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Watching a home made disaster grow

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The are apparently 2.7m fuel poor households in England, to which an additional 300,000, over a quarter of a million for the number challenged lot, to be added this year.


So three million households, or around 10 million people, which is both awful and good news depending on where one stands.


Such people will in our democratic nation, England, will at least have a choice, to eat, or keep warm? Sad its a limited choice, but it is a choice, and freedom is what its all about.


So will the death rate in a gold spell, spike above 30,000 additional dead? The season of choice is upon us all, and obviously there will be an additional option for the able bodies of suicide. One might regard this a s heartless, but is designed to make people realise the situation, as we kill tens of thousands through neglect, where no individual apart from the victim is responsible. Some regard it as natural de-selection, but in other countries like Greece over 3000 suicides a year just due to poverty, not being able to pay bills, as no jobs, and impossible costs, are now a yearly count.


Most of course will be the old and frail, so opening up addition housing to the rental sector so many benefit, especially landlords, who can buy up their properties cheap at auctions, to re-let. It also helps the treasury, who do not have to pay pensions, health costs etc. So neglect does have an upside.


The culture of individuality allows us all to let this carnage happen, we care by giving to charity businesses, which are paying those at the top lots, plus fringe benefits, which is which is what business is all about. I love the charity business, as they help the poor and needy after their expenses have all been paid off. So we are all indifferent to the fall in standards, and the I'm all right Jack, sod you attitude, is what we all practice, while paying lip service through gossip to actually caring.

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"A household is said to be in fuel poverty when its members cannot afford to keep adequately warm at reasonable cost, given their income. The term is mainly used in the UK, Ireland and New Zealand, although discussions on fuel poverty are increasing across Europe, and the concept also applies everywhere in the world where poverty may be present."



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