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Do the anti-smoking ads work?


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Because it has been such a success in Canada I believe, there has been thought that as well as the warnings...now in bigger print to further impress upon you the implications of your habit...they are going to put pictures of diseased organs...and no I dont mean Whirlitzers :wink: ...onto the packs to attempt to put people off smoking.


Somehow I cant see it making much of a difference. As a race we are blessed with ignorance, we'll take one look at the pictures and think, "ah that'll never happen to me".


In my experience people give up smoking either

a. because they want to, you cant force someone to give up, it doesnt work. trust me I know!

b. close to deaths door, in which case they only continue to smoke cos they're nearly on the way out anyway!

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Originally posted by Mosherchik

I only smoke about 10 in a week


So the last Forum do must have lasted 2 weeks then ;)



As an ex-smoker no tv ads stopped me from smoking and never would. It was holding a new life in my arms (ah) and realising that this little being was 100% dependent on me that made all the difference. I wanted to be around to see my kids grow up and hopefully giving up smoking would give me a better chance of this.


The ads may act as a deterrent for stopping people from starting though.

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I've never smoked in my life and after seeing those ads, I'm glad I've got my head screwwed on right...


After discussing the ads with a friend of mine who smokes, he said that when the ads come on, he switches them off! :o So I told him its only because he knows he's doing more harm than good and when he realises just how much he's harming himself he's going to worry!

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Despite the banning of tobacco related advertising, more people smoke these days proportionally to when I was young. In my teenage years, only a couple of the girls in my circle of friends smoked, now more teenage girls seem to smoke than boys. I would say that smokers do not take notice of the ads, but banning cigarette advertising doesn't seem to have made any difference either.

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I dont smoke, but those adverts make me feel ill, glad that i dont smoke even more now!


My grandad stopped smoking over a year ago now, he cant bear to watch them either, makes his stomach turn! Dont know whether thats keepin him away from the fags or whether its just thats eeewy! hehe


I think people will still smoke, or give up for other reasons than just seeing that ad tho!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really don't think they're going to be effective in making smokers quit. People are going to continue smoking despite warnings because it's an addiction.. It's not as easy as these government schemes like to make out. Everyone knows the risks, it's up to them whether they want to continue smoking or not.


As a non-smoker, they just further increase the reasoning why I'd never start. I've never been interested in smoking, and it's unlikely I'll ever try.. Volunteering to inhale smoke just isn't my idea of fun somehow.! It does make me feel sorry for people when I see the side-effects that are shown on the TV adverts though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Foxxx

I smoke and it doesn't put me off. Waste of time if you ask me. I will give up smoking when I want and am ready to.


What about the non-smokers who are forced to breath in your smoke. Don't they get a say in the matter?

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As for anti-smoking camapigns I think they would have more sucess with young peopleif they empahsised the negative image of smoking rather than the health effect. Ie, smoking is common, unsexy,vulgar etc.


If only smokers knew what non-smokers are saying about them behind their backs .........

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Originally posted by slimsid2000



If only smokers knew what non-smokers are saying about them behind their backs .........


well, i'm a non smoker and i don't say anything behind their backs, and i have a bigger axe to grind than most as both my dad and grandad died of smoking related illnesses. smokers don't bother me because i can't afford to drink in pubs very often and i eat in non-smoking areas of pubs/restaurants when i can afford to spoil myself. i hardly think that smokers make much difference to the air i breathe outside, which is already heavily polluted by industry amd motor vehicles.


anyway, more young people smoke than ever, despite the lack of advertising telling them how 'cool' it is to smoke, so what exactly is the answer?

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