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How many more? School shooting, many dead.

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An american was arguing in favour of guns the other day, based on the holocaust, apparently, if germany hadnt had strict gun controls, allowing the jews to be armed, the holocaust wouldnt have happened.


Amazing isn't it. Think of a dumb story then ad a bit of holocaust to give it gravity, and hopefully other dumb schmucks will believe it adding credibility.


Even the NRA couldn't make that one up.


On second thoughts...

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Which just illustrates nicely how far removed from reality you really are; of course it's irrational to buy a gun after an event like this - it increases the likelihood of others meeting a violent death.




I remember when there was some mad twerp driving round Cumbria shooting at people a little while back. I was at a friends house doing some work out on his farm in one for the barns.


His wife called us and told us what was happening and we locked ourselfs in the barn with a shotgun a piece, rather than drive back home on roads that a homocidal maniac was known to be occupying. I felt considerably more reassured for having that Remington, than not. I can well understand people buying home defence weapons, like shotguns and handguns after an event like this.

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How many posts would happen before the subject of gun control came up again?


Well duh! Of course people are going to talk about gun control after events like this.


It is precisely because of events like this that people like gun control. This is precisely the time we should be talking about gun control, your president agrees at least.

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I remember when there was some mad twerp driving round Cumbria shooting at people a little while back. I was at a friends house doing some work out on his farm in one for the barns.


His wife called us and told us what was happening and we locked ourselfs in the barn with a shotgun a piece, rather than drive back home on roads that a homocidal maniac was known to be occupying. I felt considerably more reassured for having that Remington, than not. I can well understand people buying home defence weapons, like shotguns and handguns after an event like this.


The trouble is that guns don't actually defend against other guns. A bullet doesn't stop a bullet (unless you are an EXTREMELY good shot) and unless you are experienced/trained with a gun, may cause more danger than reassurance.


For all the people who want to buy guns to defend themselves against an armed attacker (I'm not talking about you or your friends, Obelix) it may be a better investment to first buy some body kevlar/body armour/protection/home reinforcements that will literally defend against gunfire, before considering spending money on a gun.

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I would venture to suggestl the fears the survivors are feeling are far from irrational.


I was referring to those not directly involved in the disaster,such as those who were experiencing panic as a result.

I realise that for the survivors and victims families nothing can compare to their suffering.I imagine they will be so traumatised they will need support not only in the immediate aftermath but in the long term also, because they will never get over something on the scale of that tragedy completely.

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Well duh! Of course people are going to talk about gun control after events like this.


It is precisely because of events like this that people like gun control. This is precisely the time we should be talking about gun control, your president agrees at least.


Obama has called for a ban on assault weapons and ammo clips that can hold a high number of rounds. Makes sense to me.

It will only have any chance of working if the ban becomes a Federal law which it isnt at the moment.

A Federal law could be enforced by the FBI and perhaps with a fine of 25,000.00 for the first offence and for a second offence 25 years in prison without the possibility of parole.


If that sounds like overkill well it's the only kind of punishment that will have anything like a real deterrent and will lead hopefully to all of them dropping out of circulation.


Vendors who are caught selling these weapons at gun shows, where many of them come from could also face the same penalty


Of course this would require co-operation from the gun lobby and the NRA and that's another story

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  • 1 month later...

Let me say first that like any sane person I abhor the death of any innocent children and feel nothing but revulsion for such an act.

But... lets look for a moment at the above post.

The guy who committed the atrocity had mental health issues and presumably intended to commit suicide so would the threat of life imprisonment or a zillion dollar fine have deterred him? sadly not.

You cant legislate for crazy people.

In the Uk the amount of guns in private ownership was very small in comparison to the population and so it was relatively easy for the government to ban the private ownership of guns.

Even so there are still shootings mostly gang or drug related. My point being criminals will always find ways round legislation.

In the states there are millions of guns in circulation. Even if the government were to demand all law abiding citizens hand in the guns there would still be plenty of guns for criminals to use so legislation which makes politicians look like they are doing something in reality won't make this sort of thing stop.

This may sound defeatist but I'm just trying to be realistic.

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