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Millhouses animal sanctuary


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I find this absolutly disgusting. So this idiot whos lived there for some considerable length of time suddenly complains which means innocent animals get put to sleep. Part of me wishes they'd put him to sleep instead to solve the problem :rant:


He clearly doesnt have a conscience.


What a harsh comment! Why is he an idiot? I have one, just one, dog nearby that very occasionally barks for a few hours. It drives me bats. I cannot imagine how it would be to have 30 of them yapping all day and night. This gentleman is obviously used to a bit of a racket - he has 9 animals - and he has not complained until now.. I fully support animal rescue and it must be nigh on impossible to keep them all quiet. However, I can see the other side of the story and feel there should be some compromise worked out between all parties without do gooders having a go at this elderly man. Put him to sleep indeed!

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I also can't help feeling that if the owners of this sanctuary do own a farm at Penistone, they can't be quite as devoid of funds as they are claiming.


That property was purchased with a hefty bequest in a will to them, a one off chance, they don't regularly have that sort of money coming in.

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Ive been looking for this story on the forums for a while cos i knew that this kind of thing would be being said about the man who complained. I think it was very stupid of the star to print this man's complaint and single him out as he has now had egg attacks from members of the public.


I would also like to add that this man has taken dogs from said sanctuary as his own pets, his daughter has worked there also, and he has lived in the house for many years. This complaint was not spoken without good reason, and yet he gets vilified for a complaint.


The sanctuary wouldn't be shut down over one complaint, it was a scare tactic used by the sanctuary to drum up interest as well as funds. Funds which they down really need regardless of what they say.


Anyway rant over for now.


Firstly I am appaled by this man for complaining. If he hadnt complained this wouldnt be an issue. You say him and his family worked there. Well why has he now complained about them? Hes been working there and living there for years.


I dont condone the egg attack but I understand peoples frustration with him.


So then prey tell friend of this man why did he complain after all these years of living and working there?

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Firstly I am appaled by this man for complaining. If he hadnt complained this wouldnt be an issue. You say him and his family worked there. Well why has he now complained about them? Hes been working there and living there for years.


I dont condone the egg attack but I understand peoples frustration with him.


So then prey tell friend of this man why did he complain after all these years of living and working there?


No one will know, there is normally two sides to most stories and that is why there is laws to try and protect both sides.


In the end the council have investigated and both sides have come to a compromise by the looks of things. Accusations and gossip will help neither party.

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No one will know, there is normally two sides to most stories and that is why there is laws to try and protect both sides.


In the end the council have investigated and both sides have come to a compromise by the looks of things. Accusations and gossip will help neither party.


I would love to here both sides to this story.


However the friends of his on the forum after slating us for commenting are strangly quiet as to his reason for complaining. They say that he helped the animal sanctury out in the past and we know that he lived next to it for a while yet suddenly he complained. I used to live near the Wednesday ground but we never complained as when we moved in we were aware the ground was there.


If he or his friends can justify the complaint I would love to hear it. So if his friends on here are friends they will defend him with an explaination. Otherwise dont be upset if all we hear is one point of view.

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I would love to here both sides to this story.


However the friends of his on the forum after slating us for commenting are strangly quiet as to his reason for complaining. They say that he helped the animal sanctury out in the past and we know that he lived next to it for a while yet suddenly he complained. I used to live near the Wednesday ground but we never complained as when we moved in we were aware the ground was there.


If he or his friends can justify the complaint I would love to hear it. So if his friends on here are friends they will defend him with an explaination. Otherwise dont be upset if all we hear is one point of view.


If your that interested I suggest that you pm them then.


I know neither parties and therefore will not judge on either side. It is all very sad for both parties in my view. What a horrible run up to Christmas they have both had :(

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I can't see any of his friends on here, I can just see a few people who can see that there may be some justification for his complaint rather than those jerking their knees and calling for his head. If you read the article it told you why he'd complained after being there for so long: the noise nuisance had got worse recently. It also told you that the council's monitoring equipment registered it as being too noisy which should in itself tell you that his complaint was justified.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I really do hope Jane and Pat get all the publicity they deserve and wouldn't it be great if someone could do a biopic on them. How they started the animal sanctuary when they were only six years old in the back yard of their Mill View council house and then took the opportunity to turn it into a charity in 1984. And how although struggling for funds they managed to buy another place out at Thurlstone for Pat to live in and collect more animals. Even with all this they still found time to care for people who were coming to the end of their lives, helping them with shopping, providing meals and sorting their finances out and then finally arranging their funerals. What these two sisters have done in their lifetime is unbelievable. What a fascinating story it would be.

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I got my Frank for Mill House. He was well fed, well socialised but I must admit a little stinky.. but that is pups for ya.. the man who is complaining has lived there for over 40 years. I know who he is, will not disclose on here, but I will say I don't know him personally. My thoughts are that he is wanting to sell his property and thinks the sanctuary may lower the price of his house therefore he wants it closed down. It was there when he bought the house and he has lived there for many many years so why now does he complain about noise????? but thats just my view...

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