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Angry Muslims demanding ban on gay marriage

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Why absurd?


Maybe they should not allow anyone under 18 into religious buildings to prevent the brainwashing that goes on until they are an adult and get think for themselves whether a fairy lives in the sky.


I have not come across any Muslim who believes in a fairy living in the sky.


As for brainwashing- you really think that happens in a mosque?

When did you last go in to one and observe:rolleyes:


You are brainwashed by the media- a victim yourself.

'Brainwashed’ is a term applied to one who is forced or not given choice.


The brainwashed is he who follows man-made law. Man-made law is the basis which allows the dictatorship of the few over the vast majority and at the expense of the vast majority.


The brainwashed is he who considers himself free. People wrongly think they live in free societies. How are you free if you break a man-made law and are punished?


The brainwashed is he who follows the mainstream media. Where do most people get their views from? They get it from mainstream education and mainstream media, that is, the mass monopolised corporate media.

People follow the trends they set and the opinions they promote and the culture they spread, but do people not question the ownership of the media and the ideology and objectives of those who own it?


The brainwashed is he who follows ‘fashion.’ The brainwashed are those who continue to spend vast amounts on those goods because they carry a label of ‘value’ while such companies are making 1000% profit or more than the price they paid for such items in the foreign slave camps known as ‘cheap labour.


Brainwashed is he who follows the latest styles being mass advertised and manufactured, not because it is a fashion of the people but because a decision was taken by an oligarchy of manufacturers to introduce a new style and propagate it through ‘critics’ and ‘experts’ and foolish adverts that imply you will gain women, wealth and success by dressing in the latest pre-planned ‘fashion’.


The brainwashed is he who takes body-destroying, accident-causing, mind-repressants as entertainment. Alcohol, a multi-trillion dollar industry which fills the banks of the manufacturers and establishment through astronomical taxes while at the same time achieving the goal of escapism for the masses.


The brainwashed is he who gambles. The brainwashed is he who after all his excessive underpaid work and misery of over taxation and high prices due to fluctuations in bank manipulated paper money starts to entertain the hope he will become rich and starts to gamble or play the government introduced national lottery!


So....next time you use the word brainwash- just ask yourself if you're not a victim first.

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I have not come across any Muslim who believes in a fairy living in the sky.


As for brainwashing- you really think that happens in a mosque?

When did you last go in to one and observe:rolleyes:


You are brainwashed by the media- a victim yourself.

'Brainwashed’ is a term applied to one who is forced or not given choice.


The brainwashed is he who follows man-made law. Man-made law is the basis which allows the dictatorship of the few over the vast majority and at the expense of the vast majority.


The brainwashed is he who considers himself free. People wrongly think they live in free societies. How are you free if you break a man-made law and are punished?


The brainwashed is he who follows the mainstream media. Where do most people get their views from? They get it from mainstream education and mainstream media, that is, the mass monopolised corporate media.

People follow the trends they set and the opinions they promote and the culture they spread, but do people not question the ownership of the media and the ideology and objectives of those who own it?


The brainwashed is he who follows ‘fashion.’ The brainwashed are those who continue to spend vast amounts on those goods because they carry a label of ‘value’ while such companies are making 1000% profit or more than the price they paid for such items in the foreign slave camps known as ‘cheap labour.


Brainwashed is he who follows the latest styles being mass advertised and manufactured, not because it is a fashion of the people but because a decision was taken by an oligarchy of manufacturers to introduce a new style and propagate it through ‘critics’ and ‘experts’ and foolish adverts that imply you will gain women, wealth and success by dressing in the latest pre-planned ‘fashion’.


The brainwashed is he who takes body-destroying, accident-causing, mind-repressants as entertainment. Alcohol, a multi-trillion dollar industry which fills the banks of the manufacturers and establishment through astronomical taxes while at the same time achieving the goal of escapism for the masses.


The brainwashed is he who gambles. The brainwashed is he who after all his excessive underpaid work and misery of over taxation and high prices due to fluctuations in bank manipulated paper money starts to entertain the hope he will become rich and starts to gamble or play the government introduced national lottery!


So....next time you use the word brainwash- just ask yourself if you're not a victim first.


Lol I have no words....only that it is brainwashing.


Children don`t get the choice which is what it should be.They are took into Churches and Mosques etc, at a young age when they are vulnerable.They are taught of an eternal hell if they don`t follow the religion.They are taught if they do no follow there particular kind of dogma it will have incredible adverse affects on them.

