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Tories call for Welfare Card for benefit claimants

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How are the OAP's going to spend all their £142.60 a week solely on food and toiletries?


Plus their yearly bonuses of £200 for heating and £130 for electricity?


And £25 a week cold weather payments if it is cold.


Disabled OR with a child under 5 on income based benefits (including tax credits) can also get the fuel credit and cold weather payments...

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And £25 a week cold weather payments if it is cold.


Disabled OR with a child under 5 on income based benefits (including tax credits) can also get the fuel credit and cold weather payments...


in the unlikely event that these terribly wealthy pensioners have a child under 5...or maybe they bought one to increase their potential greedy benefit snatching from the poor, young, drug addled, socialist worker, single man class of claiment

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in the unlikely event that these terribly wealthy pensioners have a child under 5...or maybe they bought one to increase their potential greedy benefit snatching from the poor, young, drug addled, socialist worker, single man class of claiment


A lot of British OAP's though are very greedy, ungrateful and don't realise just how cushy they've got it compared to young people who get the least, complain the least and are the most demonised.

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Another thread where self proclaimed experts who have nice safe jobs victimise the poor. That's all we need.


Here you are are trying to make ordinary people look bad -- the tories care about millionaires, they don't give a toss about you.

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I agree, why should benefit claimants be able to spend the money they receive on things like alcohol and luxury goods, or worse still, gambling!


Who's to say they do that anyway? It sounds like you've been reading the DM again and jumping to conclusions just like that sorry excuse for a rag does. It's in the news this morning that less than 50% of the UK population do not support the government's current action on benefits. This draconian proposal stands very little chance of being formalised let alone make it into parliament. Sorry to rain on your parade and all that, but if you want to live in such a harse country that this government is trying to create, maybe you should go and live in the Middle-East.

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Gonna be interesting to see the OAP's spending all their £142.60 a week solely on food and toiletries. Plus their yearly bonuses of £200 for heating and £130 for electricity.


We pensioners all live in Dore, pay tax at 40% and use our bus pass every day to save taking the Jag out. ;) Not.


Most over 65s I know live fairly simply, on what would be considered low incomes. However, it doesn't mean that we get cold weather payments, only those who are slightly less well off and in receipt of guaranteed pension credit get that. And I've no idea what the £130 off electricity relates to. :confused:


I listened to a debate about cards yesterday (radio 2), and I don't think they are a good idea for all sorts of reasons. However, considering that families with children are much better provided for than working age people without, I can see why there is a concern that some children's welfare comes a long way down their parents' spending choices. Its not up to anyone else what an adult spends their money on, as long as when its gone they don't just expect more. However, an adult who has the responsibility of looking after a child, and gets money on behalf of the child, has a duty to ensure that is what its spent on.

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