreal, the Gaspe Peninsula, and Newfoundland. Apart from Montreal which I'm very fond of, the rest were garbage. My adopted country is hurting, deep with grief, but as always we shall come out of it, as we do every earthquake, hurricane or tornado. This awful event that happened in Newtown is not the norm here, nor is it anywhere, but we have to do whatever we can to prevent it happening, and we will. But it won't be done by some mysterious force like "them" who should stop it. It will be done by us, not SF. By the way, check your map, its St. CathErine's.






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Just hours after the tragic shooting in Connecticut shootings, one of the first things that was reveled about the suspect, was that he was addicted to violent video games.


I'm sorry, but does anyone else think that blaming violent games or films for influencing such unbelievable acts is wrong?


Firstly, I know many people, myself included, that love playing violent video games and watching violent films. They have never committed a violent act towards anyone....ever!


Adam Lanza was obviously mentally unstable and had an unhealthy thirst for bloodshed. Of cause he was going to like playing violent video games and watching violent films. I'm sure many rapists will have an unhealthy thirst for pornographic films.


Why are violent games and films always brought into question when tragic acts, like the Connecticut shootings happen?

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Some of the posts on the thread have been removed and we have reopened it. A discussion about the tragedy and the related issue of gun control can now continue.


However, its up to members to ensure it stays open. Humour isn't appropriate on a thread of this nature, neither is name calling or off topic remarks. Please take this warning seriously.


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I don't know, so perhaps you can tell me. You lot never invented the airplane, or electric light, or the refrigerator, or the internet, or went to the moon. It was some stupid American. So we will have an answer from some other stupid Americans. I hope you will have one too when your next one comes, and it will. You're great copycats though you managed to blame Sylvester Stallone for Hungerford.
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I don't know, so perhaps you can tell me. You lot never invented the airplane, or electric light, or the refrigerator, or the internet, or went to the moon. It was some stupid American. So we will have an answer from some other stupid Americans. I hope you will have one too when your next one comes, and it will. You're great copycats though you managed to blame Sylvester Stallone for Hungerford.


Tim Berners-Lee - sorry.

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