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Who gave teachers the right to tell children that Santa doesn't exist?

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No I haven't. It would only be a lie if I said something that was knowingly untrue. Not referencing something is not a lie.


Never. Why would I lie and let my partner leave the house looking silly?


This has nothing to do with Santa though. Why you want to make out that I'm a liar, I have no idea.

You've done the others though? ;)


The point is that you said

Are all lies told to children nice and harmless "fun"?
Implying that lies are a bad thing. They aren't necessarily. I'm not trying to particularly make out that you are a liar as such more that this myth isn't necessarily a harmful thing
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so claiming you NEVER LIE seems a bit silly

It isn't. I can phrase a point in such a way where it can still be true.


Prove I'm a liar if you want to call me one. You can't just infer it and then expect me to accept it as true.

The point is that you said Implying that lies are a bad thing.

I didn't imply anything. I asked a question.

more that this myth isn't necessarily a harmful thing

I never said it was.

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Yes you do.


You may not tell them outright whopping lies. They may just be little white lies. It may be you don't volunteer information or you tell them what they want to hear or you structure an answer in a strategic way but its still a lie. You don't go around telling the entire truth all day. Your life would be unmanageable.


You lie on this forum. Every time you use google and don't credit the source when you do you lie. You are passing off knowledge thats not yours. Granted its not an earthshattering lie, hardly Watergate, but its still a lie.


Actually I would find it difficult to lie because liars need good memories and if I use google to look up anything I always add footnote that google is my friend. Even at work I find myself not being able to get time off many a time because when asked the reason I always tell the truth. :D:love:

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Actually I would find it difficult to lie because liars need good memories and if I use google to look up anything I always add footnote that google is my friend. Even at work I find myself not being able to get time off many a time because when asked the reason I always tell the truth. :D:love:


Amnesia tends to be an age-related syndrome,so just try to relax and mind those 9 year old muggers when you nip out to Lidl in your mukluks.

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