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How many more? School shooting, many dead.

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I'm in America right now. Seems that shootings feature quite regularly on the news, including another school shooting in Georgia. Did this make the mainstream news in UK?


Also an Australian lad was shot dead by 3 teens "for the fun of it" (also in the USA)

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It all turns on the ambiguity of the USA Constitution, so revered by the irreverent.


Here's what it says, in article 4 of the Second Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. [source: http://myloc.gov/Exhibitions/CreatingtheUS/interactives/bill_of_rights/HTML/beararms/index.html]


So is not the arm-bearing limited to the militia-necessity? It does not purport to allow all citizens arms, does it?


The use of the phrase 'the people' would suggest it does. However, it was drafted in an age when the arms they had in mind could not discharge multiple rounds of ammunition and be used to kill lots of people quickly and easily.


It's the old problem of new technology making old laws redundant.


I too am in America at the moment and passed a 'firearms supermarket' with a billboard outside it bearing a mocked-up text message which read:


We must talk. God.


The irony had obviously escaped most of the customers.

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I'm in America right now. Seems that shootings feature quite regularly on the news, including another school shooting in Georgia. Did this make the mainstream news in UK?


Also an Australian lad was shot dead by 3 teens "for the fun of it" (also in the USA)


Another shooting this morning, outside a Salvation Army centre.

The shooting was by a cop, no details yet about what the other guy did or if he was armed

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I'm in America right now. Seems that shootings feature quite regularly on the news, including another school shooting in Georgia. Did this make the mainstream news in UK?


This one? If so yes. Fortunately, there don't appear to have been any casualties.

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