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Worldwide recession ..a conspiracy.

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More and more people are beginning to accept that the latest and greatest ever worldwide recession is a conspiracy. It continually allows the rich to get richer and maker the poor poorer. This forces the poorest people of the world to either die ( at little cost) or fight and compete for employment, which of course drives wages down and profits up. This makes the rich people richer.

Would the world bankers and politicians really be incompetent enough to lead the world into the present situation if they did not intend to?

NO....they all got together and conspired!

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The rich aren't getting any poorer. Brookes gets a £10 million payoff from Murdoch. Margaret Moran is too ill to be sentenced for fraudulently claiming thousands of pounds and there is hardly a murmer. Avoinding tax is seen a seen as a corporate occupation and the working class take the brunt in the austerity cuts. Bring on the revolution.

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The rich aren't getting any poorer. Brookes gets a £10 million payoff from Murdoch. Margaret Moran is too ill to be sentenced for fraudulently claiming thousands of pounds and there is hardly a murmer. Avoinding tax is seen a seen as a corporate occupation and the working class take the brunt in the austerity cuts. Bring on the revolution.


Which is a roundabout way of saying that you agree with me.:suspect:

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More and more people are beginning to accept that the latest and greatest ever worldwide recession is a conspiracy.


You would like them to believe that, it's been a common theme across all your multiple usernames.


Heard it all before.


As usual, your post only really raises the obvious question... why do you need so many usernames and accounts?


It's not like you ever post anything different each time.

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Its a coincidence as in that ex-Goldman Sachs employees are in charge of most European banks including the Bank of England.


To conspire requires time, as one needs a plan, and to work out the procedure and detail involved. When superior people, the financial sector, are accused of a conspiracy, it is impossible to prove. Who has the intelligence to question, who understands investments and such products? Who has a PhD in Maths? Who can afford the best lawyers, accountants to make sure no individual or other interest can do anything but question financial operations. So just think what you like, do any more than speculate and you will be destroyed financially forever. Its like crushing insects!


There is one politician in the UK with a science degree and from a financial point of view one too many. Arts degrees in law or other nonsense allows the superior to lord it over the rest. Know you insignificant places!


So the financial industry is accused of swindles, but pay fines/contributions/compensation. How many individuals at the top who have gone to jail? Answer…NONE! Some do go, but they are far down the pecking order and make good headlines, and anyway they were just following orders, but the public do not know that, who believe what they are told, like good children.


Dare question, dare find any real proof, and then you will be destroyed through the financial legal teams. The financial industry is untouchable, superior to all other individuals and businesses, and its about time the public recognised this fact. Its unquestionable!


Your evidence might indicate conspiracies, but just you dare to attempt to prove it? Do you have families, children, parents? What value do they have? The value they have to some, they can be used to milk through financial products and savings schemes, and if needed used to threaten so called clever investigators, to encourage a reassessment of what they are doing. Remember that life is fragile, we are all mortal, and vulnerable, and if one has the money these human traits can be exploited to deadly effect!

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The rich aren't getting any poorer. Brookes gets a £10 million payoff from Murdoch. Margaret Moran is too ill to be sentenced for fraudulently claiming thousands of pounds and there is hardly a murmer. Avoinding tax is seen a seen as a corporate occupation and the working class take the brunt in the austerity cuts. Bring on the revolution.


You lead the charge and I'll follow .. Viva la Résistance :)

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