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ConDems cut redundancy talks time to 45 days for big business

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45 days is a hell of a long time and is still generous.


Are you sure you've understood the changes. The 45 days is the consultation period where the employer consults with workers and unions (if any) over the form that the redundancy exercise will take.


After that then redundancies can take place, and there is a statutory legal notice period that must be adhered to. For some workers it can be as little as one week.


---------- Post added 18-12-2012 at 22:07 ----------


Boy are n't people predictable in their responses.Some responses have been so extreme they seem like spoofs.


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45 days is a hell of a long time and is still generous.


In my younger days I was sacked at a moments notice, and when working for agencies in 90s you had to ring up one day for hours the next day (if any). I'm not sure if this is the case still.


I'm now self employed with a few workers, and if they are not up to the job they get booted onto the dole.


45 days is still 6 weeks to find yourself another job. If you choose to sit there waiting for your end then more fool you, people these days need a bit of backbone, the time for mollycuddling is in the past.


Yes, its been done to me when I was younger (instant sackings), it keeps you on your toes. When I was younger, the male staff (trainees) would get a clip around the ear if they did not work fast enough


---------- Post added 18-12-2012 at 21:33 ----------





Get rid of the poor staff.


45 days is long enough to search for another job


When I were a lad it was quite common to be sacked before you were granted an interview.People frequently died before registering 45 days at work

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