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How many more? School shooting, many dead.

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To wipe out killing overnight I will agree. Banning gun ownership on the other hand is a start. There always has to be a start.





I don't think you can buy an AK47 with a cup of coffee in Switzerland or Canada. It isn't about the amount of guns available, it's about the control, or lack of.


Americans buy more AK47s than the Russian military and police combined it seems.


I'm sure the Americans will appreciate your input into their affairs as much as you wouls appreciate their into yours.

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Sadly, gun ownership is an integral part of America's culture, it seems a bit alien to us, but, go to many countries and many aspects of foreign cultures seem alien.


What would cause a 20 year old young man to go on a shooting rampage? I see him as a victim too, where does society go wrong? I think society has blood on its hands, not just the man with the gun.


It happens all too often, not just america, one took place in Germany a few years ago. It is a tragedy, always has been and always will be and I dont think it will stop anytime soon, anywhere.


People should read about the Columbine Massacre, the accounts from that are chilling but give an insight to the gunmens minds.


Spare a thought for the lives that will never be the same again

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I'm sure the Americans will appreciate your input into their affairs as much as you wouls appreciate their into yours.


The site is UK, debating topics from Attercliffe to Afghanistan..maybe we should all keep our opinions to ourselves..yours too?




Considering a fair proportion of my family are American and German I'm sure they will. The parents of the children recently gunned down in cold blood probably have an opinion too. Would you like to go toe to toe with the parents and tell them all about their rights, and how other countries perform oh so better..and hey, they have as much guns as the US? Would you swap those kids lives for the right to bear arms to be scrapped? Me? In a heartbeat.


There'll be a bit of huffin n puffin from the politicians who'll use it as political capitol, then it'll all blow over until the next slaughter.

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Sadly, gun ownership is an integral part of America's culture, it seems a bit alien to us, but, go to many countries and many aspects of foreign cultures seem alien.


So the people of the USA did worship the great Lord Gun, and were led by his prophet, the NRA.


Though He demanded regular human sacrifice, yet the people believed the word of the NRA, and ensured that the worship of Great Gun would continue, and no restraints would be placed on His power.

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As a result of that so is the slaughter of its citizens part of that culture.


yes, it certainly seems that way.


someone on the news earlier was saying that there would be less shootings if more people had guns...


someone else said that banning guns wouldnt work because they are currently illegal in schools, and the shooting happened at a school so clearly banning guns wont stop people being shot


there are some pretty spurious reasons they have to justify why people need several guns in bedside cabinets, boots of cars etc etc

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Home invasion is on the increase, with a noted case here in Connecticut where two ex cons broke intio a home, bludgeoned the Doctor owner almost to death, strangled his wife after raping her, then tied her two daughters to a bed, and set the house on fire, killing them. A handgun could have saved them. The two men are in the death house, but are not likely to be executed. Its not the done thing in Connectiut


If home invasion is on the increase then clearly the present US gun laws are not working. I think the above story, as tragic as it is, lists 3 deaths which is a fraction of the number killed yesterday at the school. Over here some burglaries are targetted at gun-owners by people wanting to get their hands on guns.


You still choose to miss the point that guns that people may be allowed to have in their own home to protect themselves there can also be taken out onto the streets and into schools, cinemas, etc.


The current US gun laws allow mass murder on a scale as large as the mass-murderers want rather than allowing the US state to protect innocent people from lunatics.


I still find it a paradox that those poeple who claim to be most nationalistic in the US are the same ones who support allowing US citizens to be murdered by guns. I think the number of deaths on September 11th is replicated every 3 months through murder by US citizens of US citizens. A lot of it is through guns.

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Poor little ones. Why do they always have to be the victims in these senseless killing sprees.


I wonder if the media will delve deeper in to the history behind the killer- surely if you kill you parents too, there must have been some underlying problems.


The media would have unearthed plenty if the gunman had a foreign sounding name and was darker skinned.

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My sympathy goes out to the relatives of the victims.


Whenever an incident like this occurs you get the same people coming on here to justify the right to bear arms but never do we hear of how they would limit the 10,000 plus a year American deaths by handguns. All we get is the excuses and hand wringing but never any sign that they want to enter into serious debate about reducing this horrific death toll.


Come on you gun toters, how would you suggest your country does something about the killing of innocents?

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Poor little ones. Why do they always have to be the victims in these senseless killing sprees.


I wonder if the media will delve deeper in to the history behind the killer- surely if you kill you parents too, there must have been some underlying problems.


The media would have unearthed plenty if the gunman had a foreign sounding name and was darker skinned.



It takes funny names to instigate the patriot act and the whole country goes into meltdown. Many people because of it have lost their civil liberties. Many people in spite of it have made millions. Guns are BIG business, no one is going to rock that boat.


The killer is a byproduct of everything that is wrong with the country...bit like factories spewing out stuff into lakes and rivers.

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