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UKIP candid Geoffrey Clark calls for disabled foetuses to be aborted

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Could you elaborate on how UKIP discriminates on the grounds of nationality or sexuality?




Can you demonstrate that they do not?

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You made the allegation so it's up to you to back that up, otherwise I'll just have to assume you are talking guff.


I'm sure that you know the problem with assuming ...

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I'd suggest that a party that discriminates on the grounds of nationality and sexuality is borderline far right at best. Add I to that mix a policy of massively increasing the size of the nation's armed forces and .... Bingo.


On immigration they want to treat all nationalities the same where as now we appear to favour Europeans and discriminate against non Europeans.


Can't think of anything they want to do that would discriminate against anyone on grounds of sexuality.

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OK. If it's a fair question, here's a fair answer.

UKIP is neither left nor right, you see.

Left = socialist, high-tax-rates, statist, anti-capitalist, pro-poorer.

Right = capitalist, low-interest-rates, conglomeratist, anti-socialist, pro-richer.


Whereas UKIP is neither:

a. socialist nor capitalist but mixed-ecomomist;

b. high-tax-rates nor low-interest-rates but low-tax-rates and leaving more money in taxpayers' pockets by avoiding waste;

c. statist nor conglomeratist [as to both of which, see the EU!];

d. anti-capitalist nor anti-socialist but seeks lower taxation and individual responsibility; nor

e. pro-poorer nor pro-richer but pro-individual.


And, anyway, far-right is the same thing ultimately as far-left.

A right-wing dictator is indistinguishable, in many ways, from a left-wing one.


Your analysis is so simplistic it's like 6th form politics.


Where would you put China on your spectrum? It's a communist dictatorship that is both expanding its state and expanding Chinese capitalism?


Many right-wing parties are statist. The French have a tradition of colbertism. Bismarck began a welfare state. Thatcher poured a lot of money into the NHS. UKIP supports the NHS, the biggest employer in the country. Your point b above - low-tax-rates and leaving more money in taxpayers' pockets by avoiding waste - is pure Thatcherism.


New Labour sought to be pro-rich. It also massively relied on PFI deals in the public sector but also expanded the welfare state.


Points d and e mean nothing. You're just saying that by being neither this nor that you're effectively supporting the status quo i.e. conservatism. Your website says that more than anything UKIP's economic policy is to support small and medium businesses. In other words it's pro-capitalist.


You then at the end say that far-right and far-left dictators are similar, thus undermining your earlier arguments about the differences between left and right. Stalin and Hitler had many differences. For that matter so did Hitler and Mussolini. So did Mao and Stalin. Different types of dictators have things in common as well as differences. The same is true for elected leaders. Countries have their own political culture where the left and right will have differences as well as similarities with sister parties in other countries.


As for things people may have in common, you yourself have said on here that Enoch Powell wasn't racist. A quick google of Enoch Powell t-shirt will show who's selling these things - the BNP and Stormfront, those supporters of the mixed economy and individual responsibility.

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