Children cannot differentiate between god/presidents/santa/tooth fairy they believe what the adults tell them as unadulterated truth.

So yes it is brainwashing.


Show me a suicide bomber that is not brainwashed (bit hard after the fact).


Only a couple of months ago a Muslim beat their child to death because he could not recite the Koran and last month a Christian boy had the same treatment in America for not learning the bible.They were just being taught were they?


Anyone capable of logic and reason can see religion for what it is. Madness. Brainwashing and controlling of the masses that has run its course.


Brainwashing is also copy and pasting a reply from Google. Nice try.:rolleyes:


Of course we know how much Allah and his cronies love gay men...New york mag piece..


Gay men’s rectums had been glued shut, and they had been force-fed laxatives and water until their insides exploded. They had been found dead on the street.



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Originally Posted by Mr Fisk


I thought that was from the Bible.

Leviticus 20:13


which can be interpreted in many ways. Or just ignored, as many of the Levitican laws are these days.


It can only be interpreted in many ways by people desperately trying to defend the Bible. It clearly means homosexual sex is punishable by death



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Maybe it's time that the government passed a law saying there shall be no established religion of any kind. That would fit in with a modern multicultural society.
Not just a multicultural society, that is the only way to have a truly free society. Secularism is the only way to ensure that everyone has freedom of religion.
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To have children?:huh:


Straight people don't marry "to have children".


---------- Post added 22-12-2012 at 13:33 ----------


I don't get this, why would gay people want to get married in a church/mosque that doesn't want them there?


Frigging bonkers this world.


They don't want to.


---------- Post added 22-12-2012 at 13:45 ----------


I have not come across any Muslim who believes in a fairy living in the sky.

What do you think God is then? Sounds like a sky fairy to me, and a being indoctrinated into believing in it sounds a lot like brainwashing.


As for brainwashing- you really think that happens in a mosque?

When did you last go in to one and observe:rolleyes:


You are brainwashed by the media- a victim yourself.

'Brainwashed’ is a term applied to one who is forced or not given choice.


The brainwashed is he who follows man-made law. Man-made law is the basis which allows the dictatorship of the few over the vast majority and at the expense of the vast majority.

Man made law is part of a social contract that we partake of, we all benefit from living within society, but we need the law to set out what is and what is not acceptable behaviour.n

The brainwashed is he who considers himself free. People wrongly think they live in free societies. How are you free if you break a man-made law and are punished?

Freedom has to be constrained whenever it involves more than one person. If we were unconstrained then which wins, your freedom to live or someone elses freedom to kill you?


The brainwashed is he who follows the mainstream media. Where do most people get their views from? They get it from mainstream education and mainstream media, that is, the mass monopolised corporate media.

People follow the trends they set and the opinions they promote and the culture they spread, but do people not question the ownership of the media and the ideology and objectives of those who own it?

You'd have to be a bit paranoid to believe that all media sources, including independent ones have some sort of common goal or ideology.

The brainwashed is he who follows ‘fashion.’ The brainwashed are those who continue to spend vast amounts on those goods because they carry a label of ‘value’ while such companies are making 1000% profit or more than the price they paid for such items in the foreign slave camps known as ‘cheap labour.

Buying something that is being sold at a profit is being brainwashed? I disagree.


Brainwashed is he who follows the latest styles being mass advertised and manufactured, not because it is a fashion of the people but because a decision was taken by an oligarchy of manufacturers to introduce a new style and propagate it through ‘critics’ and ‘experts’ and foolish adverts that imply you will gain women, wealth and success by dressing in the latest pre-planned ‘fashion’.

Ermm, well, it's being rather suggestible, but lots of people don't really follow fashion. It's more of a teen obsession isn't it?

The brainwashed is he who takes body-destroying, accident-causing, mind-repressants as entertainment. Alcohol, a multi-trillion dollar industry which fills the banks of the manufacturers and establishment through astronomical taxes while at the same time achieving the goal of escapism for the masses.

repressants, wow, did you invent that yourself?

Having a drink is a pleasant experience, it doesn't need anyone to brain wash others into doing it.


The brainwashed is he who gambles.

Why? A lot of people enjoy it...

The brainwashed is he who after all his excessive underpaid work and misery of over taxation and high prices due to fluctuations in bank manipulated paper money starts to entertain the hope he will become rich and starts to gamble or play the government introduced national lottery!



