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Tories call for Welfare Card for benefit claimants

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Capatilism can only work if the people at the top pay their fare share to the government, if this doesn't happen then society's fall. Every system has flaws at the end of the day, and every system has good points. Where capatilism lets most people down is it only encourages greed, and as one person gets richer, ten people have to get poorer, to subisidise their riches. These may not be facts, but I hope you understand what I am trying to say

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Capatilism can only work if the people at the top pay their fare share to the government, if this doesn't happen then society's fall. Every system has flaws at the end of the day, and every system has good points. Where capatilism lets most people down is it only encourages greed, and as one person gets richer, ten people have to get poorer, to subisidise their riches. These may not be facts, but I hope you understand what I am trying to say


Thats Capitalism for you. Good for those at the top of the ladder - Not good for those at the bottom !

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Just answer the question I asked you


If you expect others to answer your questions, maybe you should do the same.


Yes you would, I don't know why you are trying to deny it since everyone on these boards know what you are like, as you ably demonstrate every day.

care to give an example, or like other questions you are incapable of answering will you simply ignore it and move on to more rantings?


The only example we have is you dodging questions you don't want to answer. Are you finding it frustrating when tasting your own medicine?

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Capatilism can only work if the people at the top pay their fare share to the government, if this doesn't happen then society's fall. Every system has flaws at the end of the day, and every system has good points. Where capatilism lets most people down is it only encourages greed, and as one person gets richer, ten people have to get poorer, to subisidise their riches. These may not be facts, but I hope you understand what I am trying to say


But the poorest haven’t got poorer they have got richer; they can and do spend more of their income on the non essentials of life than the poor from years ago. The gap between rich and poor as got wider but then capitalism is about the accumulation of wealth, so it appears to have worked in the sense that there are more rich people than before and fewer poor people than before.

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Capitalism promotes greed, selfishness and poorness (eg a divided society) and nothing else. The top end product is a minority of people hoarding wealth that they cant possibly do anything with after they have funded their lives to the max !

No one else gets access to this surplus wealth because it belongs to them (even though they cant do anything useful with it because they have everything they could possibly want). OH I forgot about Inheritance which will keep Capitalism going for ever.

One way round it might be higher taxes for the very wealthy, but then these Capitalists would uproot and take their hoard elsewhere demonstrating their greed and selfishness admirably ! There is much wealth in this country,but it is harnessed by a select few.

At the bottom end of this product there are people struggling to make ends meet and cant get Employment to sustain a living through no fault of their own, and have to rely on benefits to survive. Then to top it off you have a divided society lucky enough to have employment who love to slag benefit recipients off.


The Government love you to bits. A perfect excuse to dismantle the benefits system. When people like many on here dont understand what its really all about and have been brainwashed into believing Doleys/Disabled are idle scroungers, the government are responding to your wishes !


In a modern world should people who are able to work be unemployed ? I wouldnt have thought so !

Thats capitalism for you. It cant work without Unemployment.


Asides to this, people who are on JSA are being forced to work voluntary or lose their benefits ! Its amazing how much work there is out there providing you dont have to pay wages. How can this be ? Is there anybody out there willing to exchange their paid jobs for unpaid work ? The renumeration is Handsome eg £71 pw with a guaranteed pay rise of 1% for the next 3 years.

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Capitalism promotes greed, selfishness and poorness (eg a divided society) and nothing else. The top end product is a minority of people hoarding wealth that they cant possibly do anything after they have funded their lives to the max !

No one else gets access to this surplus wealth because it belongs to them (even though they cant do anything useful with it because they have everything they could possibly want).

One way round it might be higher taxes for the very wealthy, but then these Capitalists would uproot and take their hoard elsewhere demonstrating their greed and selfishness admirably ! There is much wealth in this country,but it is harnessed by a select few.

At the bottom end of this product there are people struggling to make ends meet and cant get Employment to sustain a living through no fault of their own, and have to rely on benefits to survive. Then to top it off you have a divided society lucky enough to have employment who love to slag benefit recipients off.


The Government love you to bits. A perfect excuse to dismantle the benefits system. When people like many on here dont understand what its really all about and have been brainwashed into believing Doleys/Disabled are idle scroungers, the government are responding to your wishes !


In a modern world should people who are able to work be unemployed ? I wouldnt have thought so !

Thats capitalism for you. It cant work without Unemployment.


Asides to this, people who are on JSA are being forced to work voluntary or lose their benefits ! Its amazing how much work there is out there providing you dont have to pay wages. How can this be ? Is there anybody out there willing to exchange their paid jobs for unpaid work ? The renumeration is Handsome eg £71 pw with a guaranteed pay rise of 1% for the next 3 years.


Capitalists want unemployment? Are you mad?


The last thing any capitalist wants is unemployment.

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