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People are stealing to eat


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The pill and condom used together are as close to perfect as it gets (without surgery).


Effective enough to stop 99.9% of chavs conceiving.

Problem is they don't use either of them.


What about someone who used to be wealthy, until they lost their job? What about someone who was forced into sex and didn't want to get rid of it?


There's much more to the bigger picture, if you open your eyes!


That's the problem with a percentage of people on this forum. Narrow minded, self absorbed, sarcastic, presumptuous and stereotypical.


It's too late to change the views of some people though; you can't polish a turd!


---------- Post added 18-12-2012 at 16:44 ----------


didnt know baby have to have toys to survive?


No, they don't, but I know that I wouldn't want my baby to go without.

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What about someone who used to be wealthy, until they lost their job? What about someone who was forced into sex and didn't want to get rid of it?

You don't go from wealthy to poor upon losing your job. If you're wealthy you should be investing and planning for the future, not splurging your salary on frivolities.


Abortion exists and is legal and safe. There's no excuse for a woman to have a baby she can't afford to raise.

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You don't go from wealthy to poor upon losing your job. If you're wealthy you should be investing and planning for the future, not splurging your salary on frivolities.


Abortion exists and is legal and safe. There's no excuse for a woman to have a baby she can't afford to raise.

no you lose your job then live a life of luxury on benefits :loopy: why are you so down on people who find themselves in these positions :huh:
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Just going to throw this in.Perhaps the got-nawts need to read a few accounts of the great depression of the 1930s when been poor was just that! Disposable nappies/formula/welfare/social services/central heating/carpets/fridges/ (blah ect ) was a pipe dream.A great steaming luxury! Take a leaf out of their book and manage what you have!:rant:

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