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How many more? School shooting, many dead.

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To wipe out killing overnight I will agree. Banning gun ownership on the other hand is a start. There always has to be a start.


I don't think you can buy an AK47 with a cup of coffee in Switzerland or Canada. It isn't about the amount of guns available, it's about the control, or lack of.


Americans buy more AK47s than the Russian military and police combined it seems.


This isn't Europe. You just cant pass laws banning guns. A repeal of the 2nd amendment would have to happen first. That in itself would be a monumental task. It would more than likely take years of debate, lawsuits and if it ever got as far as the supreme court might well be rejected on the grounds that penalizing the great mamority over the sins of the few was just downright unjust and unconstitutional.


The Russian military and the US police dont use AK47s by the way and they cannot be bought legally in stores here either

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Banning gun ownership wont solve the problem. This is a simplistic solution that is no solution at all. It might be a solution for small nations but it's far more complex in a nation with a population of over 300 million


Even were Congress to vote to repeal the Second Amendment to the Constitution and require all owners of firearms that have been registered to turn them in there would still be a few million firearms in circulation that were in the hands of people who are not the registered owners.


It's coming to the day when school campuses and shopping malls will have to implement security measures similar to those at airports.

Not everyone in America lives in a City the size of NYC or Chicago. Most of us live in small towns with a very small police force, and most of us live there peacefully and happily, many of us own a handgun as well as a hunting rifle and shotgun as well. Some houses are in remote areas as well, and the hand gun gives people a feeling of relief. Home invasion is on the increase, with a noted case here in Connecticut where two ex cons broke intio a home, bludgeoned the Doctor owner almost to death, strangled his wife after raping her, then tied her two daughters to a bed, and set the house on fire, killing them. A handgun could have saved them. The two men are in the death house, but are not likely to be executed. Its not the done thing in Connectiut
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I've always believed that you can be killed anywhere at anytime by some nut with an axe to grind. You'll never know the shooter or the reasons for his actions. You just happened to be there.

But if guns were illegal, there'd be less chance that you'll be shot, therefore less chance of death

Many years ago a demented middle aged woman sitting next to me at the coffee counter in a Greyhound bus station threw her cup of coffee over me babbling on that I was a private detective who had been paid to spy on her


Half the nuts in the world aren't even locked up

This is appalling, I've just read the constitution, there's nothing about your own right to bear coffee. If only this had been thought of back then you could have defended yourself!

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Would have been more use if the perp had been shot before he began shooting others.


Why wasn't this picked up by the FBI? surely he could have been taken out before he shot the first person?


How could the FBI have known he was going to start shooting ?? In the states in simple to own a weapon, anyone can walk into a mall etc and start shooting, how can they be taken out ?? it would take 5 seconds in a crowded area to shoot many many people... what if it happened in the UK... how many people could be shot before the armed response got in situ ??? I reckon from the first shot, it would take them at least 20 mins to get there, no chance of stopping a deranged person from firing... how can anyone know ??

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Not everyone in America lives in a City the size of NYC or Chicago. Most of us live in small towns with a very small police force, and most of us live there peacefully and happily, many of us own a handgun as well as a hunting rifle and shotgun as well. Some houses are in remote areas as well, and the hand gun gives people a feeling of relief. Home invasion is on the increase, with a noted case here in Connecticut where two ex cons broke intio a home, bludgeoned the Doctor owner almost to death, strangled his wife after raping her, then tied her two daughters to a bed, and set the house on fire, killing them. A handgun could have saved them. The two men are in the death house, but are not likely to be executed. Its not the done thing in Connectiut


Sad story but all kinds of things could have saved them, a guard dog, a machette, reinforced doors/windows, better planning, a pike, a paintball gun, a fire hose, a panic room/safe room, trap door + pit, self defence training,etc

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How could the FBI have known he was going to start shooting ?? In the states in simple to own a weapon, anyone can walk into a mall etc and start shooting, how can they be taken out ?? it would take 5 seconds in a crowded area to shoot many many people... what if it happened in the UK... how many people could be shot before the armed response got in situ ??? I reckon from the first shot, it would take them at least 20 mins to get there, no chance of stopping a deranged person from firing... how can anyone know ??


They always know in CSI n stuff.

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For anybody who actually wants to know, the official (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) statistic for the most recently available complete year (2009) data shows the relative murder rates as:


UK: 1.2 per 100,000 people (total of 722)

US: 5.0 per 100,000 people (total of 15,399 which is down from many previous recent years)

Canada: 1.8 per 100,000 people (total of 610)


There are an awful lot of places where it is much more dangerous to live, like Honduras, with a relative rate of 91.6 per 100,000 people, but I'd still rather live in a country which has a lower murder rate and any country which has murders (any) and doesn't ask the question of how the rate can be reduced really isn't being responsible to its citizens.

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