So....next time you use the word brainwash- just ask yourself if you're not a victim first.

Asked, concluded not.


You seem to be against people having any fun though, and a bit upset at your God being called a sky pixie... Probably due to the brainwashing I guess.


---------- Post added 22-12-2012 at 13:46 ----------


Just have a civil partnership.


I really don't know why they're fighting so hard to call it 'marriage'. It's the same thing. And if I was gay I wouldn't want to get married in a place who's institution fundamentally disagrees with the life style.


You don't see it as discrimination that they can't get married even if they wish?


---------- Post added 22-12-2012 at 13:50 ----------


By free for all I assume you meant the large number of different kinds of Christian faiths. Well why not? That's par for the course in any society that claims to be a democracy.


If people want to worship the Great God Bing Bonga that's their right to do so and to heck with what particular church should be worshipped in or not worshipped in.


No country is as secular as the USA. The Episcopalian (Anglican church in America) is still going strong, even better than it's Angican brother in the UK which is splintering from some of it's churches in Africa due to differences in how this church should progress and adapt in a modern world.


Even as far back as I remember from my days in the UK most parish churches were mostly empty even on Sundays with just a few gray heads sitting in the pews. They got a much better attendance when they started to have Bingo Nights


So secular that in some states the schools aren't allowed to teach evolution but instead have to teach intelligent design...


---------- Post added 22-12-2012 at 13:52 ----------


I genuinely think that the reason the get out clause for churches is that HMG was **** scared of taking on 2 million angry Muslims.

I think they would have been more than happy to face down the C of E but not followers of big Mo. The bonus for CofE and Catholics is that they get away with it also.


I'm not sure you've entirely understood what the legislation is that's been proposed.

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This shouldn't even be an issue. No government should be involved in dictating the legal status of what is ultimately a private ceremony celebrating the love between two consenting adults, whether gay or straight.


Let contract law deal with the legalities and let churches, as private institutions and businesses, decide to whom they wish to offer their ceremonial services.


If churches don't want money from gay people for some dogmatic reason, it's their loss, and we should make sure they pay for their discrimination through that loss in income.

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This shouldn't even be an issue. No government should be involved in dictating the legal status of what is ultimately a private ceremony celebrating the love between two consenting adults, whether gay or straight.

The government is involved as marriage is a legal status already. Since that's the case they really should make it non discriminatory.


Let contract law deal with the legalities and let churches, as private institutions and businesses, decide to whom they wish to offer their ceremonial services.

Marriage isn't a civil contract, for historical reasons it has legislation governing it. The government have no intention of forcing churches or any institution to marry anyone they don't wish to.


If churches don't want money from gay people for some dogmatic reason, it's their loss, and we should make sure they pay for their discrimination through that loss in income.

No other organisation or business would be allowed to behave in that way...

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The government is involved as marriage is a legal status already. Since that's the case they really should make it non discriminatory.


I agree, as long as the state is involved in legally defining marriage, it's the government's duty to ensure it is non discriminatory.


No other organisation or business would be allowed to behave in that way...


Very few businesses would behave that way if it meant lost income to competitors. If one business refuses service to a certain demographic due to the discriminatory whims of its owner(s), this will inevitably be seen as a lucrative opening in the market for non-discriminatory businesses and in turn punish those who discriminate with lost income and poor reputation.

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None of which is from the Quran. So no it isn't.


The Hadith often contradict the Quran, and the fact that some of these hadith make up in some instances the Shariah is in itself anti Islamic when you look at the religion on the whole and in context, and extremists both pro and anti Islam do not like it when this is pointed out.


You've very selectively quoted from a very anti Islamic source, that's not entirely a fair and balanced appraisal of the subject.


Islam does not agree with Homosexuality, my personal opinion on this is that I disagree with Islam on this issue, but it definately, most certainly does not say kill a homosexual in the Quran. You are wrong.


Well Mohamed was hardly a saint and they enforce what the Hadiths say religiously.


Now lets have a look at the writings in the the Quran


"We also sent Lut : He said to his people : "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds." Qur'an 7:80-81 "


"What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, and leave the wives your Lord created for you? Nay, but ye are forward folk. Qur'an 26:165 "


What tolerance the religion of peace has!


And is Wikipedia anti or pro anthing?

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