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Angry Muslims demanding ban on gay marriage

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In these days of overpopulation, war etc etc it is selfish to have children rather than your assertion.

and marriage means different things to different people-love, possession, conformity, security, tradition tec etc

By the way hope you have a long happy childless marriage halibut:)


Cheers Parvo - as it happens we have three between us from previous relationships and even if we wanted more the Mrs is too old, but that's cool.Three is more than enough.

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I genuinely think that the reason the get out clause for churches is that HMG was **** scared of taking on 2 million angry Muslims.

I think they would have been more than happy to face down the C of E but not followers of big Mo. The bonus for CofE and Catholics is that they get away with it also.


Exactly, if they can get away with orchestrating the worlds biggest paedophile ring for decades then banning gay marriage is of no threat.

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Thats amazing and could not see it happening here.Ithought it was written in the quoran If man lies down with man.Kill the man.


I thought that was from the Bible.

Leviticus 20:13


If a man also lie with mankind (some translate as 'man), as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
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I don't get this, why would gay people want to get married in a church/mosque that doesn't want them there?


Frigging bonkers this world.


Same reason blacks joined UKIP / BNP etc its simply to prove a point and lets these racist homophobes know that been black and potting brown is no grounds to deny them this right.


Plus some gays like to 'camp' it up and love all glamour, romance and attention that comes with 'traditional weddings' like many atheists aslo do.

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A Mosque is no different than a church. It's a place of worship for the faithful There should be no requiremment that a Mosque be forced to perform same sex marriages.


Is the government poking it's snoot in and attempting to interfere with the wishes of churches, mosques and synagogues?


That's tyranny of the first order

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