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How many more? School shooting, many dead.

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I know exactly where St. Catherines is, and I can agree with you that the whole of the Niagara peninsula on the Canadian side is a lot more scenic than is Buffalo. I won't even deny your point about murder rates. But what is your point other than to gloat just because you can't get a green card. My state and its towns are much more attractive than most of those in Canada. I lived in Montreal, the Gaspe Peninsula, and Newfoundland. Apart from Montreal which I'm very fond of, the rest were garbage. My adopted country is hurting, deep with grief, but as always we shall come out of it, as we do every earthquake, hurricane or tornado. This awful event that happened in Newtown is not the norm here, nor is it anywhere, but we have to do whatever we can to prevent it happening, and we will. But it won't be done by some mysterious force like "them" who should stop it. It will be done by us, not SF. By the way, check your map, its St. CathErine's.



Wouldn't it be better if you checked your map before trying to correct folk who were right in the first place.




St. Catharines is the largest city in Canada's Niagara Region and the sixth largest urban area in Ontario, with 96.11 square kilometers of land. Wikipedia


Elevation: 98 m

Area: 96.11 km²

Weather: 5°C, Wind NW at 23 km/h, 93% Humidity

Local time: Tuesday 8:59 AM

Province: Ontario

Points of interest: Lake Ontario, Jack Gatecliff Arena, Montebello Park,


You see it is St. CathArines

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I don't know, so perhaps you can tell me. You lot never invented the airplane, or electric light, or the refrigerator, or the internet, or went to the moon. It was some stupid American. So we will have an answer from some other stupid Americans. I hope you will have one too when your next one comes, and it will. You're great copycats though you managed to blame Sylvester Stallone for Hungerford.


In all honesty that is the worst reply you have ever made.


You don't know the answer but all will be well because you invented the fridge??

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To those who expressed their prayers and sympathy for those who lost their loved ones I am truly grateful. For those who could only wait to gloat, politicize, or spit out their hatred, I will only say you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves, though I know you won't be. You are a disgrace to this forum and to your country. If this post gets banned then so be it. I have other avenues.

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To those who expressed their prayers and sympathy for those who lost their loved ones I am truly grateful. For those who could only wait to gloat, politicize, or spit out their hatred, I will only say you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves, though I know you won't be. You are a disgrace to this forum and to your country. If this post gets banned then so be it. I have other avenues.


Just another angry man with delusions.


Duck everyone.

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Perhaps the discussions are a response to the emotional impact these awful events have had on everyone - people try to understand how things could have happened and as part of that, talk will inevitably turn to the discussion of gun laws.


Personally imo there's a lot wrong and a lot right with American society, the same goes for our own society here in the UK. The only people I don't care for are those who - through their words and silences, actions and inactions - cause and allow hurt and suffering to others.


Which includes, imo, those who argue against gun control with simplistic tabloid propaganda.

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Even though this thread was started with with the intention of discussing gun control it's sad that very few expressed any sympathies or condolences to the families of the victims. (As for myself I expressed my feelings by sending them via the CNN website)


However instead all that's been posted mainly is one harangue after another about how good gun control works in the UK and Canada along with a bunch of statistics and the suggestion that the whole of America is like 1885 Dodge City

I certainly and sincerely hope that nothing similar to what happened in Newtown ever occurs either in the Uk or Canada but mental instability and alienation and hostility towards society in general knows no borders and that should be kept in mind. If God forbid anything like Newtown does happen in your parts of the world I wont come on here to gloat and moralise as so many of you have done


I've lived in the US for the better part of 46 years, driven all over the south and northwest and even as far as the mid west, clocked up thousands and thousands of miles, walked a hundred malls, dropped off and picked up my kids at the schools they went to for years and now do the same for my grandkids a few days a week, sat in restaurants and movie theatres beyond numbers and never once even got my pocket picked.


The only time I ever had problems was in good old law abiding Europe. An attempted theft of my wife's purse while travelling on the Paris Metro, the rental car stolen by joyriders a few days later and on the London Tube late one night had to fist a drunken Scotsman who became threatening and abusive when I refused to give him the money for a drink


Just a thought.

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Even though this thread was started with with the intention of discussing gun control it's sad that very few expressed any sympathies or condolences to the families of the victims. (As for myself I expressed my feelings by sending them via the CNN website)


However instead all that's been posted mainly is one harangue after another about how good gun control works in the UK and Canada along with a bunch of statistics and the suggestion that the whole of America is like 1885 Dodge City

I certainly and sincerely hope that nothing similar to what happened in Newtown ever occurs either in the Uk or Canada but mental instability and alienation and hostility towards society in general knows no borders and that should be kept in mind. If God forbid anything like Newtown does happen in your parts of the world I wont come on here to gloat and moralise as so many of you have done


I've lived in the US for the better part of 46 years, driven all over the south and northwest and even as far as the mid west, clocked up thousands and thousands of miles, walked a hundred malls, dropped off and picked up my kids at the schools they went to for years and now do the same for my grandkids a few days a week, sat in restaurants and movie theatres beyond numbers and never once even got my pocket picked.


The only time I ever had problems was in good old law abiding Europe. An attempted theft of my wife's purse while travelling on the Paris Metro, the rental car stolen by joyriders a few days later and on the London Tube late one night had to fist a drunken Scotsman who became threatening and abusive when I refused to give him the money for a drink


Just a thought.


Indeed. One mans experience of crime or the lack of it.

Since we're having this discussion against the backdrop of another tragedy in a long line of tragedies - each of which occurred in a country awash with firearms and people only to keen to use them, you'll forgive if I don't applaud you.


P.S. Referring to the fact that you've sent your sympathies via CNN seems a little akin to me to teling the world how much you give to charity - i.e. wholly unnecessary and rather unseemly.

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