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Looking for Advice on my rights on leaving work

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once again I find myself in need.of advice from my fellow Sheffielders.



So eariler today I handed in my notice at work (a store in meadowhall) but told them I could not work my notice (1 week) as my new job was immediate start. I gave them this in writing aswell as verbally.


my problem is they threatened with saying ooo we could seek to claw money back from training and told me basically i couldnt and tried to guilt me with allsorts.

i was left with 'we will get back to you'



I was wondering if anyone could tell me where i stand with this? as a wise man once told me ' a worker has the right to withdraw his labour'




(sorry about the long post)



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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If you are going for a better job no reasonable employer would stop you, unless they have 'paid to train you' in the job, which in meadowhall is doubtful.


Did you sign a contract stating that you must work for a minimum of ??? after taking a course that they paid for? If not treat them with the contempt they deserve.


If they did pay for your training thats fair... if not...


As an employer.



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unless they have 'paid to train you' in the job, which in meadowhall is doubtful.


Oooh if my husband heard you say that... he works at Goldsmiths upper and has been there for 7 years. He has had so much training over the years from goldsmiths and all the watch companies like Rolex and Omega. He goes on about 4 training trips a year all over the country, the most recent was in London just before the Olympics with Omega. Some of the staff get to go to Switzerland for training when they have got to the highest level and are selected. Nick is hoping he is selected soon lol.


You'd be surprised how much there is to learn about watches, diamonds, precious metals and jewellery, how to use repairs equipment etc.


---------- Post added 20-12-2012 at 08:47 ----------


You'd have been better posting this in the business & employment section or asking the mods to move it cos there are a few people who know about HR in there and will give you good advice.

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If you are going for a better job no reasonable employer would stop you, unless they have 'paid to train you' in the job, which in meadowhall is doubtful.


Did you sign a contract stating that you must work for a minimum of ??? after taking a course that they paid for? If not treat them with the contempt they deserve.


If they did pay for your training thats fair... if not...


As an employer.




Why do they deserve contempt? They have provided employment for someone, and a weeks notice of leaving is not unreasonable.

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I was sent away on training and did have a contract, my point being is i did not think an emmployer can force you to work your notice



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


My point being show some respect to the employer that has invested time and money in you, and that you are prepared to treat shoddily.


Act like an adult and treat people as you would wish to be treat yourself.

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