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Tories call for Welfare Card for benefit claimants

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OK then, so the entire world can now see that you have no intention of answering the question I asked of you. Painted a great portrait of yourself haven't you?


You asked an unanswerable question because as usual it lacked detail and you refuse to give further explanation of what you want answering.


---------- Post added 24-12-2012 at 08:26 ----------


We've never seen pure capitalism so nobody knows if it will work. There have been examples that have come close - maybe 19th century England - and that was an exploitative system that enriched a small elite at the expense of the wider population and was a precursor to the development of a mixed economy. Maybe early 20th century USA came close too.


We also know that every state that has approached a state of pure communism has been a failure. Eventually some form of capitalism is introduced.


Basically every successful country adopts a mix of capitalism and social welfare. In the most successful countries the mix is heavily in favour of free markets and capitalism, with a healthy attitude towards social welfare.


Sounds about right to me and I would say that there isn't a mix of economic systems that will please everyone, so some will always say it’s worked or failed depending on their prospective.

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im still waiting for you to answer wex s question :roll::hihi::hihi::hihi:


Which is what?


---------- Post added 24-12-2012 at 08:50 ----------


You asked an unanswerable question because as usual it lacked detail and you refuse to give further explanation of what you want answering.


The question is why do you think Capitalism works? I said it doesn't work and gave my reasons. You challenged my views because you disagree with them. So why do you think Capitalism works?

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Which is what?


---------- Post added 24-12-2012 at 08:50 ----------



The question is why do you think Capitalism works? I said it doesn't work and gave my reasons. You challenged my views because you disagree with them. So why do you think Capitalism works?


Your question is unanswerable because you won’t say what it was meant to achieve, so again I ask what do you think it was meant to achieve?


If capitalism is about the accumulation of wealth then it’s worked because there are now more rich people and the poor people are wealthier than before.

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going back to the original debate about welfare card payment,

who decides what is a non essential item?

having your hair cut is not essential so you will not be able to do that

how would you pay your bus fares as that is a cash transaction

what happens if your washer,oven, etc breaks down how do you pay for that

how much would you be allowed for gas and electric

you will not stop druggies and winos by this system you will just increase the crime rate

talk about victorian values, wonder when they are going to build the workhouses

remember at one time (victorian) one in three women were on the game is this want we really want and here we go again the old tory game of divide and conquer

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going back to the original debate about welfare card payment,

who decides what is a non essential item?

having your hair cut is not essential so you will not be able to do that

how would you pay your bus fares as that is a cash transaction

what happens if your washer,oven, etc breaks down how do you pay for that

how much would you be allowed for gas and electric

you will not stop druggies and winos by this system you will just increase the crime rate

talk about victorian values, wonder when they are going to build the workhouses

remember at one time (victorian) one in three women were on the game is this want we really want and here we go again the old tory game of divide and conquer


We've had the workhouse discussion on here.

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going back to the original debate about welfare card payment,

who decides what is a non essential item?

having your hair cut is not essential so you will not be able to do that

how would you pay your bus fares as that is a cash transaction

what happens if your washer,oven, etc breaks down how do you pay for that

how much would you be allowed for gas and electric

you will not stop druggies and winos by this system you will just increase the crime rate

talk about victorian values, wonder when they are going to build the workhouses

remember at one time (victorian) one in three women were on the game is this want we really want and here we go again the old tory game of divide and conquer



A third of the female population on the game?I do not think that figure applies to the whole population but it may apply to London or sections of the poor.

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